Revel72 Posted March 21, 2014 Share Posted March 21, 2014 (edited) <p>Lotus:<br /> <br /> We are not really sure what is this robot but we do know damn well it shoots and combat is dream of two of our enemies. Even we have had been threaten by this mechanical danger sniper rifle as weapon of choice but this thing... Shoots them automatically, semi automatic and bolt action even capable for burst fire mode. Tenno has not yet seen in face to face combat this robot but weapons has been analyzed to be high caliber around 75. caliber rifle making it possible to impale even an army of Grineer armor.</p> <p>Yet we have had been researching and currently fire of this rifle is able to penetrate and punch through over 120 Grineers in one shot. We tested the shot on Warframe armor only Valkyr with maxed Steel Fiber barely survived Iron skin leaves only 5 health remaining. Yet they are unable to punch through the Blessing, Absorb or Hysteria. We have stopped our research to reach this fire power our resources and interest to this really old technique is not worth of our attention.<br /> <br /> I am Lotus. Be aware of this thing Tenno.<br /> <br /> Vor:<br /> <br /> We have found yet new enemy champion of marksman ship and master of aiming. War machine without mercy all of our commanders has interest on this weapon design as we found remainings of one bullet it is able to penetrate 120 armored troops on one shot this brutal weapon must fall on hands of the sisters. We haven't yet found any evidence that it has allied with anybody. We have seen bullet holes on Infestation and Corpus even Tenno has suffered some painful sent backs.<br /> <br /> I have sent my message to sisters as request to continue our investigation on this machine of genocide. The galaxy would be ours with this machine in mere week. We haven't seen the thing on face to face combat but as our research team started to analyze the bullet they gave me result of weapon caliber is 75. Able to penetrate warframe armor like a warm knife on butter. Yet only head shots has been landed on our fallen troops. We named this machine. Contender.<br /> <br /> This is Captain Vor. Signing out.</p> <p>Alad V:<br /> <br /> I have found new... Product... Able to punch through all armor what we have invented to this day. Our research results tells that shot send out of this weapon has higher caliber than rocket launcher about 75 caliber shot able to punch through 105 corpus helmets and result is worth of my attention I want to make deal with this... Thing. Grineer started to call this thing Contender yet no face to face contact hasn't been received only thing what I saw was a giant hunk of metal.<br /> <br /> Before it stomped harvester in to one metal blank thing should be weight about 3750 kilograms and pressure power on step is that three times higher about 11250 kilogram weight this thing can press on victim who dares to engage melee combat against this... Contender. As much as I hate Grineer this name Contender seems to be fitting. I will need to change subject now to save time on this recording. Yet this thing hasn't allied with anybody weapons fired at everybody.<br /> <br /> I am Alad V. End of recording.<br /> <br /> Day 92 Battle of Power.<br /> <br /> Alad V:<br /> <br /> We have found trace of this... Contender finally. My fellow scientists found last shots to be fired on Ceres Exta I am not sure is this thing up to go against Lt. Krill but I am glad to see him suffer if that happens. Me, thousand head army and my Zanuka are near of this base.<br /> <br /> End of recording.<br /> <br /> Vor:<br /> <br /> Finally a great step forward on finding Contender last time machine's foot prints has been found from Exta on Ceres. I warned my friend Krill that he has a visitor that must not be harmed or appear on sight weapon in hands me and my small army were closing in on the Exta and we all are anxious to see Contender.</p> <p>Point of view: Lt. Krill<br /> Location: Exta<br /> <br /> As me and my small legion of Grineer with me went to check out this place where the Contender had spent time on we found more and more patrols alive joining on our hunt for the Contender we found more foot prints leading to prison room I knew that there is one of those Tenno symphatizers or something I don't remember.</p> <p>Anyway we head towards the prison room and there had arrived Alad V with some corpus Crewmen and four Tenno. We all waited to each other to do something as we pointed guns at each other. Vor arrived next to of me with heavy breathing and pointed gun at Tenno. As finally Tenno became restless they opened fire towards us and Corpus. I and Vor commanded our forces to take cover we went to look for the contender if possible grab a Tenno while on it.</p> <p> </p> <p>I saw one of the prison rooms open and something barely able to be seen taking another form. Is that? That really is the Contender. Before I managed to open my mouth my shields received several thousand shots and I seriously didn't feel like standing still and I decided to take cover as I peek around the corner I saw Contender's bullet volley reaching Corpus. Like a chainsaw blade it went through shields and meat without having problem. Really enjoyable sight.