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Banshee Rework


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Banshee Used to be my favorite frames but with all the frames coming out she has easily become a frame I use out of sheer nostalgia and nothing else.Ok i'm here is my Proposal for Banshee. I feel like she is a crazy mix of caster, support, and stealth Frame, but she does all of them badly. I think she should just focus on being a utility/ Support frame. 


Sonic Boom: I don't have too many gripes about this skill. it serves the purpose of a AHHH GET OFF MEH skill and I think it performs well enough. 


Sonar: With Sonar you will do a Ton of damage, but is that damage really needed?? Sadly no so i'm gonna say reduce the multiplier. On a side note, and some people might hate this, but I think DE should get rid of M.Prime's x2 Multiplier. It is everything Sonar should be minus the blowing people up part. it can keep the slow because it is semi-necessary to keep enemies together to blow em up, But all the ults have a caveat (mostly being there damage type) and this can be hers. Furthermore Make sonar use able on Lephantis, Ruk, and any other boss it fails on. 


Silence: Nobody is picking up Banshee for this skill. It is simply outclassed by far with Loki's and Ash's invisibility. With the addition of being able to turn off alarms it has become more viable for Solo, but the problem is this game isn't meant to be played solo. plus there are mods that do this for you... So I was thinking scrapping this and changing it to a skill that reduces her threat level. Like she throws her voice and enemies will go there, or pacifies enemies back to a unalerted state. I need more help on re thinking that skill but still it needs to be changed. Throwing her voice Idea can make for some interesting combos with a few skills like Shield Polarize, Antimatter Drop, Slash Dash, Hollowed ground,Venom, Shock etc.. you get the picture it could be very versatile 


Sound Quake: oh sound quake... I really dislike sound quake because if I Dare to press 4 i'm more likely to die than kill an enemy. Furthermore vs. Grineer it is pointless, and I hate the idea of a useless ult vs Grinneer especially because I hate them soo much.. So I was thinking of something a little more useful. Banshee screams in a high pitch rupturing ear drums. I think it should work like world on fire (as in you can move) but instead of blowing people up it makes the scream in agony working more as a stun than damage. This would allow her to cast Sonar and pick those weak spots apart. 


Now these ideas are catered to my play style, I like the Swiss army Knife I can take anywhere rather than Warframes that are crazy specialized in damage and at that, Damage to a specific faction *cough* Mag *Cough* You can easily re create her into a full caster if that is what you prefer but she is susceptible to the damage type's weakness which I hate. These ideas may not be stellar but the real goal of this post is to get DE to start a Dialogue of reworking Banshee. From what I can tell she is easily the least used frame ( I may be wrong) and deserves a re work of some sort. I mean it kinda feels like they forgot about her... People moan about Frost's ulti for about a week and on the very next Dev stream they said they were looking into it. I would like some sort of feedback from DE so they at least acknowledge that Banshee is not being played and needs to be re worked. 

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Of Banshee's abilities sonar could use a boost, I'd think a slight rework could make the skill a little nicer. Rather than a randomly placed boosted damage area, have it boost a target's innate weak point's damage multiplier, and of course make highlight it as normal.


This would be far more helpfully than the current one we have as it is ineffective on bosses that either have massive damage resistance on non-weak point damage, or that can only be damaged from their weak point.


On a side note Soundquake could use a bit of damage resistance could be nice as we are left massively open to any attacks from enemies that are outside of the effected radius.

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i think Banshee right now would best be retooled in to a Sniper frame. Half her kit is already pretty much designed for Sniping. 

Sonicboom -> A close range knockback for when enemies get to close. It's pretty fine as is, could maybe use a little more knockdown/damage, but nothing serious. 

Sonar -> The longest range support skill offering a weak spot damage buff. 
Reduce the number, it's overkill, increase its quality of life to make up for it. Castable at range or follows Banshee around, and affects all targets in area for duration. 

My idea for silence was like the other stealth frames a form of teleport called Echo. Free targeting, but at a shorter range(20 meters forward at max I think, maybe a little more), all/half of the aggro on Banshee is drawn to an incorporeal 'echo' of banshee at the casting location for a set duration. 

And Soundquake, similar to Sonar. Castable at range, or, persists at dropped location. Damage reduced, but duration increased with chance of stagger/knockdown increased a little. 

Give Banshee the ranged/deployable abilities she needs to be our sniper/archer/Hunter class. As well as the ability to put and keep distance between her and her enemies. 


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I picked up Banshee when I first started in warframe, and the only time I was let down by her was when her sound quake went from god mode to kamikaze. But since then, the stagger has been a beautiful. A good combo I used was pop sonar and then sound quake when with a party and let the team have it. Solo wise shes agile enough to use sonic boom to get out of some tight spots. Personally, I'm happy with the way she is and not worth the overhaul, last time DE laid their hands on her, she nearly became a joke...

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Sonar would be much more flexible of it were a persistent aura like Turbulence. Banshee casts Sonar and the effect follows her around for the rest of its duration. It's always a little irritating when you cast it, the current group of enemies die, and then a wave of new enemies runs into the room with no weak spot glow. Or if you traverse a large room and the enemies on the other side that just arrived aren't tagged. Giving it the ability to only target the actual weak spots of bosses like Ruk would make it viable in those fights as well.

