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RaiZu's Studio - Clan And Alliance Emblems


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Always after I deliver a finished product. And the price depends on you, I've had request from 20 platinum up to 500. I give my full to even the smallest request and sometimes people feel generous if I give them something cool :)


Good to know, I'll talk about it with a friend and I might give you a request!

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A border watermark would be easy to remove. I'm not worried about theft. If someone decides to steal I can just report them and make them lose the plat they used to upload the stolen emblem :)

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Another filled request



I would like to mention I am planning to form an alliance whose name I will not disclose untill I am sure I have it. If anyone is interested in joining said alliance please whisper me. 

I've also made a website for it so we'd be ready to go full force!

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I use CS3. And honestly I don't know what your issue may be. Some of mine also turn out very pixelated and I just add tiny dark glows to help with that. Your screen resolution can also be a factor in that

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Hey bro,

Me and my Bud have a clan together and we are trying to get some awesome clan-emblem. Sadly we are both just too stupid for such artistic stuff so I'd like to ask you if you could do us the favor of creating one for us =).

We call Ourselves "Mutant Ninja Clan" and thought of having an emblem based on the symbol for biohazard and maybe some kind of badass mutated tenno skull in the middle. it should be held in the colors red, grey/white and black (basically a tribute to the N7 colors from mass effect :3 ) and it would be really cool if it could have some sort of simplistic future touch. Give me a heads up if you think you can do anything for us =)

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clhVseq.png i would like it to be a broken chrome mask with black smoke like face for the other half. like this (my crude painting) ...and somthing behind the mask maybe (your choice. my clans name is in the dead latin language meaning Hollowed Warrior if that gives you any idea/inspiration) . no border if possible. thanks =)


please make the mask cooler than mine though..mine is crap lol

Edited by inks84
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