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Event Idea: They've Been Hitting Us, Isn't It Time That We Hit Back?


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So, first of all, credits to:


for the whole idea getting into my head. All the events are where the tenno are being threatened by the Corpus and Grineer or they're dooming each other and we bring balance. Why not have an event where we hit them? Like the reddit thread suggested, hit the corpus and grineer where it hurts, corpus in their banks and computers, grineer in the facilities and propaganda or something.

I know that this conflicts a bit with the idea of the tenno trying to bring balance to the force - i mean universe-, but enough is enough, no? Its time that we showed the opponents that the tenno are not simply pests and have power. Give players a choice if you can, but i love this idea.

Hell, it might have an endgame potential as well, with us trying to grind towards getting the way to the grineer facilities or corpus banks, and then it might be hard to accomplish. Do with it as you wish.

Maybe a mission idea might be to hit a corpus bank, right? First we have to fight a LOT of corpus to get to the bank, get into the bank and escort the workers safely, and then have something defence style where two tenno plant the bombs while the other two defend the planters. It could all be over with a spectacular explosion. You also could try to solo it through stealth or something.

Well, thats all i could think of off the top of my head but please tell me if i did something wrong. I hope DE hears this and implements it too.

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Oh, you mean like, maybe we could sabotage a fleet of super ships the Grineer are trying to bring on line? Or maybe even infiltrate Corpus targets to learn the location of a Grineer outpost their hiding, then proceed to raid said outpost, costing the Corpus future contracts, the Grineer resources, and rising the tensions between the two to the point that the uneasy peace breaks out into an all out invasion? Or what if one of the factions came up with some new bio weapon or something, and we had to raid the distribution centres before it went into large scale production? You're right, that would be awesome.

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While I'm no military advisor, and while I'm not opposed to the notion of your suggestion, I can imagine there are a few lore-specific issues with this.

First and foremost, they vastly outnumber us. Every planet in the solar system is inhabited by either of them, while our numbers are only sustainable, as a result of us not having any centralized base (apparently), and not having the vast forces that they do. In addition, as it stands, part of the reason we haven't been "targeted" (all missions has thus far taken place on either of their territories), is that we are merely a nuisance to both; we keep one from overtaking the other, primarily because, should either of them gain the upper hand over the other, they could dedicate more ressources to eradicate us.
Because we are balancing both of their forces, they are aware that, were we not here to do so, the risk of their opponent getting the upper hand would be far greater. While targeting us specifically might erase us as a nuisance, whichever force that opted to do so, would likely be severely weakened.

The other aspect of this, is the level of nuisance we pose. Thus far, we've only hit one or the other when they were on the threshold of gaining a huge advantage over the other. If we hit both of them hard, we might see them do what we've done; joining forces against a common enemy.

Having a quick look at the reddit thread you posted, it is immediately apparent where I personally disagree:
They aren't trying to "step up their game" against us, but in general - possibly for the reasons listed above; focusing their forces on us would be a death sentence to either side.

Unless of course, as already mentioned, we gave them enough reason to combine forces against us.

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So, first of all, credits to:


for the whole idea getting into my head. All the events are where the tenno are being threatened by the Corpus and Grineer or they're dooming each other and we bring balance. Why not have an event where we hit them? Like the reddit thread suggested, hit the corpus and grineer where it hurts, corpus in their banks and computers, grineer in the facilities and propaganda or something.

I know that this conflicts a bit with the idea of the tenno trying to bring balance to the force - i mean universe-, but enough is enough, no? Its time that we showed the opponents that the tenno are not simply pests and have power. Give players a choice if you can, but i love this idea.

Hell, it might have an endgame potential as well, with us trying to grind towards getting the way to the grineer facilities or corpus banks, and then it might be hard to accomplish. Do with it as you wish.

