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I'm gonna try to get this damn log done by the weekend... I'm actually thinking about breaking it down into two parts


If you want, send it to me in one part and I'll manage the splitting, or just send the two parts in different files and post them whenever you want... 

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"Imperial Luna decrees activation of more advanced geneseeds"


"Send in the better clones" seems to be The Twin Empresses new motto concerning a renovation of its current combat forces.


With the early coup by Militant extremists, The Empire has allowed for more powerful strains of its soldiers to be incorporated into the military mix. It seems that a large scale genetic cleansing is happening in the Empire.


The colony of Duraga learned this the hard way when it militia faced off against what could be called a "elite" brand of Trooper and Lancer divisions. Generally the Grineer issued Burston  was considered inferior once the Grakata was deployed. That was when Grineer lancers were known to stand in a line and fire like madmen hoping to hit something.. These elites easily inflicted have causalities to Duragan forces despite being outnumbered one to five.


Duraga officially surrendered to Grineer forces two solar days before any USSC forces could reach them.

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FrostWolf, thank you so much for an awesome stories! I can't wait to read more. Will the other Warframes be showing up in other stories? Will an alliance form between the Lotus and the USSC? Could there be a story that features the Uruz that are still standing being awarded in a ceremony and returned safely to their families? There's more questions yet, but I haven't thought of them. xD I'd love to do a boss run with you sometime too. ^^


Thank you very much for the editing ChillFactor. There are still one or two that slip through occasionally. Keep up the good work. My inner grammar nazi is more like the understanding English teacher: Yeah, she cringes at misspelled words, incorrect punctuation, and other common English problems, but she can tolerate them to understand the main point of the author and what is being said.

I can even find typos in a published hard copy book. =.=;;

(I make enough typos and butcher enough of my speech that this came to be.)

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FrostWolf, thank you so much for an awesome stories! I can't wait to read more. Will the other Warframes be showing up in other stories? Will an alliance form between the Lotus and the USSC? Could there be a story that features the Uruz that are still standing being awarded in a ceremony and returned safely to their families? There's more questions yet, but I haven't thought of them. xD I'd love to do a boss run with you sometime too. ^^


Thank you very much for the editing ChillFactor. There are still one or two that slip through occasionally. Keep up the good work. My inner grammar nazi is more like the understanding English teacher: Yeah, she cringes at misspelled words, incorrect punctuation, and other common English problems, but she can tolerate them to understand the main point of the author and what is being said.

I can even find typos in a published hard copy book. =.=;;

(I make enough typos and butcher enough of my speech that this came to be.)


Just drop an invite... I'll be farming Raptor for nova for a while till they fix it's drop directory since I'm just stocking up on rares at the moment. -get em while there hot!-



Someone did suggest an after action report, I do plan on doing that. to give a breather for the characters -after I've nearly killed them, exhausted them and remind them of various failures... also Flash Osprey!-



The Next "Arc"/Log will be much shorter since It's just gonna be an assassination mission, -well  structurally it looks short... but there shouldn't be two or three changes of scenery dammit!-  

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Just drop an invite... I'll be farming Raptor for nova for a while till they fix it's drop directory since I'm just stocking up on rares at the moment. -get em while there hot!-



Someone did suggest an after action report, I do plan on doing that. to give a breather for the characters -after I've nearly killed them, exhausted them and remind them of various failures... also Flash Osprey!-



The Next "Arc"/Log will be much shorter since It's just gonna be an assassination mission, -well  structurally it looks short... but there shouldn't be two or three changes of scenery dammit!-  


I want her soo bad, but I hate the drop rates and am disappointed. But I will keep trying! I just have to take a break every now and then from playing and mess around, or I get bored.

I liked the longer one... It was an epic. A very good read. I love good stories, so I will keep reading as you write them. ^^

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Grineer network hacked


Accessing Archive


Last known transmission of the Grineer Cruiser, "Baldur's Might"


Location, Dark Space.



