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"Mass Shoot out in Aphrodite Strip's Shipping District!"


LIVE Feed in Process


-static as the picture, adjusts flaming wreckage, the sound of gunfire, Muzzle flashes from darkened alleyways and windows , Law enforcement issuing orders-



SSNN Reporter: Only ten minutes have past since the first shots were fired, and already the Asuna Shipping ward is a full blown warzone. From  what we can gather, over fifty Vandamare Cartel members assaulted the ward. Asuna Shipping has long since been suspected as being a partner to the Nero family due to intimate relationship between the Company president's daughter and Nero family's eldest son.


Apparently the two were spotted overseeing a shipment with a small cadre of Consortium bodyguards when the Vandamare made their move. The Vandamare have been able to reinforce their numbers despite VPD's bet efforts. and any attempt to negotiate a cease in hostilities has been met with a volley of bullets.


-Camera pans over to show VPD SWAT teams prepping-


The VPD are preparing to attempt to forge through the ward and reach the Vandamare's besieged victims which includes several of the civilian dock workers.


The Vandamare's  obvious goal is the butchering of... -The Camera suddenly jolts revealing the Female Reporter, her face fluster as she points upward above the camera-


What the hell is that!


-The camera twists sharply, catching the brief glimpse of something leaping along the roof tops... something black, smoke like and with glowing red streaks. It crashes through a window in a nearby warehouse where sings of an ongoing fire fight was happening... The Warehouse windows light up as Vandamare curses and screams are heard.-


VPD Officer: something's going down! Get ready to move


-The Camera pans back to the reporter-


-Public Live access ended, override engaged, Feed is now on private live channel via Sol System Network Server, Lotus authority level 5-


Reporter: What was that?


Cameraman: Looked kinda like a person... Maybe its one of those Ten- A shatter of glass, a scream of death, as the upper torso of a human comes rocketing out of one of the warehouse windows crashing firmly into the roof of parked VPD Enforcer cruiser-


Reporter: OH MY GOD!


VPD: It's going down now move! move! move!


-The VPD members surge forward... the camera focuses on the dead man... what's left of him clearly has the Vandamare colors and dress... the seared edges of his bisected torso still smoking-


- The reporter covers her noise apparently fighting back the emotion to just flee and the reaction to vomit-


Cameraman:... Looks like he was cut in half


-Again a shattering of glass, the reporter covers her head but the cameraman dares to lift his camera up into the glass rain...The Black demon like figure is silhouetted against the various neon signs... It's body seems to emit shadows, and the distinct outline of a scythe in its hands as it crashes into the adjacent building.-



Camaraman: There it was again!


-Again the sound of gunfire erupts, the sound of cleaving flesh and dying echoes through the tight alleyways, the camera rocks violently as it twists to reveal a VPD-




Reporter: But there is something.


VPD: You two need to get out of here, This ain't no place for a news crew


-the fighting in warehouse has ended... the lights flicker going pitch black for a second... as the lights return... something has left the faint trace of "smoke" along the sides of the buildings moving toward the main ward building-


VPD: -Expletive- Its on the move... you two get out of here, now! -He joins the other VPD that are beginning to storm the various buildings-


Reporter: Alright... Alright we're leaving


-The Camera pans to show her walking away motioning for the Cameraman to follow-


Cameraman: Really we're not gonna try to follow them? We're just gonna do the smart thing?


Reporter: We're not gonna try to follow the VPD storming.


Cameraman: ohh good. I don't feel like meeting an Urban legend today.


-She rounds the corner with the SSNN van insight-


Reporter: We're gonna go in the other way.


Camerama:... -expletive-



-SSNN security protocols detected rerouting-





Clearly it's just anthropomorphic Swamp gas... armed with a Hate... and fights like a ninja


... God the joke is stupid now that he drops things and has pack named after him.



Edit... Venus doesn't have moon

Edited by FrostWolf
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Technically 6 of them  are dead in rapid succession once Corpus stopped ****ing about.


And Diaz and Veers haven't even shown up yet....


Will work on that :P



Ow... I'm so into editing that didn't follow the story that much lol...

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Hey Frost, could you post and entry with the names and callsign's of all Uruz members, as well as their current status, e.g. Uruz 9, Jin, MIA. Moslty because I'm not too sure that I know who each member is. I didn't realise Jessica wasn't the only girl until Ariana died.