Maybe a mission idea might be to hit a corpus bank, right? First we have to fight a LOT of corpus to get to the bank, get into the bank and escort the workers safely, and then have something defence style where two tenno plant the bombs while the other two defend the planters. It could all be over with a spectacular explosion. You also could try to solo it through stealth or something.

Well, thats all i could think of off the top of my head but please tell me if i did something wrong. I hope DE hears this and implements it too.

lol, very GTA style mission..


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Oh, you mean like, maybe we could sabotage a fleet of super ships the Grineer are trying to bring on line? Or maybe even infiltrate Corpus targets to learn the location of a Grineer outpost their hiding, then proceed to raid said outpost, costing the Corpus future contracts, the Grineer resources, and rising the tensions between the two to the point that the uneasy peace breaks out into an all out invasion? Or what if one of the factions came up with some new bio weapon or something, and we had to raid the distribution centres before it went into large scale production? You're right, that would be awesome.

Thats exactly it! Tethra - GRINEER are threatenting us with the ships, Cicero - GRINNER are threatenting us with the toxin. THEY are the ones hitting us then, i'm saying that we should strike when there is a small window of opportunity. Do it before they do it... again. See, even in Tethra, Vay Hek says that we are just pests and miscreants, why not change that and become a true revolution? Salad V in the trailer showcasing Zanuka mocks us as well. They'll actually fear us if we do this. Also, it might even make a nice plot-point in the lore.

Either way, its an idea. You helped me explain it, so thank you. I do hope DE implements this, because it certainly sounds awesome to me.

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While I'm no military advisor, and while I'm not opposed to the notion of your suggestion, I can imagine there are a few lore-specific issues with this.

First and foremost, they vastly outnumber us. Every planet in the solar system is inhabited by either of them, while our numbers are only sustainable, as a result of us not having any centralized base (apparently), and not having the vast forces that they do. In addition, as it stands, part of the reason we haven't been "targeted" (all missions has thus far taken place on either of their territories), is that we are merely a nuisance to both; we keep one from overtaking the other, primarily because, should either of them gain the upper hand over the other, they could dedicate more ressources to eradicate us.

Because we are balancing both of their forces, they are aware that, were we not here to do so, the risk of their opponent getting the upper hand would be far greater. While targeting us specifically might erase us as a nuisance, whichever force that opted to do so, would likely be severely weakened.

The other aspect of this, is the level of nuisance we pose. Thus far, we've only hit one or the other when they were on the threshold of gaining a huge advantage over the other. If we hit both of them hard, we might see them do what we've done; joining forces against a common enemy.

Having a quick look at the reddit thread you posted, it is immediately apparent where I personally disagree:

They aren't trying to "step up their game" against us, but in general - possibly for the reasons listed above; focusing their forces on us would be a death sentence to either side.

Unless of course, as already mentioned, we gave them enough reason to combine forces against us.

Ah, it is a fully valid point. I mean the Grineer are basically dried raisin clones, and their factories can churn out more if we pose them a true threat. The one point i have against this is that the tenno are designed to fight against hordes. Every mission, we can have 1 person against up to 300 enemies. Or 4 surviving an hour against a seemingly endless assault, so i think numbers just aren't the same when the tenno are concerned. Plus, our first big operation could be to try and steal the remaining cryopods back, so that we grow even more.

The second point is where i sort of draw a blank. They occupy parts of the solar system, while we only have a sustainable force. If they join forces, we'd be up against the whole solar system! But oh! I might be grasping at straws here, but wouldn't it be time that "our connection to the void" actually showcase something? Take control of a neural sentry, turn their own corrupted forces against them. Or maybe have ALL STEALTH MISSIONS! Where you have to create mistrust between the two now-combined factions, and then leave quietly as well. This might open up a lot of options for future creative ideas. But alas, i don't have a concrete answer for you just yet, only more ideas. The main point i'm trying to make is about the void.

The Orokin sent us there when they were almost eradicated and WON... before we slaughtered them. Eh. They turned to the void in desperation, and they came back with a solution. Whats stopping us from doing the same?