<br /> <br /> I send a message to Vor to command forces to push away Corpus and Tenno. Our primary mission is to get this Contender... On our side. For a machine Contender seems to be extremely clever and devastating against anything we would finally conquer this solar system. Contender seems to be much more unhappy than I thought he stopped shooting and aimed on our forces. I commanded them to take cover from incoming bullet wave they did Contender head towards Tenno.<br /> <br /> Shooting misses all the time like pushing them away. Is Contender on side of Corpus? Or is he distracting us to pretend that he is at neutral land? What is going on?<br /> <br /> Point of View: Nyx<br /> Location: Exta Prison entrance 3.</p> <p> </p> <p>As we had pushed to prison room where we started a blood path... I admit it was me who opened fire first but I was worried about my team mates as I saw Zanuka and Alad V. As fight continued all three sides haven't done any advances I heard huge amount of weapon fire from level below us then I saw how cruel and brutal the weapon fire was it cut through the Corpus shields like our Boltor through an alloy armor. I started to be afraid and feared that this is where my life would have ended.<br /> <br /> I was narrow minded I didn't see as Zanuka assaulted me down taking me away from team I leaked accidentally all energy then I saw between Zanuka's legs to direction where Zanuka was pulling me Alad V with Corpus laughing at his new prey... Me... I didn't die yet I saw as my colleges were being forced to fallback by a bullet volley I didn't notice that my suit has launched a scream of help on mental level and Contender felt it Zanuka started to receive serious amount of damage.<br /> <br /> Shields were sliced away on three second continual weapon fire Zanuka was hurt while I was still unharmed. Zanuka released me as I saw my colleges rushing towards me when Contender was not paying attention Zanuka ran towards his master who was falling back from a threat instead of pet got through it was body slammed on a wall pushed on the floor and riddled full of holes I crawled away as Alad V with scream of his pain on feelings closed door to seal the way of Contender to reach him and his men.<br /> <br /> Contender turned on us my suit still leaked the same message without I knew I was panicking too. Contender spin up his weapons but didn't shoot at all on us. It passed us as we felt heavy weight of the machine stomping the ground. I heard Grineer death screams around corner as I heard more weapon fire. Trinity fixed me up quickly but our Rhino needed to support me back on my feet. This damage... Is unknown and unclear to me. I had leaked away all my stored energy.<br /> <br /> Two of us went to check the situation Vor and Krill has had been forced to fight Vor were bullet by bullet flesh replaced with lead and Krill were sliced by the volley to several bloodied parts. I couldn't stop myself from panicking Rhino lowered me to corner and switched with the Trinity asking this to check me again. She calmed me down as I finally remembered that Blessing from Trinity is only thing what will protect us from that brutal weapon fire.<br /> <br /> Warframe armor can not take that kind of power at all. Rhino and Nova were keeping line of sight on Contender as this walked scanning them. Nova wanted to Contender to keep distance send an antimatter drop towards Conteder who suddenly changed this form changing weaponry to sniper rifles what we had researched totally. It released peeping, clock ticking, whistle and some rattling noise as it saw the antimatter drop ball started... To... Play with it until it exploded.</p> <p> </p> <p>Contender released peeping noise and rattling sounding like it was confused and sad about broken toy. Rhino and Nova looked on each other asking "What did we just saw?" I looked on Trinity who had turned head towards Contender as this saw this searching for the toy. Rhino rubbed his helmet and asked "Excuse me what the hell I am seeing right now?" as I saw Contender flipping grineer pieces looking for the ball. I found the leak myself sealed it changing my warframe's message.<br /> <br /> "I need help" Contender found the message and walked towards us as I saw Rhino and Nova planning to open fire I shouted that do not shoot as I realized my warframe working by my subconscious. I reassembled the message to "Can you help us?" Contender came even closer to me and Trinity it scanned all of us quickly found the damage what was unclear to me on my left side revealed it with... Some kind light Trinity looked on it quickly took sample of damage then fixed it I felt tired.<br /> <br /> "We can not move her for few hours. Damage seems to be able to regenerate and my quickly invented medical nanite is currently working on it" Trinity said "But we need to get out of here before more Grineer shows up even if they are being like headless chickens currently without leader... We can not risk loosing her" Rhino said. "Trinity it would be risk to carry her to our home too. What about if the damage starts to regenerate?" Trinity said. "So we will need to stay here defend her on risk that the damage would start to regenerate again or becoming cured?" Nova asked.