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Change Shadows Of The Dead To Legion Of Dread. [De Please Read Suggestion Of 200 Words]


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Well not just a name change, but a whole skill change which i will try to cover in 200 words below.


Relevant Suggestion: [DE Please See this section]


- Change skill name to Legion of Dread (LOD), skill consumes 100 energy points and summons 1 to 3 (out of a total of 9) special mobs only available to Nekros (cannot be encountered anywhere in game unless summoned by Nekros).


- Each of these 9 mobs have unique abilities and different base stats, the additional strength of the mobs(damage, health, level and resistance) and additional duration of summon is depedent on number of kills acquired by Nekros. (in summary, killing mobs add to base stats of the 1 - 3 unique summons)


- Number of summons is dependent on level of mod card, 1 additional summon per level of mod card.


- Kill, strength, duration cap will be present, kill cap is a constant integer(preferrably greater than 5 and less than 30), strength and duration cap are formula based (balanced as how DE sees fit).


- These mobs will engage in combat as well as provide special buffs and support that is unique to each of them during their duration of summon.


- Desecrate on LOD corpses gives health orbs, base stats are affected by mod cards, additional stats from kills are not.


End of Relevant suggestion [DE you can ignore from here on out]


Ok so now that is done, lets go to the irrelevant part of suggestion for those interested, AKA motivation and other thoughts of this suggestion.


Irrelevant part of suggestion:

Some thoughts:


So Legion of Dread, DUDE NEKROS IS A FREAKING NEK©ROMANCER, talking to the dead (well mechnically/inorganically dead objects) should be his life hobby.


Anyways the idea of the legion is like the legion of extraordinary gentleman, and since Nekros would probably remember(in the most logical sense) and be able to reanimate these legion of amazing once living foes (i mean why would you revive some common soul that he sees everyday? They are so common they probably provide him a daily eyesore(deadsore) having to talk to these weak and pathetic souls) who possess abilities unlike any within the solar system.


Some abilities can include AOE healing that is done when a fellow tenno health drops by 40%, or even a small buff in health of squad(Buffing health amount is still not a skill, therefore it can be quite an interesting way to put it as an ability =3) or even agility of squad, stamina regeneration, stamina total, TEAM RESISTANCE(Seriously look at how Rhino, trinity and ember are kinda selfish by having additional resistance only given to themselves, and there you have Nekros and his amazing legion who buffs his whole squad with additional resistance that is what i call a team skill =D)  or even having more sentiel health, sentiel revive, more loot drops(since he is already such a hoarder, just make it more extreme, don't we all love gold and mod cards(payday 2 FTW) :X) etc etc. There is so many possible abilities.


You guys can create some nice fanficiton(and lovely art) for these amazing legion, all i care is that they be special to nekros, they are only OP if the player is OP(well and also a kill stealer of the mobs of the highest levels). Since how i plan the formula to work is simply more kills and the higher the mean level of the mobs killed, the stronger is your legion, (How this equates is Higher level mobs = Stronger, fatter, juicer and much more tantalizing souls to use to recreate the amazing legion).


Next they are not insta win, if you want them to be insta win you have to wait for DE to come up with the formula on their duration cap and strength cap. Also, if DE is lenient enough, can you guys seriously give a duration cap of at least 1 minute or more, i mean its such a special skill and Nekros has to suck up so many souls to provide for these special people/enemies in his mind, he obviously won't want them to be there for just 30 seconds, that is just plain ridiculous, why would you want to create such an unforgettable memory only to last such a short span of time.


Legion Of Dread is not some last resort skill where you can claim it when you are in an emergency.... ok maybe you can be seriously only 3 mobs to gain aggro from say 25 enemies, you guys need to manage your engagements better, like seriously! Furthermore with a summon time, a last resort skill where you are calling to be shot, they should implement sudden spike in aggro when you use Legion of Dread for the 2 to 5 second skill summon time.


Finally Legion of Dread is not a useless support skill, a purely defense skill or a one time offensive skill. These punny little classifications are for meta gamers who stare at their screens to build a specific build, and unlucky for them this skill doesn't fall under one but all three catergories. (I bet you have a problem abandoning this awesome skill now HUH! you specific builders =P) This skill is for the skilled by the skilled. It rewards you for killing, it rewards your team that you are skilled, and even more it rewards you and your team when you have it, what are the downsides? One less mod slot and random Legions, so what they are all amazing!