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Excellent counter-points. :)

While I agree that in a terms of turn-over, 1 Warframe equipped Tenno takes out many times more, and this seemingly only increases further when in co-operation with other Tenno, I also think - and I'm purely speculating on political/security grounds, not in-game mechanics - that we shouldn't underestimate our foes.

Our missions are often limited to quite a narrow area, in the big scheme of things; it's not unlikely that both sides have vast reserves of personnel outside those areas. In addition, we can't be fully aware of how large a force either side has deployed against the other, outside of the times we step in, which again might only be the "spear-head" of each assault - given how often and relatively soon they flare up once more. In essence, in the missions where we help either side, we're just blunting the spear of either side, untill the shafts are ground to another tipped point.

My second point was more specifically aimed at the fact, that our "ace in the hole" is that we are - most likely - hidden outside the orbit of the planets, in the Kuiper belt, for example. This gives us the benefit that any attempt to weed us out, would cost either side greatly - both in terms of focus and in terms of man-power. Should both sides agree to target us together, however, that ace in the hole is dealt, and considering the other point mentioned above, the full bront of both forces might feasibly prove to be so numerous that we risk being overrun.

Your point of stealth-missions is an excellent one; it's the perfect "excuse" to not only introduce them, but also - in terms of lore - for us stepping up our proactive role in the grand scheme of things. :)

Who knows, it might coincide with the addition of much harder missions (Badlands) - which I feel the game desperately needs, in order to keep things interesting.

So on one hand, we have more proactive "Stealth missions", which ultimately hit harder against either force.

On the other, we have the Badlands (explained as an invasion, in retaliation to the unavoidable case where a Stealth mission is failed - and our "scheme" is revealed); where the Grineer and Corpus are encroaching on "our territory". This might also serve to explain why these areas would be controlled by groups (clans/alliances) of Tenno - who have taken on the mantle of safeguarding our home-region or front-yard, depending on the specific area - and how this more direct assault on us, causes an imbalance among our forces, as one group of Tenno feels that the other isn't strong enough to maintain and safeguard the area they control, from Grineer or Corpus gaining a foothold.

(Getting a bit ahead of myself beyond this point, but wanted to jot it down while the brain-fart is still fresh):

This might also explain the later implementation of a new faction, one that's perhaps not present in terms of in-game units:

At first, these "inter-Tenno" battles are more or less only what amounts to "friendly competition"; one group steps down as another proves stronger than them in maintaining the area.

These friendly competitions, as they usually go when protracted, invariably turns into grudges. As the Tenno forces begrudge each other more and more, the invading forces make headway.

But, while the Lotus' origins are somewhat unkown to us, let's assume she is of Orokin design - just as us. Her specific task - the point where she was reawakened - was when the situation within the Solar System had reached such a point, that leaving the conflict to be resolved by their own parties, would inevitably mean the proliferation of either, and ultimately the expansion into our remaining home-territories. To counter this, she was awakened, in order to find the hibernating Warframes, to help stem this chain of events.

However, I assume that the Orokin - in all their wisdom - weren't this short-sighted.

They might have created a second "commander" - for lack of a better term for The Lotus - In case the enemy forces did invade our homes; this second commander (for now, I'll call her "Chrysanthemum") was tasked with safeguarding our homes.

In other terms, where The Lotus was focused on the activation of Warframes and combating enemy forces in their territory, The Chrysanthemum was tasked with safeguarding our own: Thus leading to the "standings" system also proposed for end-game purposes.

While not directly opposing The Lotus, her goals do not align with those of Lotus, albeit they overlap.

So while Lotus believes that the best way to stem invasion is by proactively attacking, Chrysanthemum (per design) feels that Tenno defenses have to be bolstered, in order to ensure Tenno survival - whatever the outcome of the inner-Sol wars.

Which leaves the Tenno with two (to begin with) opposing notions, from two factions that are in competition - but not war - with each other.

