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Helm of Hades high orbit over Astaroth... on the outskirts of the Main Space battle


Uruz squad preparing for personal orbital drop.


Am I the only one who prefers the shuttle suicide run plan to going feet first?


-indentified,Sergeant, Josef Deveraux, call sign Uruz Nine-


Uruz 9: Atleast then we could die all together.


I already explained it,


-Indentified, Sergeant Major, William Montgomery, call sign Uruz Three-


Uruz 3: They'd detect us seconds after leaving the hangar, This way reduces detection time and the chances of them hitting the ship as we leave.


Uruz 9: Yeah, I guess... I just hate orbital dropping... It takes me an hour to shake the rentry sickness.


We are dropping outside the main combat zone, You should have plenty of time to recover and be at you peak again Josef.

-Indentified, Corporal Jin Sevaar, call sign Uruz Six-


Uruz 9: Thanks Jin, I'll keep that in mind during the free fall.


You always whine when we do this and in less then 5 minutes later you're back to cracking jokes and talking about your latest girlfriend and the girl your seeing on the side... and Neither is ever the same girl.


-identifed Lieutenant Jessica Yun, Call Sign Uruz 2,


Uruz 9: I can't help it i can't be tied down to one girl.


Uruz 2: and You wonder why they never call you back.


Uruz 6: Usually its becasuse they try to physically assualt---


Uruz 9: You're not helping me here Jin.


Uruz 6: Sorry


Uruz 9: anyways, I hear Professor Shan's quite the looker, bet She gets lonely on those digs.


Uruz 2: Oh for the love of, I should just drop you out of the ship myself.


Children... Calm down You can take out all your frustrations on the Corpus and Grineer there is gonna be plenty of them.


-Indentified, Captain Richard Mustang Call Sign Uruz One-


Uruz 1: Sergeant you might as well forget it, Professor Shan's too young for you, She's barely older then Uruz 6.


Uruz 9: What do you mean she's barely older then Jin? Her racks almost as big as the LTs!... uh oh


Uruz 6: She has that look again.


Uruz 2: Sir


Uruz 1: Yes Lieutenant?


Uruz 2: Premission to murder Sergeant Deveraux groundside.


Uruz 1: I'm somewhat tempted to grant that request... any other mission I'd tell you just to break a leg, But I need him, He is the best shot on the squad and we're gonna need his sniper and recon skills. So premission denied.


Uruz 2: Understood sir


Uruz 1: Now when we get back you can murder him all you want.


Uruz 9: Thanks for looking out for me Captain, its nice to know you care.


Uruz 1: I try my best Josef.


Uruz 3: I guess we can cut the small talk, Tactical come in?


Uruz 1: Read my mind Bill, Listen up grunts, We have our orders, We are to drop five kilometers from the corpus dig site, make our way to Professor Shan's last position. We are to secure the young professor and ascertain the wereabouts of the cyropod. If the cyropods contents are deemed to dangerous to allow into anyones hands we are to terminate its occupant.


Uruz 2: Anyone... I assume that takes into account Shan's... "escort"


Uruz 3: Tenno...


Uruz 1: The Tenno's intention is unknown, while they did contact us for support, Do not assume that thier agenda is for the benefit USSC and indenpent Sol space. Our Standing orders is no one takes that pod into custody till we have a full understanding of the nature of the occupant. If the Tenno try something... you are authorized to use lethal force.


Uruz 9: How badly are we outnumbered Sir?


Uruz 2: Remember those Three Hives we nuked?


Uruz 9: Yeah?


Uruz 2: Alot more then that.


Uruz 9: Damn


Uruz 6: What are we up against? The make up of the enemy force can't be the usual stock of Corpus mechs and militia?


Uruz 3: Don't expect Corpus rank and file bucket heads, Expect red and black fully trained and well equipped security troops. The Grineer is always a standard issue assualt force... though Intel suggests they may have called in Dragoons.


Uruz 6: Wasn't it just a company of them to take Rhea in Saturn Sector?


Uruz 3: We're the USSC's best... it only make sense to send the Empire's finest.


Uruz 9: yeah but there is only twelve of us.


Uruz 3: Then make sure every shot counts kid.


Uruz 1:  Teams are as such, Uruz Three and Seven your with me. Uruz Two, take Six and Nine, you're on point.  Four, Eleven and Twelve cover our flanks, Five, Eight and Ten you've got the rear.


Uruz squad: Sir!


-AI voice-

Preparing for oribital drop in 30 seconds


Uruz 1: Lock in... See you down below.



Uruz 2: Hey, Josef... Stay alive, I have to kill you later


Uruz 9: Consider it a date.


Uruz 3: -Chuckle- Atleast you keep your charms in the face of overwhleming odds.


AI voice


Commencing Oribital drop in Five




Uruz 1: Live forever, apes








-Feed ends-




I'm half way to a hundred.... geezus I have no life q.q

Edited by FrostWolf
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"Combat Intentsifies on Astaroth!"


What seemed to have started as a simple skirmish over an Orokin digsite has quickly turned into largest Sol System engagement in recent memory as over 8 Grineer Fleets slug it out with 7 Corpus Security fleets with projections show even more from both sides to join the fray.


Reports on the ground are scarce but the area surrounding the dig site has become a virtual no mans land with the small communities having become bombed out bastions for Grineer and Corpus forces still fighting.


The USSC and The Council's decision to remain neutral in the conflict has brought a great deal of backlash, from USSC supporters.


"This type of conflict was why the USSC was formed and right now thier not doing anything to stop it, A Colony is being burnt to the ground due to cowardice!" said one anonymous commentor.


The USSC maintains that the Astaroth Colony is a Corpus sponsored Colony and is thus their responsibilty to defend, The Corpus have not asked for USSC assistance and reports indicate the Corpus will not extend for an alliance.


"Whatever is down there, the Corpus is adamant upon not letting anyone have it and the Grineer are adamant on taking it away."

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Feed Established


Connection Verified


Lieutenant Jessica Yun, Uruz 2 Helmet Feed,

Location 2 kilometers from Tenno Transmission site

1 hour after drop


-A Corpus Gunship skirts dirt and trees as it crashes by-


Uruz 2: Uruz 6 cover me, Uruz 9 get on that ridge and get those snipers off Uruz 4's location.


