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"Corpus in Retreat, Grineer fleets invade Mars sector"




While the Corpus clashed with the Grineer advance as long as possible it proved to be only a delaying measure. Corpus has formally withdrawn from over 90% of their Martian facilities... with only the Mass fortification of War, home of the Mars branch headquarters, the only bastion of Corpus authority remaining.


Mars Colonial  and USSC evacuation efforts are in full effect but projections conclude that Grineer forces will hit 70% of Mars Colonial areas before any allied attempts can be made to stop them.



"Alad V is official removed as head of Grineer Relations"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Remaining Footage on file found



Proxy: Captain Richard Mustang



Beginning playback



Spectral beings move too and through, ancient ships sit waiting to be awakened. A large container slowly descends on the lift.



Mustang: How'd the drive core look?


-Exiting a control box, Grant comes into view-


Grant: It's decayed about fifty percent... Enough to give us the explosion we need but its kind of unstable.


Mustang: Define "kind of unstable".


-Bill appears from inside on the ships, descending the exit ramp-


Bill: Don't kick it, don't look at it funny and handle it with care else it'll go boom on its own.


Mustang: and we got to drag it back through a few dozen Corpus infantry lines and all their combat proxies.


Grant: As long as the containment crate remains uncompromised it should be fairly safe.


Mustang: Between just the three of us... How do the ships look?


Bill-sighs-: Five out of the twenty are flight worthy; the drones seem to be scavenging what’s usable from the others. Two of them however would need to sync up with another ship's navigation to properly fly. The drones are loading the cryopods into those for some reason.


Mustang: Most likely the Old man was planning a double cross for our "pals".


Bill: Most Orokin derelicts we've been in haven't held up this well. Still impressed a majority of the systems still are working.


Grant: Or its neural sentry has gone nuts and made a bunch of corpse drones.


-A Spectral Female appears, the forge's Caretaker, Byakko-


Byakko: That is a limitation of a neural sentry when it goes without prolonged maintenance. It either suffers neural degradation or total fragmentation.


Mustang: So what makes you different sweetheart?


Byakko -tilting her head-: I was not made by standard procedures. I am not a mental copy of an individual.


Grant: Neural sentries are more like an electronic clone of a person's mind left to run the systems. They can be complex or relatively simple. You seem to be more along the lines of an AI that has undergone metastablization.


Mustang: Isn't that where an AI basically goes insane to reach sanity and full awareness.


Grant -annoyed-: When dumbed down like that... yes.


Bill: I thought the chances of such a thing was a nearly impossible


Byakko: Mathematically yes.


Grant: I'd assume the Orokin must have figured it out.


Mustang: If they figured it out why stick with the inferior neural sentries?


-The sound of the core container being placed on the mobile platform echoes with a loud thud-


Bill: Time to get going


Mustang: Yeah... So when this place goes, you’re going with it.


Byakko: My core is still secured and due to inhibitors I cannot remove myself without Orokin or Tenno authorization.


Grant: You can't override?


Mustang: What are you getting at Grant.


Grant: A fully functioning AI that has access to an Orokin databank. Tactically speaking this is goldmine.


Byakko: Despite my efforts my master lock was DNA coded. Even with Master Honjo, I lack verified Tenno members to escape. I have accepted my coming death. There is no need for concern other then the assured destruction of this facility. I've set up an automatic routing routine to navigate you to the base of the tower. From there you'll need to use the main service elevator to reach your destination on the stabilizer rings.


-The ground shakes-


Grant: What was that?


Byakko: Strange someone has accessed the outer locks with an authorized pass. Several ships have entered the outer lock and will be entering the inner lock soon.


Mustang: Must be reinforcements. We gotta make this quick.


-Byakko fades-


Mustang: ...Right.


-Mustang and Company head toward the lift, the core container secured to the middle--


Bill:. Did you get the feeling 'She' was lying?


Grant -as if trying to puzzle it together-: Perhaps if... no the degradation wouldn't allow for a unique personality... maybe -begins to mutter to himself as he proceeds into the lifts control box and a moment later the lift moves once more entering the tunnels


Mustang: Still can't get anybody on the com since that burst from the Lieutenant.


Bill: Corpus units are probably flooding every channel they can pick up. Sure their fine.


Mustang: Still don't like it.


-A few minutes pass of nothing but moving tunnel and glowing railway... Suddenly an explosion erupts from the tunnel's ceiling far ahead-


Bill -loading his shotgun-: Took ‘em long enough.


Mustang: Here I was, getting bored


- As the platform approaches closer the familiar signs of blue of plasma flashes light up the gaping hole. Three Tenno leap down; Frost, Tiburon and Excalibur. Frost and Tiburon motion as water and ice combine to seal the opening. A mechanized roar echoes after them as the massive form of a Jackal leaps down crashing through the makeshift barrier causing the Tenno to leap back-


Mustang: Grant! ... Speed bump on the track


Grant: Got it!


