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New Boss Concept And Other Ideas


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Hey everyone, recently I had a crazy dream and it inspired me to write up some concept about a new infested boss. I'd like your feedback and maybe if everyone likes the DE's will take a look at it too.


I'll include a TLDR section at the bottom.


Trailer Idea:
On board a derelict ship, four tenno: Rhino, Excalibur, Ember, and Valkyr, are running through destroying infested. In the background the Lotus's voice can be heard "Strange readings have been found in the void. Find it and destroy it." or something along those lines. Suddenly the tenno make it through a hallway leading to a dark room. The door to the room opens and they see a charger corpse on the ground at the edge of the light. On the charger corpse, a smaller pale creature is devouring and consuming its flesh. The creature turns to look at the tenno and opens its horrific mouth revealing a mass of tentacles and razor fangs. The creature backs away slowly when suddenly glowing eyes begin to appear behind it. Excalibur steps forward and with his blinding light reveals that there was not only 1, but hundreds of them. Ember then steps forward cracking her knuckles and stretching her neck. She begins to cast her world on fire, but Rhino sensing something strange looks over his shoulder in the corner and sees one of the infested creatures. Excalibur, Valkyr, and Rhino begin to fire at the lone creature as it jumps toward Ember but it was too swift. Ember collapses to the ground with the creature on top of her. Excalibur slash dashes at it to get the beast of his fellow tenno but the beast quickly evades and rejoins the other infested. Valkyr and Rhino rush to his side. Valkyr kneels down and places her hand on to Ember's neck. The wound was fatal. In a fit of rage Valkyr breaks out into hysteria and Rhino roars in rage over their fallen comrade. The camera moves low onto the floor where only their feet rushing into the horde can be seen and fades to black where only the sounds of gunshots, ripping flesh, and the crushing of bones can be heard. The camera comes back to the scene with Valkyr hunched over and exhausted and Excalibur trying to keep her from collapsing. Rhino using akvasto suddenly hears the clicking sound of the empty chamber. They're out of ammunition, out of energy, and out of hope. The three begin to move back slowly towards the hall they entered. Rhino looks over his shoulder towards Excalibur and Valkyr. Excalibur looking towards Rhino begins to shake his head in strong disagreement. Valkyr reaches out for Rhino's hand but Rhino quickly turns and pushes them into the hallway and smashes the control panel locking and sealing the door shut. The scene changes to Excalibur and Valkyr hitting the door in a desperate attempt to save their friend. On the otherside they can only hear the sound of armor being torn apart and the mashing of flesh and bones. Suddenly it grows silent. Then scratching and scuttling sounds can be heard in the vents and ducts above and around them. Excalibur and Valkyr look at one another and hesitantly agree that there is nothing left they can do here. They escape and the scene changes to the extraction ship flying away from the derelict.

So as you can see I want to introduce a new infested boss. The infested in the video trailer I described were a juvenile form.
My quick description of these juveniles would be a fleshy and pale miniature jackal boss. The head however would resemble the head of a skag from the Borderlands series with its mouth pretty much being the head and having three parts. The full grown version would be about the size of Phorid, its front limbs long with sharp claws. Although the limbs are long the body itself hangs fairly low to the ground similar to an arachnid. On its back are large sharp spines.

1.False stealth- More like a camouflage then stealth it becomes partially transparent leaving a fairly obvious blur to show where the beast is.
2.It has the ability to launch the spines on its back and fires similarly to the Boltor and not like Phorid's homing daggers.
3. Extremely agile and can cling to walls.
4. Phase shift- kind of like teleporting but shorter distance. We can just call it teleporting short distances but phase shifting sounds much cooler.
The next two are its signature moves and are what really defines this monstrosity.
5. It pounces onto the tenno pinning them down and biting at them causing some fairly heavy damage. The tenno is able to struggle and break free in something similar to a hacking mini game but instead can be key presses and not line connecting.
6. The infested opens its mouth and a long tentacle fires out grabbing the tenno in closer so that it can pounce on the tenno similarly to 5. When this happens the tenno can shoot or slash at the tongue to free themselves.

Gameplay mechanics:
The boss is primarily melee so it should be sturdy while occasionally launching its spines. In order to make the boss a challenge without making it impossible I'd hope for it to have its own arena similarly to the jackal but larger so that the tenno can focus solely on the boss and not on hordes of other infested. Also to include the same mechanics added to the hyena's where more tenno means more of the new infested boss at once. This boss should also be immune to CC and resist slowing effects

Its main weakpoint is in its soft and fleshy mouth but the only way to fire at this weakpoint is after a tenno is pinned down or is hooked by the tongue. For example, if the tenno was pinned down fellow tenno can begin shooting at its mouth as it tries to devour their friend in hopes to make the beast release the tenno from the pin move. Alternatively, if the tenno is pinned and is playing solo, when they complete the mini game, the beast is temporarily stunned and out of breath giving the tenno an opportunity to fire at its weakspot. The best way is when the tenno is hooked in by the tongue. If the tenno successfully sever the tentacle tongue, the beast will scream out in agony and its mouth will be open for a long duration but the beast will still be mobile and not stunned.

I hope by adding in these mechanics and the trailer that it'll promote teamwork and evoke emotions within the players to want to avenge their fallen comrades.

Event Ideas:
So for the event I was hoping for something invasion related. Play infested invasions and similarly to the stalker the juvenile versions of the boss would appear and the tenno would have to kill them to get a rare resource and craft something that would allow them to scan for that creature's DNA and find its layer.
Once they craft the key and enter the mission, they'll just go through the assassination mission as usual. BUT!!! there's an added twist. In a random room, the boss will make its appearance. The tenno will fight the boss and after a certain amount of damage is done a cut scene will play showing the boss fleeing the room. Then its up to the tenno to hunt it down unknowingly being lead into the arena. Goal of the event could simply be to eradicate as many of these abominations as they can. I hope that'll be challenging enough though.

Events pt2
After that event that introduces the boss, I was thinking that after every infested invasion mission is cleared and that map returns to normal that if tenno played in that map within the day, there would be a chance for the boss to appear again similarly to the stalker and harvester. My reasoning is that although the infested were cleared out, something was left behind, overlooked. It was a pod. BUM BUM BUUUMM!!

After Event appearances:
After all the events the boss can just appear alternatively to the phorid or be a boss in the derelict.



A new infested boss that pins down players and a bunch of events and trailers to go along with its arrival to the game.

So thats my long idea, hope it wasn't too long and bore you. Thank you for your time and I hope that everyone is able to give this a look maybe.

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lol more like the grunt aliens in Natural Selection 2 but the size of Phorid and the head of a Skag from the borderlands series so nothing like that xD

but i did play vindictus long ago.






Like a mix between those two

Edited by Sheetaki
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