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Hey Frost, could you post and entry with the names and callsign's of all Uruz members, as well as their current status, e.g. Uruz 9, Jin, MIA. Moslty because I'm not too sure that I know who each member is. I didn't realise Jessica wasn't the only girl until Ariana died.


Seeing that I've only really focused on four of them, that doesn't surprise me.  I'll do an after action report when the arc is finally over.



I should have made a smaller squad -8 or 7 - Hindsight is one of those things. Again one of those things I'll need to learn to do better.

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-Live feed continues-


-Neon Flashes as the Reporter moves down an alley way... turning to motion for the camera to follow her-



Reporter: Come on



Cameraman , to himself: Should have taken that job with the forecast crew.



-Gunfire echoes in the distance as she presses against a door, a quick shoulder check knocking it loose... she reels back holding her shoulder-


Reporter, a touch of pain in her voice: Well... You don't expect me to go first.


Cameraman: It is ladies first.


-She Glares at the man behind camera-


Cameraman: I'm going, I'm going.


-The Dark room is illuminated by the Camera light, an office section of the docking company... most of the desks are empty, save for one or two with a body slumped over it. Late night workers and unfortunate victims of the Vandamare's assault.-


Reporter: Looks like they just came in and started shooting.


-She moves along leaving the office room moving into the tight hallways of the building... a few bodies of workers littering the floor-


Reporter: No signs of the Cartel members.


Cameraman: Maybe they cleared the building and moved toward the main row?


-Gunfire rings out, close, the muzzle flashes light up the upcoming junction, both get down low and move into and empty room, the camera turning off the light, allowing only the muzzle flashes to show brief silhouettes of the battle ahead... Vandamare curses are heard as the sound of cleaving flesh and screams echo... The brief instant of a severed arm still firing the weapon clinched in its hand move across the junction... before the flashes stomp... and the Lights flicker on... and then off-


-The two stay for a moment... exchanging looks... She mouths words but the camera shakes in disagreement... She gets up a precedes out of the room and up toward the junction... The Camera a good distance away. She turns and motions for him to follow as she turns around the corner. Quickly reappearing to motion for him to come see... The Camera moves forward... turns the corner to see the sight of over ten Vandamare members massacred along the hall. Their blood freshly pooling toward a center storm drain. Some are messing limbs, others show deep cuts... two have been fully cut open-


Reporter, covering her mouth: Oh god..


Cameraman: Can we leave now?... I'm pretty sure who or whatever did this is just ahead of us and I get the feeling its not the interview type.


-She turns to glare at him, but then something catches her attention, she moves past him... following her, the Camera picks up something embedded in the wall.-


Reporter: Is that an... Arrow?


Cameraman: So ten or so thugs got offed by a larper. Are you joking.


Reporter: No it is seriously an arrow. -she begins to pull on the buried shaft- Come here and help me


Cameraman: Isn't that messing with evidence...-sighs- as he sets the Camera down... showing only their feet as they struggle for a moment-


Cameraman: Damn it... it's really in there! -grunts-


-The two stumble back apparently freeing it...-


Reporter: It has an edged tipped... for cutting?  get the Camera.


-The cameraman's feet passes by as the view is lifted from the floor... The reporter hold an arrow with a crescent blade tip-


Cameraman: I guess that would explain why some of these guys are cut down the middle.


-Gunfire rings out again startling the two-


Reporter: It's coming from upstairs,


- The Reporter takes a deep breath, closes her eyes and walks through the gore painted hallway, The Camera follows... though it breaks it straight walk to peer at the destroyed bodies on the sides, the footsteps making a distinct wet squishing  noise-


Cameraman: I hope you didn't like those shoes.


Reporter: I'm burning my whole outfit when I get home.


-Moving up a stairwell entrance, inside blood trickles down the middle-


Cameraman: Yeah...This looks promising.


Reporter: just come on...


-The two climb the stairwell... heading up two floors till they find the stream of blood that had been falling...it's source a falling Vandamare and whats left of his head-


-Reporter makes some type of muffled noise-


Cameraman: Shhh... You hear that?


Reporter: someone talking?


-The two move past the dead Vandamare, into the hall with more dead Vandamare members... moving to what looks like another office section but choosing to duck into a smaller outlet room-


Reporter: I can't hear...


-Amplifying sound for all Tenno Personal-


????: Sorry... -expletives- blindsided me with a shotgun.


????: That doesn't matter, Where is  Adam?


????: The Boss is hold up in the Main building, was waiting for you. Sent two of use to find ya.


????: Your wound is deep, You'll bleed out before medical attention arrives.


