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I know Skree reads it every once in a while,



what would you suggest?


Bring it to the mods' face and have them read the stories. Make it accesible and readable for them so they know for sure what is the main idea of he lore your write, and how it shapes itself around what they have been building so far, and how it extends the current shape they have been giving the Warframe solar system. 

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"Crime War on Venus takes an abrupt turn"


While the fighting continues in the back alleys of Venus' red sector, many analysts are predicting the end of the crime war after this morning.


The VPD stormed what was believed to be a meeting of the Vandamar Cartel and it's allies for a massive joint attack on the Nero's family estate.

What officers found was a slaughter house with over 300 various Vandamar and affiliate crime members butchered among the dead several key and high profile members of the Cartel.


"The strange thing is... There is no forced entry point, No sign whoever killed them fought their way in and no signs the fought their way out either. The signs point to the fighting just started abruptly and then stops once everybody's dead": VPD Commissioner


The VPD did note that several of the victims were killed by friendly fire.  Possibly pointing to an inside betrayal. Authorities have no credible witnesses or suspects.


" The Consortium is our first guess... but It be suicide for them to be this deep in Cartel territory and with the numbers needed and no one noticing... we might have rouge player here."


Other strange signs were some victims with missing limbs nowhere to be found... As if wisped away to another world.


We'll bring you more as the situation unfolds.



Edited by FrostWolf
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Good lore, but really New Dallas sounds like an unlikely name for a colony. Also, supposedly there are only three factions besides tenno. Corpus, Grineer, and Infested. Don't know about independent communities.


Name was just something off the Top of my head... not all Colonies are Aragus VII, Concord Dawn or Sixth July

Though I agree doesn't have the ring to it like New Gettysburg or Augustgard




Grineer need someone to oppress, if the Lotus feels pushed enough to seek out the Tenno to even the odds


Corpus needs someone to do business with and Indoctrinate at their religious establishments.

and Infested are the infested.


If The Tenno have no real cause to fight for... Why should you care if they win or lose for that matter? If all there is just the Grineer or the Corpus.


The missions in the alerts speak of Civilains, Foreign diplomats and sympathizers. There has to be more to the Conflict then just " Space ninjas kill things cause Smexy voice said so"




Then you have people wanting everybody to be evil/ or so grey that no one is right and all causes are justifiable cause their all jackasses. and you run the risk of


Edited by FrostWolf
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Good lore, but really New Dallas sounds like an unlikely name for a colony. Also, supposedly there are only three factions besides tenno. Corpus, Grineer, and Infested. Don't know about independent communities.


You need to step out of your warframe and open your mind.

FrostWolf started this as a news-cast-like fan fiction and he tries to keep it in somewhat touch with Warframe's lore.

Like how he stated that "Who is the Grineer actually Oppressing?", I can say for sure that it sure ain't Corpus or Infested.

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Hey Frost, my tinternet is down at the moment, so I'm having to leech off of my TAFE net. This means that for the moment I can't check the roleplay thread, so could you check in every now and then, I get my tinternet back in a few days. So it shouldn't be too long.

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Frame server initialized

Neural system accessed

Play back log from Date XX/XXXX

Timestamp : XX.XX:XXX


Operative # XX18

Call Sign: Prior



-The Temple shakes, the room rattles, the USSC soldier stands between him and Shan, her brown eyes' reddish hue looking more like hellfire. The Solider however is featureless with his helmet. but neither breaks the gaze... from the corner of the eye, the gaunt looking grand master sits a if studying the three, his eyes moving back and forth slowing on each.-


--Neural mapping complete--


Prior: It seems the battle has begun -His voice devoid of emotion- I will concede that the temple's fall is unavoidable.


Honjo -smirking-: But...


Prior: We will not permit you or the USSC to lay claim to the sleeping Tenno. They are our brethren first and foremost. We will allow the USSC squad to return with Miss Shan.


Honjo's -eyes narrow-: And me?


Prior: We will not force you to join the Lotus... but you will not be allowed to keep our brethren in your charge.


-Honjo laughs, an almost mocking laughter-


Honjo: Stop grand standing me boy and tell me exactly what your Lotus wants from me.


(Auron: Fine, old man.)


Prior: We desire Byakko's orb, that is the only reason I was instructed to keep you alive at all possible cost. Anything and anyone beyond that was expendable.


Shan: What?! -The USSC soldier blocks her attempt to rush forward, her eyes now fully incensed-


Honjo: Are you willing to barter?


Prior: We most likely have little time...