To summarize, Legion of Dread is not a insta-win, not a last resort, not a useless support, purely defensive or a one time aggressive skill, its a freaking skill in its OWN LEAGUE! Want to compete with this skill, don't try, it is everything and nothing at the same time. What you should be doing is wishing for more unique skills like this on all frames, something not so damaging, so insta-winning, so useless, or so last restortive. This skill hasn't even been tested in battle scenarios, well because simply it depends on the scenario, so there is never a insta win opportunity to use it, you must use it wisely!


I Shall say this one last time, THIS SKILL IS FOR THE SKILLED BY THE SKILLED.


REPEAT AFTER ME! THIS SKILL IS FOR THE SKILLED BY THE SKILLED, THIS SKILL IS FOR THE SKILLED BY............. (problems with IB, my mind and soul have been taken away eons ago)


To all Nekros users,



While stocks last! (get it while its fresh too! Before it gets cooldown by the "nerf" factor).


So watcha guys think?

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Ok I don't really get why you want the name changed I mean I don't think someone will be like "OMG the new name is so much better gotta use it more #(input random #^!@)". If its for the reason so it sounds more like what its doing then that matter almost less, the name of a move is not exactly what it will do think, iron skin isn't really iron, well of life isn't really a well, energy vampire don't actually suck the energy out of someone like a vampire, world on fire doesn't really make a world thats on fire and so on.

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If DE for some reason decided to do this

which I doubt they will

it wont be for a long time because then you gotta:

make the enemies

animate them

give them an AI

possibly give them a spot on the HUD

give them abilities

balance those abilities


and I am sure a hand full of other things. Nothing is wrong with the idea or name of Shadows of the Dead. He isnt resurrecting enemies he is creating clones of the enemies using nanotechnology or somethin.

Besides, I am content with like 12 bombards and heavy gunners on my side

the chaos brings me much joy.


not only do they attack but all those bodies are collective meat shields, which is another plus

Edited by Anatolius
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Ok I don't really get why you want the name changed I mean I don't think someone will be like "OMG the new name is so much better gotta use it more #(input random #^!@)". If its for the reason so it sounds more like what its doing then that matter almost less, the name of a move is not exactly what it will do think, iron skin isn't really iron, well of life isn't really a well, energy vampire don't actually suck the energy out of someone like a vampire, world on fire doesn't really make a world thats on fire and so on.

Its more relevant don't you think? Also Shadows of the dead is like 3 letters longer than Legion of Dread, 1 letter longer for the Short form of SoTD and LOD and also it requires two syllabus less to pronounce Legion of Dread, that is nothing short of a simplification XD.


Eh, I still prefer my proposed changes :3 SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION :D

NU!!!!!! Self Promote me too!


If DE for some reason decided to do this

which I doubt they will

it wont be for a long time because then you gotta:

make the enemies

animate them

give them an AI

possibly give them a spot on the HUD

give them abilities

balance those abilities


and I am sure a hand full of other things. Nothing is wrong with the idea or name of Shadows of the Dead. He isnt resurrecting enemies he is creating clones of the enemies using nanotechnology or somethin.

Besides, I am content with like 12 bombards and heavy gunners on my side

the chaos brings me much joy.


not only do they attack but all those bodies are collective meat shields, which is another plus

Yesh DE must do this, they must do all that you state to create this awesome ability, it takes hardwork to get awesome results. Also the abilities haven't been selected yet, so for all we know more chaos may ensue, but your meaty body shields of flabby clone flesh won't come back , i am sorry for your lose, i am.... weeping.... omg don't look at me, i have a soft spots for these types of losses..... OH THE HUMANITY, WHY DID I EVEN.... I AM SO SORRY! T-T

Edited by Jacate
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Its more relevant don't you think? Also Shadows of the dead is like 3 letters longer than Legion of Dread, 1 letter longer for the Short form of SoTD and LOD and also it requires two syllabus less to pronounce Legion of Dread, that is nothing short of a simplification XD.


Ult, #4, 4, 4th we got short names

Edited by Sasoka
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Ult, #4, 4, 4th we got short names

Ah dammit, now that you mention it..... arguing will be hard.... quick i have to think of an issue about the names that would make it relevant.... ahhhhhh legion sounds cool, and dread painful, so it sounds cool painfully..... wait i can't, sorry i don't know how to defend the name change, SPARE ME SENPAI!

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Ah dammit, now that you mention it..... arguing will be hard.... quick i have to think of an issue about the names that would make it relevant.... ahhhhhh legion sounds cool, and dread painful, so it sounds cool painfully..... wait i can't, sorry i don't know how to defend the name change, SPARE ME SENPAI!

*not noticing* 

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