Uruz 9: Roger


-She opens fires with a USSC custom version of the Latron, the automatic burst kills the corpus trooper ahead causing his helm to shatter as blood and viscera spray

Moving forward as heavy plasma fires arc at her through the dirt cloud-


Uruz 1: Uruz 2 do you copy?


Uruz 2: I read you sir

-Gunfire as she exchanges shots with Corpus troops heading behind broken trees-


Uruz 1: Uruz 7 just picked up some Grineer com chatter, looks like we've got company.


Uruz 9: Snipers Neautralized, Uruz 12 is down, Uruz 8 is moving to assist!


Uruz 2: Provide cover for him Uruz 9, Uruz 6 We have Grineer incoming. Get ready Jin.


Uruz 6:  Switching to armor piercing rounds now!


-Takes cover behind a rock formation, She begins to switch out clips for her rifle and her side arm... Checks her side blade, A large Kurki... it's edge pulses with an ether line, She breathes deep,


Reh Sebulba!


-She dashes up and fires a shot... it rips through a Tree.. a Corpus soldier falls into sight a moment later... Shots are being fired away from her-


Uruz 2: Enemies incoming, It's the Grineer!


-an Statical sound bump-


Uruz 2: -Expletive-


-She whirls around only to barely dodge a powerfist to the skull, She had drop her gun and wraped her arms around the Grineer warriors arm... A Sharp elbow to the Grineers Elbow


The Grineer howls as the armored blow most likely shatters his joint, She places her foot on the Grinner Shoulder blade and pulls... and audible pop is heard as the Grineer's Shoulder is dislodged from his socket-


-She gives him no time to recover, as he growls in agony, She pulls her sidearm and levels with his helmeted face-


-Gunshot and Grineer Yell as the bullet reaches his brain-


Uruz 2: This is Uruz 2 to all units, The Grineer are using jump packs, watch your backs people.


Uruz 1: Copy that LT.


Uruz 2: Uruz 6 where are you?


Uruz 6: I've been pinned down by a Heavy Gunner.


Uruz 9: I got her in my sights Jin,


-A Sniper round is heard over the distance-


Uruz 9: Target down


Uruz 6: Confirmed kill... Nice shot as always.


Uruz 9: -chuckles-


Uruz 2: Bound later you two, keep the channel free from chatter


Uruz 9: Sorry Boss


Uruz 6: Yes mam


Uruz 2: -sighs-


One of them is over here!


You two take the right, I'll come up the center!


Uruz 2: I got more of them.


-takes cover behind a tree, Peers around but ducks back as rifles shots fire-


Enemy contact!


It's a USSC Commando  squad!


-She rolls out and fires killing one-


-More Grineer Howls and cries-


-She moves quickly closing the distance while firing-


-Two more kills-


Fall Back!

Fall Back!


-Grineer begin to retreat... She gives chase-


Uruz 9: Jessica I can't see you, The Treelines too thick, Regroup with Jin.


Uruz 2: I'm pursuing a Grineer Sqaud, can't let them


-A Large howl is heard as the grineer forces ahead are gunned down... A Large Mechanical beast crashes through the treeline.-


Uruz 2: Jackal! - take cover as the Jackal's shoulders light up-


Uruz 9: Dammit, Jin, Double time


Uruz 6: Roger.


Uruz 1: Jessica, Whats going on over there.


Uruz 2: Corpus brought thier big toys for this fight Captain... I'm pinned down.


Uruz 1: We're moving to get you, Sit tight!


Uruz 2: I don't think it's gonna just let me-- - a punting noise- Oh -Expletive!-


-She makes a Mad dash through the trees toward what looks to be a clearing with a river as something shrieking comes down behidn her... and orange glow fills the air as she rockets forward... as she recovers... she looks back to see a smoking blazing crater where she was just standing... the Jackals red eyes glow through the smoke as it lets out a roar-


-She fires a few shots stopping to take cover when the whirring sound of the Jackal's chains guns are heard-


-She makes it to the clearing... a Water fall feeds a large river... she begins to ford it-


-Heavy breathing as she swims... The Jackal's shots making thuds in the water and its roar echoing...-


-She makes it to the bank.. as shoots weave be-




-She stumbles, Her helmet reads Shield depletion... A chart showing her body... a Her right leg is lite up red-


Uruz 1: Lieutenant , I'm reading your hit!


Uruz 2: Close the wound, give me a shot of adreline... we'll dig the bullet out later.


Uruz 1: Just hold on a little longer


Uruz 3: Almost there... Dammit Grineer!

-Gunfire over the com


-rolls over with her rifle in one hand and pistol in the other and opens fire... The bullets at first only meet a the blur blur of the Jackals shields before they begin to bounce of the armored skin-


Jackal: Target Anaylzed... Wounded, Desperate.


Uruz 2: Why do the corpus program thier bots with a bad sense of humor.


Uruz 9: Almost there


Uruz 6: ETA 2 minutes


-She ducks behind on of the larger collection of River rocks, Her breathing is heavy...-


Uruz 2: I don't have a minute


Uruz 9: Jess don't do anything stupid! we're almost there


Uruz 2: I'll call you boys back in two minutes


Uruz 6: Jessica Don't -cut off-



Uruz 2: Bullets won't cut it... -she looks down and unsheaths her Kurki... studying the edge-

Atleast take a leg out... that will make it easier for the rest of the squad.


-Her other hand  pulls a grenade... she arms it and tosses it over the rock formation... she speeds out as it explodes and the Jackal roars-


-She closes the distance... and drives the blade into the Jackal's Left foreleg its join seems to give as it Howls... she digs the blade into the abdomen of the metal beast dragging it along... circuitry and metal bits flying.-


Uruz 2: GAHHH!


-She is sent flying, she is only able to get the brief glance of the Jackal's right foreleg getting back into postion from the sweeping hit-


-Her hud flashes.. showing her core body flashing red-


-coughing and audible choking-


-She crawls away... the lubering sound of the limping enraged Jackal behind her-


Jackal: Forward Turrets offline...Switching to Evisceration  of target


-she crawls more when she stops... a Heavy fog is forming-


Jackal: Unusual Weather pattern detected... Target lost...


-She crawls more as something walks near her, -she rolls pulling her sidearm-


????: Its alright


Uruz 2: Professor Shan?


