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Tried it, uninstalled over horrible bottom of the barrel loot system


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Just did the Jackal boss, but due to the unbelievable clusterf*** of a loot system I missed out on the warframe, meaning more epic grinding to reach level 2 to even have a shot at it, I hate to say this but just having the ability to buy it with cash and avoid the huge grind would be better because the loot system is aggravating.

Things aren't apparent, they don't show up well, it seems as if they don't even drop with the enemies as you're in their midst as they die to melee, you come back and there's a mod, like where did it even come from? Did it drop after they died and your squad left? Just "it dies, you get the loot", this is all that needs to be done to avoid this sort of aggravation.

Won't be returning after that extremely long fight with NO reward, hopefully the game is improved before release.

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I don't think I've ever noticed mods showing up after an enemy has died. Sometimes a mod flies a good distance or falls in a pit where the game spits it back out somewhere beside it, but those instances are rare.

What do you mean you missed out on a warframe blueprint, exactly? You know the bosses don't drop them every time, right? It would be far to easy to build them if that was the case. As it is, I've helped many people get whole sets of blueprints in less than a couple hours. I'll admit the average time is quite a bit longer, but they are the most valuable objects in the game...

Edited by Sealgaire
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hes just crying to cry seems like a horrible rage quiter blueprints do drop if it they droped so easy whats the point in playing the game if u get the prints so easy haveing to work for your drops is more fun to me and getting everything in the first day of playing people who want things now shouldent play mmos just play a SP game and then u will be happy mmos u have to work for what u get and if people cry about drop rates thats their problem

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idk how you could have "missed out on the warframe" loot... The warframe parts are not 100% drop rate and if someone in your party picked it up, it does so for all members of the group i believe. This applies for credits as well as the "white balls" and "red squares".

As for the mods, they are kind of half disk blue and silver looking thing that looks out of the ordinary, they should be pretty easy to spot once you know what to look for. If you play in a party, just tell everyone to drop a waypoint on the mods when they drop so that everyone can get it.

The only problem I can find with this drop system is the lag that is caused when multiple credits are dropped from mobs and lockers but thats about it =/

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Ha, i got the same trouble trying to farm Jackal - Rhino just not drop from this robot.

Then I got Ember helmet and chasis from Sargus 2 consecutively. It's random, get over it.

Man it's like people never played Diablo II. I remember the good old days of running bosses 50 times to get rare loot. It's literally how games like Borderlands, Diablo, and now Warframe get their longevity from.

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Man it's like people never played Diablo II. I remember the good old days of running bosses 50 times to get rare loot. It's literally how games like Borderlands, Diablo, and now Warframe get their longevity from.

I wouldn't call those "good old days", personally. Those kinds of 0.01% drop rates are exactly what I'd hope to avoid in Warframe (I know that's an exaggeration). I suppose Warframe won't have loot grabs which will help things as well. To be honest I really have no idea how I ever got anything in D2 because of how draconian the drop rates and the traders were.

It doesn't help that D2 was really boring in retrospect when it came to doing runs over and over, a pitfall WF is doing a good job of avoiding so far. But I still think the drop rates of frame prints, at least, should be improved, especially considering how much time you have to invest to get the parts needed and then get them built. If you want to look at it from a business standpoint, the faster you put prints into people's hands, the faster they're faced with the "RUSH" button.

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About loot, I'm more concern on the fact that the way loot currently drops is weird. We are talking about a game that has a lot of different particle, shader, post processing, or whatever the hell effect. While they look nice, and I love them, they also inherently makes larger fights (especially defense) pretty messy. I don't have a problem with that, I think it is cool. But one of the side effect is that it is hard to tell when a mod is dropped. Normally this is not a problem if it is drop from melee kills, but range combat exists, teammates exist, levels are not corridors, etc. There needs to be a better system in informing the player a mod has dropped. In fact I don't see the point of having to pick it up.

When a mod drops, just automatically give it to the players, do the little notifcation effect they are already doing as well, and the problem is solved. Players shouldn't be punished for either teammates not calling out mod drops, or not having loot radar, not backtracking to check every path in order to make sure they don't miss any drops.

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I wouldn't call those "good old days", personally. Those kinds of 0.01% drop rates are exactly what I'd hope to avoid in Warframe (I know that's an exaggeration). I suppose Warframe won't have loot grabs which will help things as well. To be honest I really have no idea how I ever got anything in D2 because of how draconian the drop rates and the traders were.

It doesn't help that D2 was really boring in retrospect when it came to doing runs over and over, a pitfall WF is doing a good job of avoiding so far. But I still think the drop rates of frame prints, at least, should be improved, especially considering how much time you have to invest to get the parts needed and then get them built. If you want to look at it from a business standpoint, the faster you put prints into people's hands, the faster they're faced with the "RUSH" button.

Well I was using 'good old days' sarcastically. Warframe's loot drops are a lot better than D2's, although the warframe blueprint drop rates are pretty aggravating. Those probably should be adjusted up and/or there should be a very slight chance that random enemies can drop them as well as the boss or they could be randomly awarded in alerts, so you aren't just farming one mission type.

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Gues i should feel lucky. Got all Ember parts in 2 hours, maybe even less and got all Rhino parts in 5 runs on Jackal.

My comment to the little whiner :

1 ) How could you miss a dropp on Jackal ? You are fighting him in a big room with like 4 pillars. It is preety much impossible to lose drop there.

2 ) Try playing Ragnarok or any other top mmo, i bet youll quit all of them in less than a week with your attitude. If you want everything and you want it right away just buy the damn Warframe...at least your money will go to the right people.

P.S - Not sure what is the problem with drops, if you are not rushing like crazy then everything is fine.

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