-The platform's speed doubles, The Tenno turn realizing what is about to happen, The three leap just as the Platform slams into the Jackal... Its upper body hanging onto the front while the pieces of its lower body is ripped off and strode behind the platform. It roars an inept roar as it's exposed head is pelted by the armor piercing rounds from Mustang’s revolver and Bill's shotgun. In a few bursts the jackal's head is no more as its body finally surrenders and is drawn underneath the platform.-


Mustang -Turning to the three Tenno-: See you guys have been having fun.


Excalibur-snarkly-: Loads of it.


-Frost and Tiburon both eye Excalibur-


Frost-in a diplomatic manner-: We're not accustomed to such a large force rallied. The Corpus have overrun the Temple's upper floors.


Mustang:...I see.


Bill: Any sign of our squad.


Tiburon: The main hall was unrecognizable when we made a pass. We saw nothing but Corpus forces going through the rumble... There were no signs of your men.


Mustang:...I told  the rest  to hold till we got back.


Bill: Jess isn't the type to fight to the bitter end on principle. She most likely got them out.


Mustang: We'll worry once we're out of here. So why were you three running from a Jackal.


Frost: We were responding to one of our brethrens vital signs dropping when we were cut off by a group of jackals. The one you killed was the last one but the others had exhausted our energy supply.


Mustang: Need a minute?


-A tremor rocks everything-


Bill: Something just enters from the inner lock.


Frost: Reinforcements?


Mustang: Doesn't really matter, we're blowing them all to hell and back.


Bill: Let them bring as many friends for the ride as they want.


-The platform reaches what appears to be a dead end, a distinct clapping noise is heard-


Grant-appearing out of the control box-: Going up? This is the main service lift, It should take us right up to the stabilizer rings main junction. We just have to wire the core to the ring and run like hell.


Mustang: The only problem is that everybody will see us going up.


Bill: Look on the bright side, at this range, the core even if detonated prematurely should take out the ring.


-Frost and Tiburon glance at each other-


Tiburon: We can provide a barrier.


Frost: It won't stop anything that could rip a ship’s hull but small arms and explosives.


Mustang: Anything that gets us all the way up.


-The platform shakes as if begins to ascend up a glass fronted shaft, soft music playing-


Grant- sticking his head out from the control box-: I know this tune!


Excalibur: It's the Corpus ice cream jingle


Grant: Exactly!


Bill: ... the bastards steal music too.


Frost: Originality must have been lost in the war too.


-The Shaft gives way to a glass front as the platform finds itself among the spires and towers of the temple, pillar of smoke and the distant flash of pulse fire-


Mustang: They're -expletive- everywhere, just like you said.


Tiburon: Look


Excalibur: Oh -expletive-


-The sight of a flaming corpus cruiser descending to the colony floor with Grineer vessels bearing down and firing, scrambling ships... the ground erupts with blue laser fire as Corpus ships move to engage-


Mustang: How the -expletive- did the Grineer find us?


Grant: Maybe they placed a tracking device?


Frost: or had an inside informant.


Bill: Doesn't matter now, hell they've giving us the perfect distraction.


Mustang: ... Let's just hope the others don't get caught up in the chaos.


Grant: Halfway there...


-A shattering sound, a spray of glass from further up in the shaft, as Grineer Hellions descend down. Grakatas, Sobeks and Vipers firing... in one swift motion Tiburon creates a dome of water and Frost follows... the liquid surfaced hardening to thick ice as the bullets chip away at the barrier, Mustang comes out from under the glacial barrier firing at the attackers, one jerks from a fatal shot crashing back through the glass shaft. -


Mustang: They just can't let us win can they?


-A few shotgun rounds echo-


Bill: Not likely.


-More Grineer come racing into the elevator shaft... The three Tenno rush out from the ice cover, Tiburon creates a water dome around the three obscuring them from view. A Flash of light erupts from the dome as ice cased blades shot forward, skewing several of the Grineer, bodies begin to rain down on the platform.-


Mustang: Show offs!


-The Lift finally reaches the stabilization ring; there it locks into place next to a service node-


Grant: Alright, I'll need about two minutes, to set this up.


-More Grineer begin to approach either rising from the lift shaft or from above the ring's over hang-


Bill: Gonna be a long two minutes.


-The Grineer swoop down engaging the Tenno in melee combat, others go for point blank shootings... in a matter of seconds the platform becomes a blood bath, the swirling violence continues for what seem to be a hour with the Grineer tide never ending-



Mustang: Grant, give me an update

-Cold checks a Grineer in the face with the butt of his gun before driving a machete into its throat-


Bill: Grant?