I have no idea what they're doing with Stealth, so I can't comment there. A placeable decoy as mentioned would give her more utility, though it would tread on Saryn and Loki's utility - and their decoys need reworks as well.

A high-pitched sound blast instead of Sound Quake fits thematically; perhaps it could cause a radial stagger that allowed her to move around? Might be redundant with skills like Stomp/Miasma/Blind. Making it placeable sounds cool but then wouldn't it be Bastille?

Running on little sleep and hunger right now, might expand on my thoughts later.

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Running on little sleep and hunger right now, might expand on my thoughts later.

White Noise ability to help people sleep? 



Sonar would be much more flexible of it were a persistent aura like Turbulence. Banshee casts Sonar and the effect follows her around for the rest of its duration. It's always a little irritating when you cast it, the current group of enemies die, and then a wave of new enemies runs into the room with no weak spot glow. Or if you traverse a large room and the enemies on the other side that just arrived aren't tagged. Giving it the ability to only target the actual weak spots of bosses like Ruk would make it viable in those fights as well.

I have no idea what they're doing with Stealth, so I can't comment there. A placeable decoy as mentioned would give her more utility, though it would tread on Saryn and Loki's utility - and their decoys need reworks as well.

A high-pitched sound blast instead of Sound Quake fits thematically; perhaps it could cause a radial stagger that allowed her to move around? Might be redundant with skills like Stomp/Miasma/Blind. Making it placeable sounds cool but then wouldn't it be Bastille?

I think that's one of the reasons Banshee is so low on people's lists. 

She's just inflexible compared to other Warframes. She needs the flexibility of ranged abilities or persistent effects. Even then Silence might be better. 

My idea behind the decoy is that it wouldn't last as long as a Loki and Saryn's and would only draw from the aggro Banshee collects. Saryn's has the explosive application, which I think differentiates it enough, and Decoy draws its own aggro while being castable at range.   


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A high-pitched sound blast instead of Sound Quake fits thematically; perhaps it could cause a radial stagger that allowed her to move around? Might be redundant with skills like Stomp/Miasma/Blind. Making it placeable sounds cool but then wouldn't it be Bastille?



What makes the Aura sound quake or sonic emitter (whatever you want to call it)different from Bastille/Stomp/Blind/ Miasma is that you can Move! instead being stuck on the ground getting shot at. to me the stagger that sound quake produces is just not good enough. the emitter wouldn't stagger just cause people to stand still, and the radius does not have to be huge like Bastille or Stomp, it could be like 15m base. the Movement might make it better for things like Survival or Rushed Capture while Bastille/Blind/ Stomp still remain great in modes like defense and Mobile defense. it would suck to have a banshee with an Aura skill like that cowboying it up away from the PoD

Edited by cd33
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I picked up Banshee when I first started in warframe, and the only time I was let down by her was when her sound quake went from god mode to kamikaze. But since then, the stagger has been a beautiful. A good combo I used was pop sonar and then sound quake when with a party and let the team have it. Solo wise shes agile enough to use sonic boom to get out of some tight spots. Personally, I'm happy with the way she is and not worth the overhaul, last time DE laid their hands on her, she nearly became a joke...


How can you even say that!? I'm seriously confused. Banshee as she is bad. You may not like my suggestions but to say she is fine as is, is ludicrous. Sound quake is horrible right now. Even if the stagger is "beautiful" it becomes worthless when you die or when there is a more useful frame around with a skill like Radial Blind, Bastille, or Stomp. Each of those skills are way better CC than the Stagger sound quake produces. Besides whats the Stagger mean if you yourself can't capitalize off of it. It is just a skill with a huge Risk on it with very little reward. I mean think about its 100 energy for a stagger/knockdown effect that more than likely won't kill.

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ive always wanted an acoustic distraction skill to replace one of her least used skills 


so you can be tactical with banshee, manipulating enemies with sound to rearrange positions on the battlefield which fits in with support role and displacement with long range weapons 


anyone who says banshee is not worth DEs time for a overhaul you have to remember this is long overdue, many people have been asking for this constantly for a long time now , on the wiki she was the highest voted for the next overhaul far ahead of any other frame 


her actual design is fantastic and sound is something you can be wonderfully creative with, shes worthy of greatness


btw the animation that locks you down for duration of soundquake REALLY HAS TO GO


lets face it the harsh truth why she hasnt been overhauled yet is because she just isnt popular as rhino with all the noobs which results in less whine threads on the forums prompting devs to change it 

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lets face it the harsh truth why she hasnt been overhauled yet is because she just isnt popular as rhino with all the noobs which results in less whine threads on the forums prompting devs to change 

EXACTLY!!! She has to change!!! Long Overdue

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banshee is still my favorite warframe


i want to use her more, she is so close to being excellent she just needs that little bit of fine tuning and a few changes here and there


she is that underdog who can rise up to the challenge when applied at the right place in the right time

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