-The Mist clears a little revealing a red and black armored figure... It is smoothed and stream lined lacking real noticable features but  It has the outline of a female-


Uruz 2: Is that a Warframe?


Shan: They let me barrow this one


Uruz 2: why would they let you...- She stops as the sight of two glowing blue blades begins to move in the mist-


Jackal: Combat Maneuvers do not match any recorded date... Begin recording for Tactical review.


Shan: Let me see your wound... -Her featureless helmet seems to melt away into threads revealing her face-


Uruz 2: What about...


Shan: Tiburon's already has it dead... It just doesn't know it. -Shan bends down, the helmet hud shows the breast plate being remove-


Shan : The new USSC armor's amazing... I thought when it hit you you'd be paralyzed -


-Looks down sees her bleeding side-


Uruz 2: No offense Professor... you don't look like a doctor and I don't think a band aid is gonna fix broken ribs


Shan: Yeah but I have this nifty little trick -Shan strecth her palm over the wound as a green mist begins to pour down-


-Audible sharp breath-


Shan: It stings alittle...but


-Breathing become stable-


Uruz 2: what the hell



-Jackals Roar is heard as it comes sliding out of the deeper mist banks, It's missing several chuncks of its out armor-


Jackal: Opponent Analyzed as Tenno... Does not match known Tenno operative... Recording combat data for future analysis, Attempt to bring corpse back in one piece for tactical reveiw of new frame.


-A Large projectile of water flies out of the mist nailing the Jackal square in it face, the force of it causes the machine to  crash down on the ground...-


Shan: Come on, we'll just get in Tiburon's way 


-a groan is heard as, Shan helps her to her feet-


Uruz 2: Whose Tiburon?


-The two glowing blades once again come in to view... a  Blue and Silver frame appears out of the deep mist, armed with what appears to be a trident... except the out points are the glowing blades and ornate silver shaft.-


-The Frame lifts the weapon up as if pointing at something-


Jackal: Mist ability is distruping shields... rerouting power, Targeting back of line, Forward turrets operation, Commencing engagment... Unique Weather pattern detected.


-The Mist begins to clear as over head a giant sphere of water looms...


Jackal: Tactical analysis complete... Royally Boned


-The Silver frame motions the weapon as the Sphere launches itself as a giant pillar of water at the Jackal.... the resulting impact sees it outer limbs fly off as it main body is crushed underneath-


Shan: See... Told you she had it covered


Uruz 2: Yeah... oh boy -repornes com line-


Uruz 1: Dammit Jessica, answer your com.


Uruz 2: I'm fine sir.... I found the Professor, well She found me.


Uruz 1: I can guess... I just ran into one of her friends right here. Uruz 4 and 5's squads have had similar help. I'm sending you the location where to regroup. Maybe The good Professor can kindly explain this whole affair.


Uruz 2: Yes, sir I'll get Jin and Josef


Uruz 1: and Jessica


Uruz 2: Yes Captain?


Uruz 1: Never do that again.


Uruz 2: Yes sir...


Uruz 1: Glad you're alright.


Uruz 2: Thanks sir


-Feed ends-


Probably got some of the tenses wrong since its from a first person veiw form a third person perspective. If that makes sense

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Feed Established

Captain Richard Mustang, Uruz 1 Helmet Feed.

Location, destroyed Civilian Settlement one and a half kilometers from Grineer DMZ surrounding the Corpus Dig site

6 hours since touch down on Astaroth

-Looking across at a ruined Church... it's roof has been blown open and it's bell tower cleaved off

Looking behind him, His sqaud rests in an open courtyard... The sound of fighting in the distance,Lieutenant Yun is having her abdomen rewrapped with fresh bandages form Uruz 7, Ariana Masters, indentified as The Medic and Communications Expert -

Uruz 3: Don't like this set up Rick... It feels too much like a trap.

Uruz 1: If they wanted to gun us down one of them wouldn't have bothered saving the Lieutenant. I know its a gamble Bill but at the moment they are the closest thing we have to friendlies down here.

Uruz3: Yeah... Still the air's to uneasy.

Uruz 6: Captain! We have incoming.

-Turns from The Sergeant Major back toward the church... as to figures apporach... One is Large, Brownish in Color with hooved like feet, a Massive Scindo axe is slung over his shoulder... The other is White and Blue... His armor looking more like a long jacket... the air around him seems chilled the two approach and stop a distance away-

-Indentified, Tenno Operatives... Rhino and Frost-

Uruz 1: Afternoon Gentleman, I take it you have a message from our mutual friend Professor Shan correct.

Frost -a very regal and calm voice-: Lady Shan and Brother Prior requests your presence Captain.

Uruz 1: Well about time, we're burning daylight.

Frost: Brother Prior requests a show of trust.

Uruz 1: Which is?

Frost: You will come alone... unarmed.

- several cries and expletives from behind-

Uruz 9: That's - Expletive- No one would do that.

Uruz 1: Calm down, Deveraux.

Uruz 3: I assume such displays are both ways?

Frost -turning his head to face the Sergeant Major-: You are correct, While the Captain is meeting with Brother Prior, I am to be your prisoner.

Uruz 1: Well, atleast your playing by your own rules.

- a Shuffling as he disarms and hands his weapons to Uruz 4-

Uruz 1: Let's not keep this Prior of yours waiting.

Frost: Very Well

-The White warframe removes twin Scindo's from underneath his jacket like folds and hands them to Uruz 3-

Frost: Little Brother, -removes what is some type of energy core from his chest and hands it to Rhino- keep this for me

Rhino: But without your core, your powers are gone!

Frost: It is alright, We have no intent to harm the Captain, Thus there is no risk to my life... Correct Captain?

Uruz 1: I don't plan on startin trouble.

Frost: Be quick Rhino... We are starved for time.

-Frost walks by and sit in the midst of Uruz sqaud... assuming a meditative postion-

Uruz 1: Lets go...

-Rhino hesitates for but a mere second before motioning for the Captain to follow him-

-For minute, he simply walks looknig around at the abandon town... His guide never turning to check on him-

Uruz 1: He called you little brother, I assume that makes ya kin?

-Silence, Rhino keeps walking-

Uruz 1: I should of known you guys weren't the talkative type.