????: You mind doing me a favor then... and make it quick.


????: Of course... Are you ready?


????: Ye--


-The Lights flicker again as the sound of breaking glass echoes-


Cameraman, low: I'd really wish it stop that.


-They wait for a moment... before pressing forward... entering the Office section, two suited Consortium enforcers lie dead... one having been shot in the head... the other, a large wound on his side, a shotgun blast... and a small fresh stab wound, signs of someone driving a weapon into his heart, suddenly the lights turn on as several VPD members  appear yelling commands... The two quickly surrender as a VPD member shuts off the camera-



-Feed ended-


Analysis: Possible Stalker/Consortium connection


Request sent to Lotus Command.


Priority Investigation required.






Hey He has to pay for those shiny toys of his somehow and being a hitman is what he is suppose to be good at.

Edited by FrostWolf
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I tend to operate on the theory that the Stalkers that we kill are decoys. The real Stalker is the one that wins the fight.



but then he has to supply all the decoys with a weapon set, Know which fights he going win -which requires him to be Itachi... and lets not go down THAT road-


I don't disagree with the notion he has decoys but you can only do so much scavenging off your wins and He has to have some form of infrastructure for the amount of custom gear he is packing and the fact he knows which Tenno does what.


 This only puts one piece of the Puzzle into it, Stalker clearly has a business relationship with one of the larger Crime organizations in the Sol system... but that only deals with Stalkers material needs.

-the classic world building questions... Where does he sleep and what does he eat, or what does he do when he isn't trying to stalk you-



Still don't know how he finds you and better yet still don't know how he warps around.

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I always lose to Stalker, mostly because I kind of suck, so in my game, I've never actually killed the bastard. I've driven him off though. He could always use a decoy that can actually fight. Or he could wait in the shadows and strike at the same time as the decoy to maintain the illusion that it's the real stalker.

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I always lose to Stalker, mostly because I kind of suck, so in my game, I've never actually killed the bastard. I've driven him off though. He could always use a decoy that can actually fight. Or he could wait in the shadows and strike at the same time as the decoy to maintain the illusion that it's the real stalker.


Or he is pals with



When were you under the impression I was alone in this fight?


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I like to imagine the Stalker as an average salaryTenno with an average house and an average family by day. He goes through the motions of daily life, resisting the urge to hit slash-dash or smoke bomb during parent-teacher conferences and department meetings. Then, at night, once he kisses his wife and children good night, out come Hate, Dread, and Despair.


Or he could be an underworld hitman...that's good too, I guess...


Anyhow, quality work, as always! I look forward to the next installment!

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Stalker having a family... Funny, but I don't think so x)

Although I defeated the Stalker thrice (this dummy got embedded into a wall with a failed slash-dash, or I wasn't alone...), I never killed him. He always retreat into the shadows. So I don't suscribe to the decoy theory.


Back on topic, this is GREAT! I always wanted more lore for this game, and what you're writing is awesome! I really like the headlines :D

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Frost, I propose we try to make this visible to DE so they think of adding these stories to the acutal lore. It can save them lots of time, besides, this might also keep them from creating something too bizarre for what most players feel Warframe to actually be like.


What do you say?

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Frost, I propose we try to make this visible to DE so they think of adding these stories to the acutal lore. It can save them lots of time, besides, this might also keep them from creating something too bizarre for what most players feel Warframe to actually be like.


What do you say?


I say +1.

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Frost, I propose we try to make this visible to DE so they think of adding these stories to the acutal lore. It can save them lots of time, besides, this might also keep them from creating something too bizarre for what most players feel Warframe to actually be like.


What do you say?


I know Skree reads it every once in a while,



what would you suggest?

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Am I the only one who thinks mag isn't useless?


Mag's awesome... Bullet Attractor is great for upping DPS... and denying strong range enemies attacks


Crush is considered one of the better Ults


SP is good for enemies with insane shield regen and on the off chance you need shields. -though Shields tend to regen quicker then its needed-


really pull is kinda useless... but hey... knock a boss of his feet.

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Mag's awesome... Bullet Attractor is great for upping DPS... and denying strong range enemies attacks


Crush is considered one of the better Ults


SP is good for enemies with insane shield regen and on the off chance you need shields. -though Shields tend to regen quicker then its needed-


really pull is kinda useless... but hey... knock a boss of his feet.

Pull is a good support type thingy. Also, I'm glad to find someone who doesn't find mag useless.
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