This of course also opens up for unique rewards for either side, as Lotus and Chrysanthemum might not just represent two different ideologies, but also different branches of research, as a result of trying to achieve their respective goals.

Right. Sorry for going a bit overboard and somewhat off-topic, but thought it was justifiable, as this discussion is about evolving and progressing the story-line of the game, as well as the game-play itself. :)


Edited by Santiak
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Excellent counter-points. :)

While I agree that in a terms of turn-over, 1 Warframe equipped Tenno takes out many times more, and this seemingly only increases further when in co-operation with other Tenno, I also think - and I'm purely speculating on political/security grounds, not in-game mechanics - that we shouldn't underestimate our foes.
Our missions are often limited to quite a narrow area, in the big scheme of things; it's not unlikely that both sides have vast reserves of personnel outside those areas. In addition, we can't be fully aware of how large a force either side has deployed against the other, outside of the times we step in, which again might only be the "spear-head" of each assault - given how often and relatively soon they flare up once more. In essence, in the missions where we help either side, we're just blunting the spear of either side, untill the shafts are ground to another tipped point.


Nice Metaphor :p. The point is again a valid one. I agree with you on the Corpus and Grineer having a lot more people on either side and the Tenno being a small uprising compared to them. But you forget - there are also humans in with each faction. With the Corpus, they are their workers and managers, and with the Grineer they are more or less slaves. I think it is officially been said that the humans are Tenno sympathizers. If we give them a sanctuary with the Tenno, out force suddenly doesnt seem so small now, does it? As for the spearhead blunting we do, we do it quite in a guerrilla form. We hit them where it hurts, stop their advance, and lay low till another opportunity presents. We do it again and again and again. The shafts will keep grounding to another point and an end wont be in sight, with the Grineer's endless cloning and the Corpus's robotic reserves. My event idea means to strike them right after a spearhead has been blunted, take them off guard, and stop it from growing into another spearhead.

My second point was more specifically aimed at the fact, that our "ace in the hole" is that we are - most likely - hidden outside the orbit of the planets, in the Kuiper belt, for example. This gives us the benefit that any attempt to weed us out, would cost either side greatly - both in terms of focus and in terms of man-power. Should both sides agree to target us together, however, that ace in the hole is dealt, and considering the other point mentioned above, the full brunt of both forces might feasibly prove to be so numerous that we risk being overrun.


We not only have the orbits, but the void as well. It would indeed cost the factions a lot to fully eradicate us, and then it'll be no guarantee of our extinction as the Lotus will be alive and there would be more Tenno inside cryopods. And i do agree, that both of the factions together could risk us being eradicated. But then again, there are humans in that universe, and more sleeping Tenno. We could always go straight to the void, and the factions' hesitation will buy us some reprieve. It would, though, add a lot to the plot and quite possibly add more game-modes to play.

Your point of stealth-missions is an excellent one; it's the perfect "excuse" to not only introduce them, but also - in terms of lore - for us stepping up our proactive role in the grand scheme of things. :)


Indeed, i also want DE to keep the Hijack game-mode without the cores after the event is over. Its pretty fun.  It is a nice opportunity to intro the stealth missions with the event, and then keep them permanently. 

Who knows, it might coincide with the addition of much harder missions (Badlands) - which I feel the game desperately needs, in order to keep things interesting.


The game does need them if they are to keep their players playing instead of ditching the game altogether after they get bored.

So on one hand, we have more proactive "Stealth missions", which ultimately hit harder against either force.
On the other, we have the Badlands (explained as an invasion, in retaliation to the unavoidable case where a Stealth mission is failed - and our "scheme" is revealed); where the Grineer and Corpus are encroaching on "our territory". This might also serve to explain why these areas would be controlled by groups (clans/alliances) of Tenno - who have taken on the mantle of safeguarding our home-region or front-yard, depending on the specific area - and how this more direct assault on us, causes an imbalance among our forces, as one group of Tenno feels that the other isn't strong enough to maintain and safeguard the area they control, from Grineer or Corpus gaining a foothold.