-Rhino... keeps walking-

Uruz 1: Well the only thing your brother's got to worry about is getting into a card game with my Lieutenant.. If he does he can kiss that nice suit of his goodbye. That be a hell of doozy to explain to the rest.

-Rhino keeps walking... a slight audible chuckle escaping-

Uruz 1: There we go... I was worried you didn't have a sense of humor.

-Rhino stops... and turns to face him-

Uruz 1: Something up big guy...

Rhino: All Tenno are brothers and sisters.... but brother's family raised me along with him.

Uruz 1: Ah, your adopted huh?

Rhino: Abandoned would be the correct term

Uruz 1: oh... touchy subject?

Rhino: No Captain... just a matter of fact.

-Rhino turns and begins walking again... He begins following again-

Rhino: Mother and Father always saw me as thier child... Their both gone now.

Uruz 1: Any particular reason his suits nicer looking then yours?

Rhino: He was a better craftsman when he forged his frame... I went with something simpler in design.

Uruz 1: Nothing wrong with that, I got a blacksmithed six chamber handcanon custom made, Maybe when things calm down, I'll let you have look at it.

Rhino: A six cylinder firearm is ineffeicent in this day and age.

Uruz 1: I assume the irony of that coming from a guy carrying around a battleaxe doesn't escape you.

-Rhino... again a soft chuckle-

Rhino: No Captain... it does not.

-Rhino stops at the large doors of the Church-

Rhino: Brother Prior and Lady Shan are in the study behind the altar... please don't keep them. ... It was nice talking to you Captain.

Uruz 1: Call me Mustang, son... oh before i get you in trouble

-Presents a Lex handcanon to Rhino-

-Rhino for a second his stance seems uneasy.. as he reachs to his... his shoulders get a slight flinch of shock-

Rhino: But... when did you?

Uruz 1: You are a nice kid, hated doing it to you... Tell you what, When i get back i show you how i did.

-pats Rhino on the shoulder-

Uruz 1: and don't sweat it. Its just between you and me.

-turns from the slightly perplexed Rhino, pushes on the large doors and enters the sanctuary-

-Feed disrupted... Unknown Link discovered... Rerouting-

Edited by FrostWolf
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You should thank Mr Mango, for giving me a good logical slap to the head to inculde the major Frames themselves...


granted This is gonna bring up how one veiws the frames...-IE Do you see them as individuals or as the Player avatar abstracts-


but It makes logical sense to include them in what I've built up as the Signle biggest Solar engagment in recent history and thier fighting over basically a Grand master of the order.


All hands on deck makes more sense. It does give me more characters to juggle but... I'll find a way.


So I'd like to say I Appreciate Feedback and I do consider your opinions on the matter... So if you have an issue or critque feel free to send it...



Just don't ask for spoilers...

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Feed  re-established


Corrected for error...


Timestamp clear



Tracking for unauthorized presence... Firewall set.



Recommencing Feed in






-The Sanctuary is ruined... golden streams of light pour over the ruined pews, The sound of the church doors closes behind him... His breath is steady as he looks around.


To the left sitting in the same medative postion as Frost had assumed sit a Green and Grey, Blue and Silver female shaped warframes...


-Operatives identified as Nyx and Tiburon-


A sphere made up of streams of water and green energy swirls between them


Uruz 1: Thats something you don't see every day.


-The sphere collaspes as the two's featureless helmets turn to face him-


-a creak above him makes his veiw turn toward the ceiling.. for a second there is only empty rafters and shadows... to contrast the bright rays of light coming form the battle damage... He stares for a moment. then proceeds to head up the aisle... a thud lands behind him... he looks over his shoulder to find another brown colored framed armed with a Snipetron-


-Operative Identified as Ash-


Uruz 1: Real hospitable group...You could atleast offer me a drink.


-Ash simply motions his head toward the Altar-


Uruz 1: I'm going, I'm going.


-Walking past the altar... most of the Religious symbols are ruined beyond recognition...No way to tell what the people worshiped here, a a small hallway behind the pulpit leads to a door... The sound of voices can be heard-


Male voice:The Grineer have encircled the digsite... any  direction wil result in engaging heavy resistance.


-Operative Identified... Excalibur-


Female voice: Even then with the Corpus shield veil preventing orbital bombardment, and control of the three main entry ways into the site, Getting through the Grineer is only half the battle.


-Operative identified, Saryn-


-Voice indentfied from earlier, Operative Prior-: A frontal assualt is out of the question... we'd be overwhelmed long before we reached the Grand Master... The corpus would more likely kill him then allow either us or the Grineer have him.


-He knocks on the door, pushing it open to reveal four frames, Shan helmetless is sitting away from a cleared table that as holomap layout of the Grineer corpus postions... and white and red frame stands on one side, adorned with a horned helmet, A female frame of a vareity colors stands to the other... He stares at the back on one that has the same size as Rhino... except his armor has a robe and amored look... with a spilt cape like feature protruding down his back-


Uruz 1: May i come in or is this a Private meeting?


-The voice comes from the one in the middle-


Prior: Captain Mustang, I am pleased you agreed to my terms... most people this day and age are... untrusting of our ways.


Shan: Well , you guys don't make the best first impressions.


Uruz 1: I take it your Prior... I assume you're in charge?


Prior: We Tenno are equals... but for this mission the others look to my judgement, yes.


-He turns... his armor has looks like archaic renditions of Crusading knights... the helmet  cylindrical with a cross shaped marking on the middle... yet like many tenno... no place for eyes as if thier faces are blank-


Excalibur: Brother Prior has the most experience in leading large numbers.


Saryn: It is becasue of him, we have made it so close.


Prior: But not close enough.


Uruz 1: You wanted to discuss an alliance?


Prior: Yes Captain... We Tenno are powerful but few in number... Your squad according to reports fight as fierce as we do. I desire your assistance in securing our Grand Master.


Uruz 1: Why is recovering him so important to you?


Excalibur: He is one of our mentors in the order! To abandon him is unthinkable.


Prior: Calm yourself, You fear that you will help us regain a crucial advantage.


Uruz 1: If he is as important as the Professor made him out ot be... You guys will have spiffy new warframes running around in under month.


Prior: Your concern is understandable...

and I have no true way to ease your fears... He is one of our own...


Uruz 1: And you don't abandon your own.