</p> <p>We heard an announcement that told that full alert was on right now. "We need to make decision and fast" Nova said. "Do you care about your college at all?!" Trinity shouted. "Don't question my feelings we need to move soon or we all are dead" Nova said. Trinity and Nova lunged for an unarmed fight but both were slammed on the walls by Contender. "Fighting against your own is a moron's choice... *contender turns around changing form back to rapid fire model* I need more walls to be painted with blood"<br /> <br /> Contender left us. Rhino looked as Contender went to close all other entrances except one where I was with my team, escape route and one where our enemies are only able to come in. After few minutes I heard Contender's weapon fire and panicking and death screams of Grineer. Trinity and Nova were on pain by getting bashed twice "I apologize my attitude Trinity" Nova said "Oh god... That bash feels like ten Ogris rockets... I accept your apologize. I am sorry from getting angry" Trinity said.<br /> <br /> "Now that sounds like a talk of excellent soldiers. Trinity give me status report of this wounded ones situation" by using morse weapons clanking on each other and stomps. Trinity raised up to she's feet and checked the damage. "Compromised. Damage is not regenerating but I can not remove it by any means" Trinity pounded on wall. We felt steps coming towards us and around corner came Contender. Walked right in front of me kneel opened up some kind of slot where I saw something.<br /> <br /> Some kind of... Medical pack? "Press it on your damage area it should help by my latest analyzes on your four's armor" Contender said. I took the pack from the slot and the pocket closed on Contender's right side. "Here we go" I whispered following by a gasp. I pressed the medical pack on my wound. The pack melted on it... Wait... What is this material? I feel the wound disappearing like an Ember's fire's smoke in to air. "It wasn't so painful. Now was it?" Contender said.<br /> <br /> "Manly voice felt good to hear "What was that thing?" I asked Contender turned around as we heard something "Sounds like I can not explain now. Your tailed friend might be able to do that for me. I hear multiple tangos entering to prison room" Contender said. Something turned on inside of me like I had swallowed something I leaked something... "Looks like the poison is now driven away. You should be on your feet in no time" Contender said as turned half way to us.</p> <p> </p> <p>I felt like that I had slept about third of a day I slowly grabbed my own gun and raised up like suit has been rebooted... Or whatever... I can not really explain that feeling. Like I have had been on meditation. "What's the plan?" Contender asked. "Rhino I think you should have one right now" Nova said as picked up her own weaponry and raised on her feet "Hmm... Contender go to shoot down the anti air weaponry. We are moving to extraction point to request a pick up. Deal?"<br /> <br /> Contender spin up his weapons "Let's do it. I give covering fire we need to advance together to outside of this place" Contender said.</p> <p> </p> <p>Point of view: Rhino</p> <p>Location: Exta</p> <p> </p> <p>As we followed jogging Contender by running he mowed down our enemies with ease allowing us to save ammo. Weaknesses seems to be that high damage is replaced with low amount of utilities he doesn't have hands to solve problems. Some obvious weak points on rapid fire mode identified. Rapid fire weapon mode is extremely bad at long range engagement but second form with sniper rifle weapons he can just mow down everything on sight by being able to impale even warframe armor.</p> <p> </p> <p>I don't think there is much to say would anybody of us survive over 20 seconds fight against him, yet mobility, evasion actions and abilities are still unknown, sniper mode seems to be extremely light to move around allowing even extremely high jumps, large size makes difficult to move on indoors, fire power unmatched on all fights, armor seems to be immune to anti matter and poison and corrosive rounds or powers and aiming is god like with those reaction, turn times and reflexes.</p> <p> </p> <p>Not sure owning part of human creativity and thinking but seems to be highly intelligent on using all means around, against or with this. Overall "War... Is a machine" weapon systems seems to be matching our expectations exception the rapid fire mode is total beast at close range combat. Mode switch time is extremely low taking only half a second between mode switches. Jog speed is high as sprint speed of Nyx or Excalibur unable to confirm running speed.</p> <p> </p> <p>We handle utility while he handles brute force and solid defense. Creator of this thing is genius. We moved forward to outside where Contender switched to marksman mode and started to run up the wall. Seems to be able to do it by good magnetic power on legs able to ignore gravity too but only half way. Running speed higher than Loki maybe twice or three times. Allowing high mobility between, while shooting or while changing back to rapid fire mode. Contender reached the roof.