The different clans and assault ideas are amazing, it would be great if it was implemented, and if we fend off those assaults, i might make the Grineer and Corpus fear us more, and in turn, take out actions/threats/ransoms seriously. We could force them to hand over sleeping Tenno becuase of this. It would also make a great addition to the Badlands as well.

(Getting a bit ahead of myself beyond this point, but wanted to jot it down while the brain-fart is still fresh):
This might also explain the later implementation of a new faction, one that's perhaps not present in terms of in-game units:
At first, these "inter-Tenno" battles are more or less only what amounts to "friendly competition"; one group steps down as another proves stronger than them in maintaining the area.


The leaderboards might have a really good purpose here, and may inspire players to get higher scores and replay missions

These friendly competitions, as they usually go when protracted, invariably turns into grudges. As the Tenno forces begrudge each other more and more, the invading forces make headway.
But, while the Lotus' origins are somewhat unkown to us, let's assume she is of Orokin design - just as us. Her specific task - the point where she was reawakened - was when the situation within the Solar System had reached such a point, that leaving the conflict to be resolved by their own parties, would inevitably mean the proliferation of either, and ultimately the expansion into our remaining home-territories. To counter this, she was awakened, in order to find the hibernating Warframes, to help stem this chain of events.
However, I assume that the Orokin - in all their wisdom - weren't this short-sighted.
They might have created a second "commander" - for lack of a better term for The Lotus - In case the enemy forces did invade our homes; this second commander (for now, I'll call her "Chrysanthemum") was tasked with safeguarding our homes.
In other terms, where The Lotus was focused on the activation of Warframes and combating enemy forces in their territory, The Chrysanthemum was tasked with safeguarding our own: Thus leading to the "standings" system also proposed for end-game purposes.


Ooh, this is nice stuff. The second commander idea might be far-fetched though, as the community will simply say that DE is waving their pens and creating characters. It needs a bit more foreshadowing to be truly great when its revealed. But i love the second commander idea, and we could have the clan promotions mean something more and have the Warlords be contacted by the Lotus, as her generals or something. Or maybe another "aspect" of Lotus, defending instead of attacking.

While not directly opposing The Lotus, her goals do not align with those of Lotus, albeit they overlap.
So while Lotus believes that the best way to stem invasion is by proactively attacking, Chrysanthemum (per design) feels that Tenno defenses have to be bolstered, in order to ensure Tenno survival - whatever the outcome of the inner-Sol wars.


This could also stem into the "reason" for the clan competitions, and the winners of either the Lotus side or the Chrysanthemum are the ones DECIDING the lore and plot that unravels after it. Sort of like the Gradivus dilemma. 

Which leaves the Tenno with two (to begin with) opposing notions, from two factions that are in competition - but not war - with each other.


Another excellent idea.

This of course also opens up for unique rewards for either side, as Lotus and Chrysanthemum might not just represent two different ideologies, but also different branches of research, as a result of trying to achieve their respective goals.


I saw another thread on this, with exclusive mods and syndanas and skin and emblems being the rewards to each side. You can trade them... but not switch sides. So you have to choose carefully. THIS OPENS YET ANOTHER IDEA. 



Tenno that switch side "betray" their principal sides. And have a BOUNTY. The tenno of their original sides can hunt the traitor down and cash in on the bounty, as well as gain favour in their own ranks.

Right. Sorry for going a bit overboard and somewhat off-topic, but thought it was justifiable, as this discussion is about evolving and progressing the story-line of the game, as well as the game-play itself. :)


You can see that i did the same thing. It would improve Warframe a lot, and add a lot of content to the game. Warframe does seem like an ever evolving game, with new weapons and warframes being added giving it more depth, but not necessarily more life.

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