Saryn: Yes


Uruz 1: My orders are to verify if the subject is a threat to the USSC...




Uruz 1: However, We need to secure him to verify now don't we.


Prior lets out a small sigh of relief


Prior: I am honored by your trust Captain.


Uruz: Don't thank me yet... I assume you have a plan to get into the Dig site.


Prior: Indeed


-Saryn presses a variosu buttons making the map show under ground tunnels-


Saryn: I had Lady Shan, and Sisters Tiburon, and Banshee scout the cave networks that run near the site.... Tiburon was reporting back to me when she and lady shan went to aid one of your Squad.


Prior: As you can see Captain... this particular network runs close enough we could enter here.


Uruz 1: Shouldn't that be solid rock?


Shan: No, The Dig site is a mostly submerged Tenno monaserty... Entering here -points a the specific part- should granted us acces to the lower chambers of the temple... allowing us to sneak up on the Corpus forces stationed inside.


Uruz 1: So we blow our way in... grab the cyropod and run the way out. Sounds simple.


Prior: The complication is that once the explosion is made the Grineer and the Corpus forces will be aware of our presence.


Uruz 1:... Then we hold two fronts.


Saryn: What do you mean.


Uruz 1: You said the one called Tiburon was here when she found the network... -pointing out spots on the map- yet when she saved my LT she ened up here.


Excalibur: That could work... Have a team hold the Grineer forces that come to investigate at bay


Saryn: and another enter and secure the grand master.


Uruz 1: Then we fall back here


Prior: Detonate the tunnel at both ends... making it appear we trapped ourselves.


Uruz 1: Then we'd escape in this lower tunnel


Shan: and then blow that to make it look like we were all buried.


Uruz 1: we'd come out in the spot, where your girl smashed that Jackal.


Prior: If one aspect of the plan fails...


Saryn: We can't concern ourselves with failure now! This is our best chance at getting the grandmaster out alive!


Prior:... You are correct. Return to your men Captain... We will prepare ourselves.


-A communiction alert-


Uruz 1: Greg you better have a good reason for calling me, Uruz 1 here, Read you loud and clear Command


Sterling: Captain whats your status?


Uruz 1: i've made contact with Professor Shan and was just brokering an alliance with the Tenno, we were just finishing up the battle plan.


Sterling: Captain the time table has changed...


Uruz 1: A complication...


Sterling: More like the Grineer just dropped a gun on the table during the game.


-Feed ends-

Edited by FrostWolf
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"Grineer Issue Corpus Ultimatum!"


The Astaroth conflict is breaking all kinds of records in recent solar history... and it adds another to it growing trck record with after 7 days of  nonstop fighting, The Grineer military command issuedthe statement to the Corpus forces over Astaroth.


"Surrender or Vacant Astaroth space or by order of the Ruling Sisters, The Grineer empire has been authorized to use grade 11 detonative devices in the conflict."


Grade 11 for those unfamilar with the term, refers to explosives capable of decimating areas over 10,000 Kilometers... Continent shifters is the more popular term. While the process of making them is lost in the Orokin era... only three have ever been used but only in deep space and never on a terristial body.


Corpus has made no official response, while the USSC has ordered a reformation of it's fleets.


The Grineer have  given the Corpus fleet two days to comply.

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Feed established


Corpus HQ, Astaroth. Security feed... Astaroth CiC


Corpus Lieutenant: You think the Grineer will really drop a planet buster just to dig us out?


Corpus Captain: I wouldn't put it past them.


Their tactic is obvious


-Voice identified, Corpus Mars Branch Fabricator General Alexstarza Diaz-


Diaz: They're looking for the ship thats going to break from the battle the moment they go to drop the bomb.


Corpus LT: Cause that will be the one your on milady?


Diaz: Correct, however we will be leaving here soon anyway. Open the line to Neptune, I must talk to Father Koris.


Corpus LT: Maim.


-a Middle hologram opens as a main dress ine elegant robes appears in the air-



Koris: Greetings my child... how goes the battle?



Diaz: The shield veil holds and Grineer forces are at a stall.


Koris: Have you made progress on the subject?


Diaz: The Altar could not break him... His will is too strong for the indoctrination devices here.


Koris: So you wish to bring him to Neptune?


Diaz: No... I've had another thought. I wish your permission to use the "blessing" you gave me.


Koris:... your final step in the faith? One must only accept the blessing when they have had years of mental preparation for it. You were only recently ordained young Alexstraza.


Diaz: It will allow me the ability to directly interface with his neural pathways...I can extract the information from him!


Koris: The Bonding process takes weeks...You'd be eventually overwhelmed. I cannot


Diaz: The Grineer will never let me leave this planetoid with the Tenno master alive. This is too important a beak through to be cowed by the consequences.


Koris:...I sense even if i tell you no, you will begin the process regardless.


Diaz:...All faiths have thier martyrs and this would be a test of faith would it not?


Koris:... I cannot dissuade you child, present the blessing and i will bestow my virtue to you.


Diaz: Thank you Father.


Koris: The cermony will be done in private.


Diaz: Of course.


Koris: I pray you will have the strength to withstand the bonding.


-Feed ends-




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Feed restablished


Location Astaroth


8th Day of the Battle


Proxy: Sergeant Major William Montgomery


-Uruz squad is moving through a massive cave system... its dark and only the lights of the various combat suits show-


Uruz 9: This is probably the most thrown together plan we ever had.


Uruz 6: Even more the Titania operation?


Uruz 9: We didn't have planet killer gonna drop any moment and are relying on a bunch of archiac space warriors to keep their word. Top that off, are plan now is to sneak in full force, Turn of the shield and jack a Corpus ship during the chaos when the grineer start leveling the place from orbit.


Shan: You shouldn't worry... Yeah thier a bit stiff, but Prior and Excalibur are both men of thier word. I haven't known them to lie.


-turning to face her, she is barely visible by her light... The makeshift frame she had is gone, only a urban combat suit-

Uruz 3: That might simply be a testiment to thier ability to decieve you. They did abduct you.




Uruz 3: and even now, They stuck you with us. Yes the reasoning is sound. You understanding Orokin tech will let you turn off the monastery's Shield veil, but why swipe your gear?


Shan: It had a temporary reactor... I spent the energy fighting earlier.