Grineer Lieutenant: It's been about an hour since the Corpus went in... We shouldn't just be waiting.


Captain Veers: Depends, what says the Praetor's inside source?



?????: The Corpus have begun their assault, most of the USSC forces have already been killed. The Tenno have been making faint hit and runs but no major offensive. Most of Corpus forces are ground side.


-Speaker's voice pattern has no existing matches in the databank... Marking new entry-


Veers: Then the Cruisers they brought are most likely minimally manned?



?????: That's what the contact seems to think.


Grineer Lieutenant: If we act quick enough, We can knock the corpus ships right out of the sky?


Veers:... Make the preparations, have all troops ready to drop.


Grineer Lieutenant: Sir! -sound of door closing.


Veers: I can taste the victory. The Twins will have to reward me for this.


?????: So sure you will win? So confident that your past failures will be erased with this one battle?


Veers: The Praetor didn't need to send one of his lackeys to watch me.


?????: I'm only here to let you into the Forge. After that, I have no orders to help or undermine you.


Veers: It's a long way back to the Empire if I fail.


?????: Your failure or success is none of my concern.


Veers: I find it hard to believe that someone geared up like you would come all the way out here just to be my doorman?


?????: You'd be an idiot if you didn't.




?????: Simply focus on your objective Captain, I tell you the truth, My objectives here will have no bearing on the success or failure of your mission. That will be completely up to your ability, and the lengths your opponents are willing to go.


Veers:... We'll see



"USSC issues evacuation of several inner Jupiter colonies"


Recent Infested movement has the USSC top brass worried. With the disappearance of two recon fleets in Jupiter Prime's upper layers. The USSC has decided to head off what might be the prelude to another Infested outbreak and has begun evacuating the remaining colonies near Jupiter prime.


"We have already lost several entire communities to the Plague. We don't wish to repeat the same tragedy that befell many of Jupiter's citizens."


Corpus authorities in independent Europa have offered to take the evacuees, but USSC headquarters will have them routed  to neutral space in Uranus sector.








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Got Nova in the oven..


Trying to gather my thoughts for a new story.



Maybe a informative report on the advantages of rubedo?

Important ores like diamond, quartz, tourmaline, and various metal ores could be brought in for comparison. :)

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Reestablish connection to USSC mainframe...


Files archive found


Proxy located


Corporal Jin Sevaar


Video Archive located... sorting


Slight corruption detected... playing from next serviceable point.



-The Pristine halls move by at a fast pace, Jin turns his head to see Raquel keeping up with him, ahead the Ghostlike figures move a cryopod. The one taking up the rear shatters into a riot of particles as blue darts of energy.-



Corpus Soldier: Dammit, they've already moved them.


-A Corpus Elite appears from the Door way he is facing the other way, His more human fitting helmet and body armor denoting his rank. Jin in one fluid motion draws his knife raising it up, coiling for the strike.-



Corpus Elite: Hey, here's one, The rest can't be too fa- as he turns- Wha--


-Jin knife cleaves through the man's throat, Jin takes cover next to the door. but the sound of blood spraying the floor and a thud assures him the man is dead, Blue darts rupture forth from the door way, peppering the wall ahead of him.-


-Raquel Shan has taking up a position on the opposite side of the entrance, the two separated by a river of blue shards-


Raquel -looking at the dead man-: Is that your normal way of saying hello?


Jin-completely serious-: Yes. You don't give them the chance to shot back and --


Raquel-cutting him off-: I was being sarcastic.


Jin: Oh... My mistake.


-From inside the shooting stops-


Jin and Raquel-as if knowing what is to come-: Grenades


Corpus Elite: Take Cover- the sound of something rolling on the floor and getting closer-


-Jin motions with his hands, as the two volt in unison into the room, opening fire before splitting off to the sides as the swarm of blue races by-


Corpus Elite: They're not the Tenno! I must be those USSC scrubs.


