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What if the infested are lurking in many ships and colonies, but they are waiting to be everywhere to attack? What if the Tecnocyte virus is already infecting bio and mecha alike and just waiting for the word to be sent for it to attack and ravage all of the solar system? 

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What if the infested are lurking in many ships and colonies, but they are waiting to be everywhere to attack? What if the Tecnocyte virus is already infecting bio and mecha alike and just waiting for the word to be sent for it to attack and ravage all of the solar system? 


I believe it was stated Technocyte can't infect non-biomass/organic entities... That's why you don't see any corpus drones mixed in with the other units just the biological ones



The idea that the infested are just everywhere and waiting for the go ahead has come to mind... but that's almost like one the WH40K win scenarios

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The virus seem to be able to infest the environment to some extent though, considering it cling and grow on walls and floor and interfere with electronics (hence the blinking lights/no light areas).

This is what I mean, the Technocyte virus is attached to technology as well. maybe not infect it, but at least affect it to some extent. 

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This is what I mean, the Technocyte virus is attached to technology as well. maybe not infect it, but at least affect it to some extent. 


So in Theory if you had enough Biomass -like a few colonies worth of civilians- You could completely cover and fill an entire cruiser in pure Technocyte.

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So in Theory if you had enough Biomass -like a few colonies worth of civilians- You could completely cover and fill an entire cruiser in pure Technocyte.

Maybe a collective intelligence or sapient version of the infected could be controlling a ship. I mean they may not need that much biomass if one organism can effectively control it. Kinda like how the zerg can infect terran bases and control it inside out without having to completely infect it.

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" Grineer forces in Uranus and Ceres make strange movements"



Communications suffered constant blackouts in Grineer entrenched sectors over the past few days


Apparently the cause of it was a series of accidents in over fifty Grineer facilities which lead to constant data bursts that disrupted neutral communication lines.


The Solar Council has decided to take more affirmative action and has created a task force to investigate the claims.


Imperial Luna has naturally lobbied against non Grineer involvement. The Sol Council has justifiably ignored the outcries and has begun creating the task force for the investigation.


Imperial Luna's response is expected to be more... forceful.



We'll bring you more as it becomes available.







Transmission intercepted and decrypted.


Was the operation a success?


Lotus: Yes, The Grineer however seem to still be deploying the drones as means of communication disruption and scouting.


Meaning they planned on deploying them anyway.


Lotus: I don't follow.


The Drones weren't sent out in mass in a vain attempt to create a security network.


Lotus: They were looking for something specific.


 The question is did they find it?

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"USSC holds memorial for fallen soldiers on the rim of Eris sector"


The Grineer offensive of the inner sol system cost the lives of over twenty thousand registered USSC infantry.


Today, USSC command held a day long ceremony honoring their fallen brothers and sisters.


The Ceremony concluded with the launching of several thousand caskets each representing a fallen warrior sent to drift into the endless sea of space.

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going back to the infested discussion


I'm kinda veering toward, NOT giving the infested a hivemind... instead infested that have survived long enough and grown powerful enough develop their own personality.



IE Golem and Phorid act very different from each other.



Generally a hivemind is to give the Swarm a personified whole... IE the thing that has all the traits of the faction embodied. The infested would be driven by their basic instincts but there'd be higher infested directing the swarm.

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IE Golem and Phorid act very different from each other.



Generally a hivemind is to give the Swarm a personified whole... IE the thing that has all the traits of the faction embodied. The infested would be driven by their basic instincts but there'd be higher infested directing the swarm.


The Golem and Phorid are described as VERY OLD infested. The Golem is also Orokin created, rather than being a bi-product. The nano-machines eventually develop beyond mindless instinct driven machines.


Well, they seem to have some level of hive-mind(ish). Considering how they all know where you are if you alert one. Corpus and Grineer are understandable (since they got radio and stuff) but how would the infested know?

Edited by se05239
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"What we fought for is gone, What we believed in is no more... Lost in the ruins of that era and the flames of that war.

I ask you here and now, will you fade like the dying embers, or do you desire to burn again and light the darkness of this time? To chase the shadows away and mold this era? If your answer is no, leave me presence and never return. If yes, return to me when you have the strength. Only then will you know and be able to bare the truth."



"If you let the light die, all lose their way. We are that light in the night... but my light is at its end and it will be time for yours to rise bright as the morning sun. I leave this task in no better hands then yours"



"To survive to this broken era, with the knowledge we failed. That I could not die with my brothers and sisters in that war. It is a heartbreaking burden. Yet I cannot long for death. There are still glimmers of hope amongst the ashes of this broken system. Perhaps it is why fate and the heavens has allowed me to survive. That I may help them to become the flames again."



Three different characters...


One's last words


One's Declaration


and One's Resignation.

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My guilty pleasure








What you were expecting something from Bleach?



I'm gonna try to get this damn log done by the weekend... I'm actually thinking about breaking it down into two parts

Edited by FrostWolf
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"Hijacking Spree Continues"


As of this morning, This will be the fifth Solar railway robbery in the last solar day.

The targets of the robberies seem to be Corpus and their archeological partner, The Rosetta compact.


The robberies seem to share the same set up, The intruders board when the rig enters a communication and visual dark zone. All security personnel within 3 cars of the target car are dispatched without mercy.  Only one item is missing from the security vault car. All the Rigs share a common stop. That location however has remained classified.


What the items are has remained classified... but the Clergy on Neptune are demanding a swift hunt for the culprits which would seem to point that the items have some religious meaning and value to the Clergy.


Whoever the culprits are their through, using an advance VI that erases them from the security footage while keeping all other action the same... This leads to the gruesome effect of seeing one security officer exiting the washroom only to be completely bisected by the unseen killer.


Corpus security plans to triple security on all next solar rail transport.




"Infested sightings in Uranus"


Security footage from an unknown source, shows what appears to be infested chargers testing a high powered laser fence with the obvious fatal results. However the video becomes more interesting with the appearance of what seems to be a new strain of infested appearing, waving its hand and the fence deactivating. The footage ends with an infested horde rushing through.


What is odd about the footage, There have been no reports of infested attacks in the Uranus colonies, nor has the USSC or independents received a distress call or had a colony black out. Some believe the footage is doctored due to the presence of the new infested.


Others can figure out what the facility in the footage is from. It doesn't match Grineer, Corpus, or USSC facilities listed in the sector.


Is it some pranksters elaborate hoax or are there things going on in Uranus sector that no one knows about?

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