Uruz 3: a valid believable excuse...


-turns from her to continue walking-


Uruz 1: The good news is they most likely won't try anything until they have the cyropod... We just have to have a ship before then.


Uruz 3: So we're just letting them have it?


Uruz 1: It is one of thier own, and we're not in positon to pick a fight.


Shan: You were planning to get the pod first... weren't you?


Uruz 1: -sighs- A person with the aility to create warframes... is a threat to Sol stability especially in the hands of the Tenno. 




Uruz 2: Enough chatter, Our entry point is ahead.


Uruz 1: According to the layout of the monastery, this will let us breach a higher level and be a few floors down from what is beleived to be the shield veil's control.


Uruz 3: Setting charges.



Uruz 1: Professor... I suggest you stay near Uruz 2 and 6. I doubt the Corpus are in a good mood if your "friends" have already busted in before us.


Uruz 2: Check your weapons.


Uruz 3: Detonation in 30.


Uruz 1: And here we go


Uruz 3: once more unto the breach.


-An Bright flash lights u pthe darkness as the the breach hole is made-



-Feed cut off-

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"Chaos erupts on Astaroth hours before Grineer Deadline"


Reports are coming in that intesne fighting has erupted in the Corpus base on Astaroth. Speculation is Grineer assualt teams have finally found a way to bypass the shield veil. With only a few hours before the Grineer's threat of using a Grade 11 explosive on the planet.



We'll be reporting more as it become available, Stay Tuned

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Feed Established


Proxy: Captain Richard Mustang


Timestamp: Thirty minutes after breach


Location: Lower Levels of the Astaroth Monastery site.


-A fire fight with a few remaining Corpus crew is underway... the bodies and ruined remains of corpus troops litter the stone floors-

- Uruz 3 and Uruz 5 ,Grant Campbell, are on adjacent sides, Uruz 3 lays into the Corpus with a modified Strun while Uruz 5 uses the same repeating Latron Uruz 2 uses-


Uruz 3: Resistance is getting heavier


Uruz 5: You'd think the Tenno would have drawn thier attention


Uruz 1: Most likely we're being used as the distraction... while they have a resistance free path to the cyropod.


-A com link noise-


Uruz 1: Uruz 2, Status report on the Shield Veil?


Uruz 2: Outside the Control room now, Uruz 6 and 8 fixing to breach.


Uruz 1: Shan?


Shan: i'm fine Captain.


Uruz 1: Resistance?


Uruz 2: standard Corpus crew and mech formations... nothing we couldn't handle.


Uruz 3: Am I the only one noticing a severe lack of Corpus soldiers


Uruz 5: We're in the middle of thier base and thier throwing the cannon fodder at us.


Uruz 1: I was expecting even a Corpus Cleric or two... yet it is pretty standard.


Uruz 3: Like they don't care about defending it any more...


Uruz 1: Uruz 2, I want that control room occupied and i wanted it occupied five minutes ago!


Uruz 2: Sir. -sound of an explosion, Corpus troops crying and gun fire-


Uruz 3: Lets just hope Uruz 4 is having better luck with securing a ship.


-A High pitch scream and flash of green energy pierces everything-

-He drops to the ground... Uruz 3 and 5 clearly hunch over in pain as the scream lasts for several seconds before it subsides-


Uruz 5: What the hell was that.


Uruz 3: Don't know felt like my brain was being peeled away.


Shan: Captain are you alright? can you hear me.


Uruz 1: Yeah... head's still ringing..


Shan: That was a Psychic scream...Nyx usually doesn't do that.


Uruz 1: Something must of pissed her off.


Shan:.. Captain... The Shield veil will be down in five minutes.


Uruz 1: That's quick you broke corpus security that fast?


Shan: No... it's been automated to drop... and it's feeding back into the reactor core for itself.


Uruz 3: Their gonna blow the temple.


Uruz 5: That explains why all the expendable troops are here.


Uruz 1: Uruz 2, Head up to the surface and rendezvous with Uruz 4. We'll be right behind you.


Uruz 2: Make it fast Captain... Shan says that the shield dropping is the last warning before the reactor blows.


-the three rush forward over the dead bodies and find the main chamber... the signs of a massive battle taken place... with a cryopod on a pedestal in the middle... it's canopy has been opened-


Uruz 3: Some of these guys show signs of shooting each other.


Uruz 5: I'm counting atleast fifty Corpus troops... can't tell how many mechs are wrecked.


Uruz 1: Looks like the Tenno came and went.


Uruz 3: Could have Shan bugged... heard about Corpus' little plan.


Uruz 5:... -He is looking  into the Cyropod- Is this guy suppose to be a Corpus employee?

-walks over peers into the cyropod... a fresh corpse of man with obvious cybernectic implant lays inside-


Uruz 3: He shows no signs of prolonged cyrosleep... from the outside he'd look like anyone but once you opened it... It be clear as day this guy was just dumped into it-


Uruz 1: Guess we know what set them off.


-a Massive tremor shakes everything-


Uruz 5: Earthquake?


Uruz 3: Can't be...this region of Astaroth isn't prone to them.



Uruz 2: Sir we have a complication... Grineer frigates just dropped straight down over the site. No sign of Uruz 4's squad.


Uruz 1: Be there in five Lieutenant, let's move


-Over the radio, Grineer chatter can be heard... one Triumphant phrase echoes above everything-


Rain Death from Above!


Uruz 5: Whats that mean...


Uruz 3: Its the motto of Empire's Dragoon core.


Uruz 1: The Grineer's finest.... Double time you two!




-end transmission-



Editor Note: The USSC may have private weapons manufacture now but their still using the basic weapons... they have yet to get personalized USSC equipment... I'll change that in a future story

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Damn, My worst mistake in my life coming to this thread...I can't stop reading it....You sir, are amazing


I can think of worse ones... but as long as you enjoy it... it can't be that bad of a mistake.

 Don't know if i'll update today... I got stuff to do


Have decided to try to use Word more... try to make this more neat and clear.

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I have been enjoying this thread but I was thinking maybe you could do a timeline for all your posts or I they in logical order already?


For the most part they happen in order, I haven't done anything that's retroactive yet.


I don't really plan too... If i have an arc that's basically a flashback... I'll have a disclaimer or something


I'm really not gonna try to screw with you, i mean your bothering to read my ramblings... Least i can do is not try to troll you... I'm Not Kubo!