-The USSC soldier's com opens with little warning the distorted voice of a woman speaks as laser fire echoes-


Uruz 2: Captain...? Jin?.... read? Corpus is...


Uruz 6: Lieutenant what is your current status?... Corpus is flooding the communication lines...


(Auron: Did you hear that?)


Operative Ash(XXXX: Yes, a Jackal just took out one of their snipers, took the whole tower down... I give them five minutes before being overwhelmed... ten at most.)


Operative Tiburon (XXX: I am close to their  position, I can lend support.)


(Auron: Leave them to fend for themselves... Tiburon, Excalibur, Frost, abandon your positions in the western entrance and proceed to the base of the tower, you will secure the drive engine from the USSC.)


(Tiburon: This is a dishonorable! I will not---)


(Frost: Might I suggest and different course of action... We need not abandon them in a moment of haste.)


(Excalibur: ... You can't be serious, they'll get overwhelmed from all sides if we move.)


(Auron: Their deaths are inconsequential to our survival! My choice is final! Disobedience will be met with a sharp reprimand by the Lotus. Is that Clear?)


(Frost: Understood..)


(Excalibur and Tiburon Neural channels go silent)


(Aaron: Everyone move into the lower temple chambers... we will secure the tramway for our escape... May they die bravely and swiftly.)


Prior: They'll be dead in the next few minutes, meaning the lower levels will be compromised even with the Temple's defenses.


Uruz 6 -his pose readying-: Say that again... except sound like you couldn't give less then a -expletive- about my friends dying.


Prior: An..." unfortunate" consequence...


-Uruz 6 makes a sharp movement, but it's not for his knife or side arm... but the hand reaching for them. Shan has clearly had enough of the tenno's  words... Yet the soldier doesn't break his composure -


Jin -His tone doesn't betray what his emotions are-: My Captain and Lieutenant are two of the most capable soldiers I've served with... I think it benefits you not to think lowly of them.


-Something flickers... a Small ghostly woman appears... The temple's AI-


Byakko: Grand Master... I'm detecting several unauthorized signatures in the cryo block three. Enemy forces have entered the temple, but due to several large surges of energy I am unable to detect whether registered forces are still fighting.


-The Masters face only flashes panic for a briefest of second... Something dear to him, something that makes him vulnerable is there-


(Auron: Got you old man)


Honjo: Understood... Corporal Sevaar.


Jin: Just Corporal or Jin, Sir. No one calls me Corporal Sevaar.


Honjo -his tone soft and warm- : Jin then... Would you kindly take Miss Raquel and investigate the Cryo block for me. I will deal with our guests grievances.


Jin: I don't think that's a good idea ,Sir... The bastard might--


Shan -interjecting, her tone blunt no attempt to hide the malice-: --Will try something.


(Aaron:... The Lotus comes first... The Order comes first... Can't you understand that!)


Prior: If I wanted you dead, I would have killed you by now.


Shan: And have fun with my corpse when you're done right?


Jin -gently restraining her-: Are you sure?


Honjo: He can't kill me yet... He needs to impress his harlot with an acceptable gift. Then again he seems very poor with women in general.


(Auron:... You were always vulgar and condescending... even when you spoke with... argh!)


-A flash of two men laughing as they speak, a younger Honjo and...-


(Ash: Prior, your heart rate just spiked... what is wrong?)


(Saryn: Your neural patterns are reading weird, Auron? Do you read me?)


(Auron: It is... nothing, just the irritation of dealing with this insufferable old man... Where are you?)


(Saryn: The USSC forces are being overrun... Progress is slowed, one of them activated all the temples upper defenses.)


(Banshee: We could have at least saved a few of them.)


(Aaron: The Lotus' will is paramount, the mission and our own before all others and ...)


-Another flash... a virtuous man's Voice-


????: Tell me, Auron, what are the virtues we Tenno should embody in battle and to each other?


-A young boy's voice full of energy-


"Loyalty, Obedience, Serenity and Piety, Master. To order and to our brothers and sisters.


?????: Those are indeed good virtues to hold dear... but for us, they are not enough. Even shadows can hold those virtues.




?????: Even the evilest of despots can have those truly and unwaveringly loyal to them, that obey out of sincere belief."


(Aaron: Why.. is this?. Ash... I need you all to head to the cryo block you saw in the grand hall when the Grand Master accessed the data banks... secure that cryopod before the USSC does.)


(Ash:... Undestood, changing route.)


(Auron: They might have a slight lead on you.)