-Mustang motions to check it out... The three Tenno hold the line against the advancing Grineer-


Bill: Grant... what the f- -an azure arc comes from nothing cutting into the man’s torso... his left arm comes off at the elbow as the blow pushes him back... he writhes in agony-


Mustang: Bill!


-Instinct kicks in as Mustang dodges an azure laced lunge aimed at his neck... Mustang backs away from the control booth... He eyes the motionless body of grant next to the container unit... the Azure claw shines and flickers with energy... it is attached to a shimmering yet translucent mass...-


Mustang: ... you!


-From the azure claw a body begins to appear... Dark blue armor and a distinct grinning skull Helmet-


Veer: Hello Captain, I told you I'd be back for your head.


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"Corpus Offensive, Corpus troops begin to retake Jupiter sector"


As of this writing Corpus fleets from the Venus sector and their Europa stronghold have launched a massive invasion of the Jupiter infested hives.


 Retaking ground that neither Grineer or USSC forces combined came close to doing.


​Its unknown how the Corpus have pulled this campaign off with their loses from the Martian defense, especially with their focus on keeping War, reports of the bioarmored figures joining Corpus troops have been dismissed by now acting public relations head, Frohd Bek.


Former Public Relations Head Alad V reportedly vanished into the Jupiter sector after his actions lead to the direct invasion of the Grineer empire and a massive loss of assets in the Martian Sector.







Welp the Lore is finally starting to kick in meaning, stuff is gonna get retconned


Hell the implications that the Tenno were created as a reaction to the Sentients instead of the opposite kinda wrecks my intended story line... but I expected to get shanghai'd so I'm really not that bitter.



I do hope the Corpus Clergy catches on!


Cyber Nuns with lasers... you know you want it!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Well this thread was the only thing to breath life into the notion that the Sol System was inhabited by more then insane clones and mad robot merchants.


I really miss reading it, and DE would do well to do something similar in the game. Hell, might even use the same name.

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You'd be amazed how personal and financial problems can ruin your ability to enjoy things.


Hell I haven't booted up WF since the poison event. I've just been that worn down and I really don't know if I can pick up a game or anything at the moment.


But for the sake of fairness I will summarize how the main story arc would end


Mustang and Veers would have a short but brutal fight, while the Tenno trio deal with his minions. Mustang would seem to be over powered by the Super soldier's superior physical prowess, but Mustang would play off of Veers ego to lure him in for a knife stab to the neck, a knife he would have picked up off of Grant's body who Veer's had killed by snapping his neck. Mustang would follow up by killing Veers with one of his own energy claws to the upper torso.


Mustang and Veers scuffle however would have damaged the drive core and wrecked the timer, meaning someone would have to stay behind to manually detonate it to cause the proper effect needed to destroy the Forge.


Frost and Excalibur both volunteer, Excalibur using the "he is more expendable" logic. Bill settles the argument with logic, since moving him with his wound would not only slow them down... He is most likely gonna die anyway and The Tenno are what the sol system need more then another old soldier.


Mustang and Bill have one last smoke, before parting ways. Frost asking for his full name so he may honor it one war brother to another.


The Descent from the tower involves hijacking jetpacks and free falling through the aerial melee as the Grineer and Corpus troops slug it out, unaware what is coming, and a small shuttle to race through the rail system.


There would be a brief aside of someone with two Dragoons, accessing the forge's data bank somehow -its a mystery- and gaining the Forge's full data core. The implication that whoever it is, is the one that let Veers and the Grineer into the Forge in the first place.


Mustang and the Tenno Trio arrive at the launch bay and board their respective ships and escape noting a Grineer vessel entering the warp. Mustang is notably wounded to find his squad is only four remaining members and Shan.


Bill triggers the Drive, killing himself but causing the Forge's artificial sun to go supernova and The forge along with all the Grineer and Corpus forces is incinerated.


The Tenno debate whether to kill the remaining marines, with Ash warming up the weapons. They can't let them have a fully functional Orokin ship and Shan's inside knowledge is a liability to the Tenno and lotus as a whole , yet It seems against all codes and honor to murder them.


Prior who after using his Master's frame has been racked by vivid memories of his mentor... Prior accepts full responsible for the decision and will face the Lotus' wraith for letting them live.


The Marine's ship begins is slow track back into the Sol System, The Tenno and the ships with the cyropods vanish into the warp... save one.


Honjo who had resigned that he could not save all his students, prays that the few he saved will forgive him. as he rests against on of the pods, implied to be the one he was so defensive of. He remarks that perhaps he survived to this era for a reason... and all warriors need a weaponsmith.


There would be a stinger, between the Unknown from the Forge and Thanos, Where Veer's failure was expected and he was used only as a distraction to get the DataCore before the Corpus did. with the implications that the next piece had been found.


Somewhere in the depths of Neptune, The Clerics are stirred from stasis to fight the Tenno once more.




Hopefully the next coming months will be an improvement... but honestly my 2014 has sucked balls.



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