Now if i'm doing events that are taking place at the same time



IE a Tenno Assualt on the Grineer and The USSC fighting off a Infested Horde... I'll try to differentiate the two.

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Feed Established

Proxy: Uruz 2

Location, Upper Levels of the Corpus Dig Site


-The Sky above is melee of Corpus and Grineer ships so close the barrels of thier cannons nearly touch as they fire into each other-


Uruz 2: We have incoming!


-Grineer Lancers and Troopers rain down as they drop from Shuttles, The exposed Temple parts are ablaze with fighting as Grineer and Corpus troops engage each other... both sides shouting and crying out as they die, She surveys everything... till he sight settles on a lone Frigate... it's unique emblem of a bleeding skull with a flaming sword rammed through its eye socket in a dragon's claw... underneath it... written in Grineer "Abandon All Hope"... It's lower hatch opens... revealing a group of winged armored warriors... giving them the appearance of Demons more then men.-

RAIN DEATH FROM ABOVE!!! -Rings out somehow drowning out the chaos around them as they leap from the platform into the air... a brilliant blue glow envelopes thier wings as the soar away from the frigate... heading straight toward her-


Uruz 2: Jin we have incoming, Find wherever Shan's ran off too and protect her!


Uruz 6: On it


Uruz 2: Uruz 8 and 10 on me. Uruz 9 think you can pick one or two off?


-She looks to a tower-


Uruz 9: Easily... just need to wait for it--- Sh-Expletive


-The Back side of the tower is ripped open as a projectile tears into the ground below-


Uruz 2: Josef!


Uruz 9: A fellow a sniper eh!


-She looks to a Corpus shuttle... perched  atop it is another one of the Winged Armors... this one wielding a massive rifle-


Uruz 9: I'm fine... Damn He must be packing the Grineer's new Leviathan Anti-Material Rifle... Damn thing can shoot a Shuttle from the sky...


-The armored Warrior reloads and then flies up into the chaos above... most likely to find another vantage point for another surprise shot-


Uruz 9: I think i got his attention... I'll keep him busy, you'll have to deal with the rest.


-Uruz 9 appears as he leaps from the remains of the tower quickly moving for cover in one of the temple under hangs-


Uruz 2: Fine... just don't get killed.


Uruz 9: Wouldn't dream of it.


Uruz 2: -takes a deep breath- Looks like we're not getting sniper support... Dig in, Their here.


-a Trio of Dragoons approach, one breaks formation and dives down at her position threatening to crush her under foot, She rolls out of the way as debris is kicked up from the impact.

All three fire into the dust cloud, but the Armored warrior erupts form the side, An energy shield on one hand and Grakata modified with a plasma bayonet and a Ammo drum in the other-


Uruz 2: Watch out!


-The Second appears, his thrusters dispersing the dust cloud as he charges forward... a Manticore axe ready to swing, She fires at him with her rifle at him but he simply roll slides and avoids it almost weaving through the bullets... He closes the distance and swings... she Barely dodges rolling and tumbling as the swings seems to shake the air itself... before she can counter, he has already taking back to the air, out of reach of her dual Khurkis... The third opens fire from above with Dual Vipers... aided by shoulder mounted vulcan guns-


Uruz 2: Take cover -as rounds rain down.. The other two Dragoons join in opening fire with their vulcans as well, the one with the Grakata leveling to us his rifle... she takes cover behind a downed shuttle as she covers as rounds swirl all around her.-


Uruz 8: Each one of these guys is a walking arsenal.


Uruz 10: It not only the weapons, this guys know how to fight together.


Uruz 2: Empire's Finest after all


-The Barrage stops... a sudden punt sound as something thuds against the Shuttles hull on the opposite side... then the distinct sound of beeping begins-


Uruz 2: MOVE!!


- the three dash away as a flash of orange and white engulfs the view and a monstrous boom shatters all sound-



-She tries to stand but is clearly disoriented trying to regain her balance... the heavy thud of armored feet closing in on her... Uruz 8 and 10 have been blown ahead of her by the shockwave... rolls over  her whipping out her side arms, a pair of Furis and fires at the Armored clad warrior looming over her trying to bash her head in with his axe ,he dashes back avoided the flurry. Instead of trying another charge with his manticore, he levels his left arm at her...Two barrels are visible on the gauntlet... The barrels begin to glow a deep blue... Her breath is sharp... She knows she can't dodge what is coming.


Her arms go up on instinct... a futile effort as Sapphire flames shoot forth... She tenses up... yet no sound of agony follows... Her view turns to be in front of her as she drops her arms... Something silver is in front of her... parting the flames.


Soon the flames stop... and all there is  a blackened statue... the Statue moves as the black flakes off revealing a bright brown... and the familiar shine of a War Frame... Rhino. He simply shakes off the remaining char... brandishing his Scindo as he approaches the three.

The one with the Manticore seems to answer his silent challenge by rushing  forward... The air seems to break as the two collide. The ground seems to be giving way as neither seems capable of budging the other. The Dragoon's thruster going at full power and Rhino's rock solid stance. An unstoppable force and the immovable object personified in their struggle.


However her eyes turns from the locked opponents to Rhino's left side... The one with the Twin vipers has dashed around and is aiming at his exposed midsection... before she can act a stream of ice erupts... forcing the Dragoon to abandon his attack least he be skewed by ice. From the flaming wreckage of the shuttle... Frost appears...a Lato in each hand.


Rhino looks over his should and nods... acknowledging his brother's aid. Rhino's opponent breaks the lock by pulling back, despite his size he has amazing speed... he barely hovers above the ground before he charges again for a second time-


She turns violently as though a thought has gripped her... The Third Dragoon, the one with the Shield looms over her two fallen squad mates


-She lets out a roar as she opens fire at him. but he simply dashes up into the air escaping her attack, He darts around in the air firing bursts from his Grakata... forcing her to take cover-


Uruz 1: Uruz 2, Status report!


Uruz 2: Grineer Dragoons sir... their more of handful then standard Grineer fodder.


-She opens fires and motions for the recover Uruz 8 and 10 to go for cover away from her as she fires at the Shield Dragoon-


Uruz 1: Where's Shan?