-Coming to ... the soldier and Raquel are gone... only the Grand Master stands before him in the chamber-


Honjo-a light chuckle-: Blanking out, that's an initiate's mistake... -His tone for the first time showing concern- You alright boy?


Prior: Showing pity now?


Honjo: Auron... I remember you. No one could barely drag you away from Justinian's side once you were made his apprentice.


(Aaron: What's your angle... Don't go all fatherly on me. I'm not going to fall... aghh!)


-another flash, a younger Honjo handing a golden sword to him-


"Tell your master to not break this one, and that is not a challenge!"


Honjo: It was kind of cute when you could barely measure up to his hip...then again, I guess you thought he was the sun. -His voice shows pain- Guess without him... all that talk about becoming the shadows really was true. I guess.. you adapted to this new era the only way you figured.


Prior- His voice emotionless, pitiless-: I want Byakko's core.


Honjo: And why should I give it to you?


Prior: Cryopod Number 8675309


-Honjo's form stiffens-


Honjo: How did... You were watching me when I was looking over the roster. Do you know?


Prior: I don't care who that Tenno is to you. All I know is you are most consumed with that pods protection.


Honjo: A trade?


Prior: Byakko's core for that single Tenno.


Honjo: And the rest....


(Aaron: Why does this one Tenno matter to you so much old man?)


Prior: Giving you a small legion of Tenno would be mistake... unless I had "leverage" to keep you in line.


Honjo -a sad chuckle-: I'm sure... He'd be amazed at what you turned out to be without him. Dammit... I can't give you all of them for the sake of one!


(Auron:... He would-)


-A flash of a man...


One day you will be a greater Tenno than me. I am sure of it.-


(Auron: ...)


Prior: Byakko's core for either one pod or all but one of my choosing. Unless you are willing to let all be lost, because we can easily have that arranged.


-The Grand Master turns to his desk, as if refusing to look at the Tenno zealot in the face. A few motions of his hands and a cup like device descends from the ceiling, Taking a Small knife from the desk he opens his palm letting the blood flow into the 'cup'-


Honjo: Forge Master, Abel Honjo


Byakko's disembodied voice: Marker indentified... Please apply the next two markers for Core clearance.


Honjo: Ah hell... They changed the locks.


Prior: Meaning you can't unlock the core. Meaning you have nothing to offer us.


-Honjo turns to face the Tenno... His eyes showing burning contempt-



????: Family squabble Abel darling?


-The Grand Masters face lights up with shock and horror... Both turn to find a young woman adorned in a fitting battle suit standing at the entrance of the chamber... Her eyes and hair are a warm honey brown... She speaks with a proper Neptunian accent.-


Honjo: Alexstraza, how did you -The Grand master clutches at the side of his chest... he struggles to keep standing-


(Auron: Master Honjo! To all Tenno I need immediate assistance!)




(Auron: The hell? Ash, Tiburon, Frost... Anybody.)


(T̵͠h҉͏̷̢͜e͜͟ý̵̸̕ ͢͢͟c̛̛a҉̵̕҉ǹ̴̕'̶̛̕͠t̛͡ ̵̴͜͞h̶͡͞e̸̸a̸̡͞r͏ ̷̵͟͝y̧͢ờ̶̢͏u͏̛͢͠ ͏҉͏̡͟T̶͝e̢͢͏n̨̧͝n͏̸̴o̶̡͡,̸̀ ̶͜y̵͘͡ơ͜͢u͡'r̢͜e̛̕ á̵̸ļ̸̛͜͏ǫ̵̀͢͝ǹ̵̴͞͝e̷̴̢̢͞ ̢͘͟w̵̢i͟͞҉҉̀ţ̴͟h̵͢ ҉̧̨̛͟ó̢͝n̷̶̢̛l̵̀͟͠y҉̧̀͠ ̢̧̨́͝ú̵͡ś̶͝͡.҉)


(Auron: Who are you? How did you hack the network!)


-The pale skin and discolor of her hair is gone and the bulky demon like gauntlet... replaced with a more form fitting obsidian like glove... the same red eye transfixed to the back of her hand.-


(Auron: The Corpus Inquisitor from before... if a bullet wasn't enough to kill her then... just take her whole head off!)


