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March 21St: Community Hot Topics!


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My Solution to Ability Mod Topic


I think if you made Ability mods available in the market for 500 cred common ability (slash dash) 1000 creds for uncommon abilities (Terrify), and 2000 for rare mods (molecular prime), Via an ability tab in the Warframe section could be a good solution if at all possible. Just shrink down the size of the featured item or squeeze it somewhere... Also make a tab for sentinel mods like Thumper and vacuum... Would solve a lot of player issues with getting hundreds of these mods with little reason to get them. :D 



In regards to the warframe ability mods how about having them drop from the boss who has the frame blueprints that way you can still get duplicates but it frees up a lot of space for other mods on the enemys who currently drop ability mods I am not sure what to do with the tenno lab warframes though.

 I believe both these ideas could work, but the second would be more fitting imo.

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