-Jin  moves along the outer supports, The Corpus troops stay in the middle, one throws down a device... a Silver bubble erupts enveloping them. A Defensive shield. A spray of bullets ripple it's outer layer.


A smart move but with a obvious counter, The grenade is already primed. Jin tosses it so that it rolls along  the floor... fast enough to dodge the panicked bolts but slow enough that it simply passes through the barrier-



Corpus Elite: -Expletive-


-Bubble's sides flutter as Corpus troops burst forth trying to escape the on coming blast, Jin fires, picking off three, and resounding burst from Shan takes out two more before the Bubble shatters as the grenade goes off.


-Shan wastes no time charging one of the reeling Corpus soldier. She launches herself into the air, catching the poor fool's head between her thighs. A  violent twist of her hips, an audible snap, the man's body goes limp as he crumples to it's knees. She quickly scavenges the man's prova and pistol. She descends on the other dazed soldiers .



-Jin moves to attack a cluster close to him, when a Lanza bolts darts by-


Jin-to Shan-: Sniper!


-Taking cover behind a nearby pillar, Jin eases a peek, two more elites are on the far end of the chamber... The sniper seems no different from the other elites except for his modified helm  but the other  towers above him. He has more in common with a Grineer Marine then a Corpus soldier, some type of  cylinder like gun in his hands. The barrel having a sharp "spike" sticking out it


The large one motions as the two spilt off into the room.  Jin gaze is averted as one of the surviving elites lunges at him with two provas, however the man's downward arc is too narrow.  Jin easily sides steps the man and in the same motion an elbow comes crashing into the elite's visor, a  cry of pain follows.. Jin steadies himself as he draws his side arm to finish the man off. Thunderous footsteps catches his attention as the Behemoth of an elite appears, His armored forearmed outstretched for a clothesline. Jin ducks, expecting the sound of breaking bone. Instead the loud burst of shattering stone is heard, Jin turns his head. The Behemoth's arm is buried into the pillar.  With only a simple shrug he pulls his arm free the pillar section having been reduced to pieces and dust-



-Jin levels his pistol at the larger man, before the trigger can be pulled the elite from before attacks, one of his provas knocking the gun away. The exchange is quick, The man goes for a lunge with his other arm. Jin catches him above the elbow, striking at the joint causing him to drop the first prova, he tries to recover with an overhead blow. Jin shields himself wit his arm and attacks the man's exposed windpipe with a series of elbow strikes. The man makes a gurgling sound as he falls to the ground. His thud however is drowned out by the sound of monstrous footsteps as the behemoth appears again, this time Jin has no time to react as the monster body checks him-


Jin: Argh!


-Jin skips and rolls along the ground  from the edge of the chamber to almost the middle where he is out in the open.-


Shan: JIN! NO!


-Form the corner of his eyes he sees her try to move to him  but a burst from the Lanza keeps her pinned on the other side of the room. She  tries to fire off a shot but other corpus elites open fir,. keeping her from helping. The loud thunderous footsteps come closer as the Jin cries out as the massive boot of the elite stomps on his chest holding him down.  The Behemoth man says no words he simply brings the cylinder to bare at Jin's face. The barrel actually connects to the spike. The sides of it littered with little dots. The weapon comes to life with a soft buzz each one the little dots lights up with the familiar blue energy.


Time seems to slow, Shan cries out, Jin breathes deep bracing himself for the blast. Two metal plated feet strike the side of the behemoth's face. and the scene seems to stop.


Jessica in mid air her legs fully outstretched, The behemoth despite his size being push back.  Time seems to resume as the Behemoth is sent rolling across the chamber floor as Jessica lands. She's missing her helmet exposing her face... Her eyes burn with an unholy fury that if the mere sight of corpus troops is enough to send to point of bloodlust and yet they show a tinge of tiredness and sorrow-


Jessica: Get The -expletive-  away from my corporal  and there might be enough left of you to ship back to Neptune when I'm done.