(L̢̕͟͡i͏͞k̨҉̛̀e̶̢̡͘͜ĺ̷͟͝͠y̶͢҉̧ ̴̡̛͟͠a̛͟t̸̸̕t̀͜a̢̕͞ć̷̴̨k̸̸̛̕͟ ̶̶̢́͡ṕ̨́a̵̷͢͢t́t̡̡e͞ŗ̢̛́͢n̸͟ ̷̕p̧͠r̴̡é̸̸̸d́i̸c̴͏̶͝t̛́͞e̵̢͘͢d̵͢͢͝,̢̨̀̕͏ ̀͏p͟͏r̀e͜p̷̨͞a҉̴r҉̴͏̨i̷̧n̢̢̕͠g͏̧͘͝ ̧͞͏͟t̸̨̀͝o̕͘͟ ̧́͢͟͏c̀͢o̴͝҉u̸͞͞ņ̴̷̕͟ţ̀é҉r͞͠.́͜҉̡͜)


-Prior rushes her pulling his sidearm and thrusting it toward her face but she tilts her head, letting the barrel press by her cheek, the muzzle flash echoing behind... Some kind of blow knocks the wind from Prior's lungs. Followed by a series of rabid blows. Diaz launches into the air to deliver a powerful spinning kick to Prior's head sending him skirting across the floor shattering various displays and items before crashing to the side wall-


(Auron: Damnit... she was not this fast or strong last time... and that other voice. Did it predict my movements?)


-She moves away from Prior and walks toward the struggling Grand Master... something slithers beneath the flesh of his chest-


Honjo -blood sputtering from his mouth-: I figured you had an implant... but to go so far as to-.


Diaz -her hand stroking his cheek, her tone loving-: -You gave me no choice Abel, darling... just like you gave me no choice to submit you to the confessional. If only you had chosen to be cooperative. None of this would have been necessary. We could be back at Neptune by now, together.


Honjo:  I would have bought your lies better... if you didn't talk in your sleep. "Darling"


(H̀́͝e̢ ̶͏́̕ḩą̕͘͢͜s̡͏̶ ̷̛̛͝͡ỳ̧͢͠o̢u̴̵̡͠͝ ̷̷͟t҉͘͘͘͠h̸̷è̴͢͜͡r͏̧̡̧҉e͞͝.̢̕̕͟͏)


(Diaz: Be quiet.)


(Auron: Am I linked to a neural network by proximity?)


-Diaz eyes narrow... Her tone now cold-: It doesn't matter, We'll just have to break you on Neptune, to learn the rest.


-Something erupts from Honjo's chest... a Black eel like creature... Blood spews as the Master collapses... the eel slowly slithers to Diaz's feet... and then merges into her foot-


Diaz: I guess I'll be taking the part of me back.


-Prior struggles to get to his feet... His onboard display showing several cracked and broken ribs from Diaz's lightning assault... Diaz closes in lifting the Tenno up by the neck-


(Auron: One shot... let her get close)


Diaz: Now... what should I do with yo--


(Auron: Got you!)


(Ḩ͟͡os̨͏t͜i̶l̕e̡͏ ͠Ŗ͟e͞͏sį̸͠st̛aǹc̵̛e ͢is ̕͜f̶u͘҉til̢̛̛e҉͏.̀͜)


- Prior's radial blade thrusts deep into Diaz's breast and into her heart...for a moment, Diaz's expression turns to one of annoyance-


(Ti͜s͞su̡e̸ r͜e͞pair r͠a̶t̸e ̀a͡t̴ ͝4̷0͡0̢%̕)


(Auron: Oh you've got to be kidding me.)


Diaz:... Really? Just for that...


-She uses her free hand dislodging the sword from her chest, tossing the blade away. Again the black scale like veins and red lighting course to the wound... repairing it... leaving only unblemished skin where the stab had been-


Prior: -Expletive-


Diaz: I think I'll take you alive...


-Diaz in one quick motion lifts Prior up... and drives him head first into the floor-


Diaz' voice, as Prior stares at the fallen Grand master: Now to deal with the rest...


(Y̨ou shou͜l͢d҉ f̸urth͞er̴ di̕sàb͏le ̴h͏im͝.)


(Auron: Is she talking to someone on the ship?)


Diaz: There's no need to break his legs.

(Do n͡o̧t̛ fo͠rg͢et ͡my̸ lífe̶ i҉s̵ ͜y͟our lifè n͢ow)


You worry too much.


(Auron:... The thing on her arm)


(He is still conscious.)


(Diaz: Easily fixed)


-Diaz Raise her foot and stops down on Prior's face-


-Neural record suggests a black out at this point... searching through suit memory for next available file.-







Edited by ChillFactor



So if you felt bad that the Tenno and the Uruz ganged up on a girl. Fret not it was never just her.