</p> <p> </p> <p>"Lotus we need a pick up. Mission accomplished" I said to radio "I hear you Tenno sending the transport" Lotus said. We heard a huge explosions raining around us ton of metal pieces high caliber rifle shots were huge sound wave on us. Contender seems to be switching between fire modes of sniper rifles semi automatic, automatic and manual fire modes identified. Contender appeared by the edge of roof and started walking down of the wall to us then dropped down on the ground as was half way down.</p> <p> </p> <p>Legs seems to be able handle half way same amount of pressure of impact on ground. While we have no problems with the drop speed and impact as we land on surface. Machine doesn't own shields but possesses ability become camouflaged optically barely able to be seen Contender ran around places looking for perfect sniping position. Extremely intelligent on this thing I have to say picked an excellent place for placing shot everywhere if required. Transport arrived and we hopped in.</p> <p> </p> <p>Point of view: Trinity</p> <p>Location: Transport ship from Exta to hidden base on Origin system.</p> <p> </p> <p>I analyzed the material what Contender gave to Nyx to fix the damage. Contender seems to be able to read hidden messages something like what Nyx's warframe sent. My analyze was complete some kind of replicator tissue able to duplicate itself to anything and mutate or evolve on any material. I am really sure that this material works as Contender's fixing material tissue is smart and unable to be manipulated like a slave only one thing needed to be done nothing else.</p> <p> </p> <p>"So do you have name?" I asked as I took a seat just like everybody else on the ship except Contender. Contender switched mode to rapid fire. "I do have. Those who knew me used to call me Juggernaut but I hate that name... Way too powerful. I like more name Graylens. You can call my animal side as Tricco listens that name well" Graylens said "Who used to call you Juggernaut?" Nyx asked "Not sure do I remember anymore but somebody named by Andria" Graylens said.</p> <p> </p> <p>"What kind of person she or he were?" Rhino asked "Memory has corrupted by the time. It will take some time that I can get them fixed up for myself" Graylens said "What do you mean by saying for yourself?" Nova asked. "Oh... Did you really think that I would that easy to convince to milk out knowledge from?" Graylens said "Ouch..." Rhino said "Mind your own business. Anything else you need done on my point?" Graylens asked "Our leader is willing to meet you as we speak and being on our way to our home" I said.</p> <p> </p> <p>"You think I am some kind of prisoner to you four? Hmph! May the gods be on your side if you piss me off" Graylens said "Our mission was find an ally" Nova said "Remember this wiles will not work on me" Graylens said as we landed and walked out from transport ship.</p> <p> </p> <p>Point of view: Nova</p> <p>Location: Tenno Hideout.</p> <p> </p> <p>As we walked out large robot behind us to Lotus we arrived to room where we were supposed to meet her. "Greetings Contender. I am Lotus" Lotus said "Hello to you. Call me Graylens by the way. Where did you picked up that name?" Graylens said "Grineer used that name for you. Tell me Graylens what is your mission on this solar system?" Lotus said "Finding out what's going on and trying to find Andria" Graylens said "We have had reported multiple attacks by you against us. Why?" Lotus said.</p> <p> </p> <p>"I have had no mean to harm just tell to back off. Until to this moment I think I should have showed my face sooner" Graylens said "Your weaponry is backing unable to be withstand power. Who constructed you?" Lotus said "Andria I think. Not sure my memory is somewhat corrupted by not being active for a long time" Graylens said.</p> Edited March 24, 2014 by Revel72 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lediard Posted March 21, 2014 Share Posted March 21, 2014 Google translate? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K244 Posted March 21, 2014 Share Posted March 21, 2014 Erm...Interesting... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Revel72 Posted March 21, 2014 Author Share Posted March 21, 2014 Google translate? Don't use that thing... It is a nightmare of bending. Even if Finnish language is rarely needs bending on words. It is not really good source to learn something just have to say... I used it once to find out what means word "wedgie" on my language it gave me correct results but please do not ever use whole clause it is so bad on bending. I putted the Google Translate to translate a clause from -Synapse's- clause on his comics and result was this. The clause is "Ah crap, I got bit of wedgie" and result on my language was "Ah paska, Sain vähän pulassa" then I was just... Excuse me wtf dude? Is bending that hard? Correctly bend so it would be able understand clause is "Ah paska, Olen hieman pulassa" I am not sure are there people lazy at Google on these translations are they focusing on something else but seriously. Translate one word at time. It is that bad on bending. I know my grammar sucks btw. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Revel72 Posted March 23, 2014 Author Share Posted March 23, 2014 More text written. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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