A targeting laser  planting itself in the middle of her forehead-



Jin: Jess!


-A shot rings out, followed by a flash of blue. The pained screams of agony follow. The Corpus sniper lays flat on his back, the shattered remains of his Lanza sown around him, the bleeding stumps of his arms flailing about.-



Josef: Last bullet for that one.


-Turning to see Josef discarding his empty rifle as he enters the chamber, He draws two automatic pistols and opens fire as the remaining elites scramble for cover. The giant deploys a shield to protect himself from the oncoming barrage. Jessica is already mid leap above the shield when she comes striking down at him. but the large man is able to adjust and send a blow the almost grazes her-


-Jin  comes to his feet as Josef helps him up-


Jin: What took you?


Josef -a weak joking tone-: Scenic route... -his voice more serious- You heard from the Captain?


Jin: Not since he left with the others for the spaceport... Where is everybody else.


Josef:... -he glances to the side-


Jin-breathes deep but his voice remains calm-: Understood


Josef: She's not the one you should worry about...


- Jessica seems to dance between the blows that the larger man rains down at her, bending and turning just at the right moment to deflect or dodge allowing her to counter attack. The Giant finally stomps down with enough force to shatter the floor, sending her off balance... He catches her by the leg and is able to slam her into the floor. He reels for the next blow when a knee strikes the back of his skull sending him staggering over Jessica. Shan follows up with a powerful spin kick to his dazed head. Jessica quickly recovers as the two women stare down the giant man, the two nod acknowledgement as the rush to combine their assault on him-


Josef: I think we should just clean up the corpus  runts. I don't want to get in Jess's  way when she's on the warpath. Got cha a present.


-Tossing Jin  a Corpus Dera rifle , Josef breaks off to the far side of the chamber... shots and corpus cries follows. Jin himself moves into the pillar group near him and exchanges fire with a Corpus elite trying to get a bead on the girls  as they fight the larger elite in the middle of the room. The corpus elite falls before he can get a shot out, but two more appear ahead of him and open fire. Blue darts stream by as Jin weaves his way closer... finally allowing him to catch one off guard by feinting  one direction. He body checks the corpus elite, Then quickly using him as a human shield to block the others line of fire. This makes the elite easy to dispatch as Jin simply fires through the dazed elite to wound the other. The wounded elite tries to fight back but Jin easily smacks the gun aside and fires several shots into the elites chest. No more enemies make themselves known as Jin turns his attention to the middle of the room.


Shan scales the behemoth elite to deliver a series of stomps to his face, when he goes to grab her, Jessica strikes his sides with a series of elbow blows, ending with a straight kick to his knee causing him to kneel... the girls rush him but he catches both their strikes by looping his arms around their outstretch arms and pressing them to his sides... he grunt as he spins, throwing both girls to the far side... He  however is unable to give chase as he struggles to stand up-



Jin rushes to aid the two but as he closes the two females exchange a look of devilishness, as Shan and Jessica unquenched their fists, releasing several pins from either's' grip.


only then does the distinct beeping of corpus plasma grenades come to ear.


The Large elite looks down at the bandoliers on his belt seeing them beeping and his body relaxes as if admitting defeat.  A second latter several Blue flashes engulf the elite and when the smoke is gone the all that remains is a small crater-



Jessica-breathing a sigh of relief-: I see you've been taking care of my Corporal, miss Raquel.


Shan-smiles-:...More or less


Jin: What happened in the main hall?


Shan- as if realizing as she looks around for more-: Oh no...


Josef: They brought enough troops to fight an entire Grineer battalion...We were outnumbered going in... What was--


Jessica-cutting him off-: Just like Ixodes.


Jin: ...


Josef-forcibly changing the subject-: Where's the old man?


Jin: He told me to head here and help the last of the pods.


Shan -changing her concerned look from Jessica to Jin-: We should go get him. I didn't like leaving him alone with Prior.