I wanted to incorporate flashbacks in here, cause my logic was they've been away from the HQ for awhile so if the Lotus was feeding them memory suppressants -Not saying they did- Being in a place that is very Tennoish would jog the old memory box.


 I guess I was going for, Prior is being very anti-Justinian thus the memories are like  his conscience beating him up side the head, He should be better then this but he ain't doing better.



With this we're set up for the Finale with the Corpus aspect of the Arc... Now where are those pesky Grineer!



Also... It's name is Azazel... It means "God Strengthens"  rather fitting I think. 



Random fun fact Tifa from FF7 is who I had in mind when thinking up Shan's physical look -IE someone fit looking,- yet with more scholarly tint to her. Brainy Glasses... then again that makes my Jungle fever pic somewhat funny

Edited by FrostWolf
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... That's cause I didn't put that in till after you edited it MUHAHAHAHA


Also... Cookie for the person who can find the Song reference and the Movie reference


My Aqua pic got me in trouble.... :(

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Name was just something off the Top of my head... not all Colonies are Aragus VII, Concord Dawn or Sixth July

Though I agree doesn't have the ring to it like New Gettysburg or Augustgard




Grineer need someone to oppress, if the Lotus feels pushed enough to seek out the Tenno to even the odds


Corpus needs someone to do business with and Indoctrinate at their religious establishments.

and Infested are the infested.


If The Tenno have no real cause to fight for... Why should you care if they win or lose for that matter? If all there is just the Grineer or the Corpus.


The missions in the alerts speak of Civilains, Foreign diplomats and sympathizers. There has to be more to the Conflict then just " Space ninjas kill things cause Smexy voice said so"




Then you have people wanting everybody to be evil/ or so grey that no one is right and all causes are justifiable cause their all jackasses. and you run the risk of


What the voice says, the players do. That is the cause.

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What the voice says, the players do. That is the cause.

The voice blabbers what it blabbers, while players wish it to be silenced after the 1000th time it blabbers. We fight for the next gun we want, or for mastery rank, that is the cause!


Little more on topic: my idea for the stalker is to use void to travel around while it slowly corrupts the ideals he once had.

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" Strange Signals Emanates from Jupiter"


For the past week, analysts have been recording and studying strange signal emissions coming from the deeper atmospheres of Jupiter Prime.


While many think it could be a degrading com signals from many of the colony stations that were lost in the initial Infestation surge and fell into the deeper atmospheres


"It's almost like... whale songs from ancient earth" Anonymous Researcher. " Something is alive down there in that maelstrom"


The growing idea that the signals might be infested related have met with harsh criticisms. However Corpus forces on Europa have begun to build up their defenses.


While USSC forces have stabilized none infested Jupiter zones, The infested still remain dug in for what territory they have.  The idea that this could be a precursor to another Infested surge has all forces on edge.



We'll bring you more as it becomes available .

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" Strange Signals Emanates from Jupiter"


For the past week, analysts have been recording and studying strange signal emissions coming from the deeper atmospheres of Jupiter Prime.


While many think it could be a degrading com signals from many of the colony stations that were lost in the initial Infestation surge and fell into the deeper atmospheres


"It's almost like... whale songs from ancient earth" Anonymous Researcher. " Something is alive down there in that maelstrom"


The growing idea that the signals might be infested related have met with harsh criticisms. However Corpus forces on Europa have begun to build up their defenses.


While USSC forces have stabilized none infested Jupiter zones, The infested still remain dug in for what territory they have.  The idea that this could be a precursor to another Infested surge has all forces on edge.



We'll bring you more as it becomes available .

Whales, in, SPAAAAACE!

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Whales, in, SPAAAAACE!


Well the Infested do kinda need a mode of travel instead of waiting for whatever piece of junk their nesting in to crash into a ship or a station...



I'm thinking something like the Leviathan from DMC3


you know it looks like a giant  serpent on the outside but it is has like a city inside of it

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Well the Infested do kinda need a mode of travel instead of waiting for whatever piece of junk their nesting in to crash into a ship or a station...


Problem is that the Infested just infest things, they don't really create new things out of the blue.

However, since the T-cyte plague is a bio-mechanical one, it wouldn't be too off to say that it could take over and control a space vessel to some extent? Maybe not warp speed, but at least it could set a course then drift in the desired direction. 

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Or maybe the Infested are just biding their time. There are sometimes Corpus crewmen on board those ships in capture missions and they don't seem to have become infested, implying that the Infested know not to eat them or hurt them.


What if the Infested are just letting their vessels drift because it's all part of a master plan by their hive mind to unleash an invasion when the time is right?

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