Josef: The Tenno are already down here?


-loud from across the chamber-


????:  Well one of them, I haven't seen the others, but you wound one the rest come out like cockroaches. They are a rather loyal pack of dogs to each other.


Jin: That voice... Can't be...


-quickly turning to the  visage of Diaz enters the chamber healthy looking and alive-


Jin: You really are still alive?


Diaz: Abel must of warned you I wouldn't be easy to kill. He is rather talkative for a man don't you think. Even when you have him by the throat he refuses to shut up.


Shan-drawing one of the fallen elites weapons: Did you?!


Diaz: He is alive if you must known... but I wouldn't say he's oka--


-The Blue dart strikes her forehead... her head jerks back-


Shan: We don't have time for... for her...


Jessica: What the hell?!


-Diaz moves her head back, her face full of annoyance as a  thick stream of blood courses down over her face-


Diaz: That's rather rude you know. -sticking her tongue out to taste the blood- I was just trying to make polite conversation before I killed the others. The Clergy does want you alive for some reason Miss Shan. I figured we could get to know each other better on the trip back.


-wiping her face...No signs of the entry wound  on her forehead-


Josef: Oh -expletive-


Diaz: Guess I'll just have to treat you the same way as Abel... Hmm whats that?

-she pauses as if to listen to someone-


Azazel and I just had a wonderful idea!


Shan -confused-: Azazel?


Jin: She talked to herself before... I just figured she was had a spilt personality.


Diaz: We've been wanting to try out our new bonded form for a while now... and you four are clearly good enough to kill my personal guard, So you should make good practice before I have to hunt down your Captain and the other Tenno.


-Something shakes the Temple-


Diaz: Strange, that felt like a decompression burst from the outer lock being opened.

-she pauses again to listen to no one-


 The channels are being blocked? Must be the Tenno.

We'll look into later.

-Fixing her gaze straight on Jin-


So, Which one of you is my first victim?




Log entry corrupted, searching for back up... searching for matching timestamps.





Tried to proof read this one myself, but don't expect much I most likely missed something glaringly obvious.


I decided to cut this in half to prevent it feeling like it's compressed.


I need to work on my fight vocabulary. Fan kicks for everybody!





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"Mysterious sightings along Jupiter's lower Atmospheres"


The Jupiter situation grows tenser as a USSC recon flotilla reports sightings of strange space hulk.


From what we can gather the "Mass" couldn't be called a ship... more like it looked like two or three ships crashed together and was being held together by what can only described as "expletive" ton of Technocyte .


The Notion that the infested are creating some type of transport, Is worrying as this would mean all corners of the Sol system would be susceptible to a Technocyte outbreak!


Curious the crew mention that the hulk had no visible propulsion system... before it seemingly descend back into the lower turbulent atmospheres of Jupiter Prime. 


The question is, how would these makeshift infested hives be propelled?


IDK... maybe they got something really big to push it?



"Corpus safety measures fail to stop new robbery, but may not be a total loss"


The Solar rail crime spree continues, as the unknown party was successful in its latest hijacking.


Corpus had hoped that a full pack of hyenas along with a platoon of the much higher trained and heavily armed security forces would be enough to deter the bandits along with several decoy transports.


Unfortunate, like before there was no survivors within three cars of the vault and the criminals seemed to see through Corpus' deception possibly hinting at an inside informant.


However the experience has given Corpus a breakthrough! While the Hyenas prove ineffective their demises and location updates gave possible clues to the number of the unknown party.


But the biggest breakthrough was found in a security clip that we sadly can't show due to the graphic violence. In it a security officer is bisected by the invisible assailant... but his blood spray for a brief moment reveals the outline of the killer.


Analysts report that the outline matches the profile of the supposed "TENNO"' battle armor. that have been sighted, reported and denied over the past few months. Though the one in the picture doesn't match any of the previous sightings.


Corpus has made no direct statement on their personal suspicions. 

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