Uruz 2: She ran off and we lost her when a corpus shuttle crashed on top of us, I sent Jin to find her.


Uruz 1: Dammit... What's your status...


-More shots rain down on her-


Uruz 2:  Preoccupied


Uruz 1: Hold one we'll be there in a minute.


Uruz 2: I'll try...


-she moves out of the way as the Shield Dragoon again attempts to "stomp" down on her- this times she's ready and hurls a primed grenade at the warrior... the explosion separates the two from view... Her gaze returns to Rhino Locked in battle with the Manticore Dragoon... the Dragoon and Rhino seem to have the same idea as they rear back and deliver a head butt to each other... this breaks their lock as they both stumble back. Rhino recover quicker as he tackles the Dragoon.


The Viper Dragoon darts around Frost.. firing but the shots don't seem to reach him... Frost simply stands  as if waiting for his darting enemy to make a mistake... That is when she notices the shell of crystal clear ice... only the bullets striking it give its form away.


Finally the Viper Dragoon lands a few meters away and arcs over... the Same punt sound as before is heard as a large sphere like shell is slowed to a stop in the Dome of Ice... A mere moment latter a explosion erupts and ice shatters and flies everywhere... The Viper Dragoon holsters his guns, and pulls out a Blade... It's edges ignite with yellow plasma as he darts forward into the debris cloud of smoke and ice... He then exists the other side in a tumble as his wings shatter... both have been frozen solid. Frost simply walks out the cloud  and opens fire his stride and stance unmoved. The viper Dragoon throws up one palm as the bullets begin to strike the familiar blue blur of a shield being hit.



Her attention returns to her own predicament as the Shield Dragoon has maneuvered around and again begun to pelt her with Grakata fire.


However this time his attack is interrupted, by Uruz 8 and 10 firing at him. She seems to look around... and focuses on a direction for a moment... and over hanged and pillared area of the temple.


-She screams a profanity at the Dragoon getting his attention as she fires at him... she moves toward the over hang... as He gives chase... She takes cover and places an explosion on one of the pillars... she darts out and fires at him, and takes cover behind another pillar which she again rigs with an explosive she repeats this process a few times... till she begins to make a long run for the other side... the sound of the Dragoon's thrusters ringing as quick glance reveals his level with her darting at to catch her... a Detonator is brought up as she pushes a button... and explosions and flashes of light ring behind her


The force throws her forward... and she rolls she sees Uruz 8 and 10 moving to cover her... Again her gaze turns  towards the Dragoon Tenno battle. Frost is battering a way at the Viper's defenses with dual Zorens... however right when it looks like Frost is about to deliver the killing blow.. The Viper Dragoon strikes... catching his wrists in his grip. His gauntlets begin to glow blue... and a surge of electricity envelops Frost making him drop his weapons. The Dragoon quickly brandishes another Yellow plasma blade ... but dives back as the Scindo of Rhino buries itself in the ground between the two.


Rhino Levels a Lex at the Viper Dragoon but only gets one ill aimed shot off before the Manitcore Dragoon clotheslines him from behind, his Axe buried a few feet back... Frost recovers as the air chills around him and a surge of ice flies in all directions.


Shoots fired bring her attention back to her opponent who has escaped her trap... but is clearly wounded... one wing is gone, blood streams from his joints... his helmets singular red sensor flickers... He throws his Grakata away as he approaches and brandishes a Similar blade as the Viper's... She herself pulls out both of her Khurkis and charges at him. The Shuffle is quick as He tries opening with a Shield strike to the head and horizontal cut... she slides back and under the blow.. scoring a hit along his abdomen, He yells and attempts a downward hack... but she darts to the side... with his neck exposed she digs one of her Khurkis into the joint between the shoulder and the neck... The Dragoon makes a gurgling sound and he makes one last half hazard swing... She follows through with the second Khurki right into the red sensor of the helmet. and the Grineer high pitched yelp.



As the dragoon falls she turns her attention back to the Tenno... The Other two Dragoons have taken notice of thier comrades death... The Wingless viper motions to the Manitcore having reclaimed his axe, Who returns his nod and takes to the air, firing wilding at the two Tenno with shoulder vulcans... however the Wingless one jumps up and catches the Manticore's free hand still turned he uses hi free hand to fire with his one of his Vipers as the two escape up into the Melee in the sky.



Uruz 6: Uruz 2 do you read me?



Uruz 2: Yes Jin... did you find the Professor.


Uruz 6: No Ma'am... I've found Uruz 4 and company.


Uruz 2: Give me your location, We'll regroup with you and the Captain.


Uruz 6: Roger that.


Uruz 2: Any sign of Uruz 9?


Uruz 8: No ma'am... He's probably still in a game of Hide and seek with that enemy sniper.



Uruz 2: Dammit Josef...


-She glances over... the Two Tenno have vanished-


Uruz 2: Lets move... Uruz 9 will just have to met up with us... He knows we're on a time table.


Uruz 8 and 10: Ma'am!


-feed lost-

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an Editor... That almost make this topic semi professional and that just clash with the amatuerish fun of it all! XD


 Maybe if I really think it needs a once over I'll send it.



You know that feeling that you just had a retroactively awesome idea that would have made desrcibing something better


-IE describing the Dragoons by weapon probably wasn't the brightest move i could make-



Yeah just had one of those...

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Feed reestablished


Nearest Proxy: Uruz 1


Recommencing feed



-Looking up at one of Three Corpus Cruisers, docked above the Dig site as the fighting continues-



Uruz 4: Captain do you read me?


Uruz 1: Where the hell have you been Uruz 4?


Uruz 4: Had to go silent.


Uruz 1: Where are. you?


Uruz 4: Currently fortified in a lower deck of one of the three Corpus Cruisers. I got new intel.


Uruz 1: What is it.


Uruz 4: They're not heading back to Neptune... Theses three ships are going somewhere in the outer terminus.


Uruz 3: Why go out into the Dark sectors?


Uruz 4: Don't know... but You and the other better hitch a ride fast... The Cruisers are spooling up their jump drives.



Uruz 5: They're gonna blow the place already, why not do something that will ignite the atmosphere for a few kilometers!


Uruz 1: They still have ground troops down here!


Uruz 3: Explains why it's just rank and file crewman.


Uruz 5 Left only the expendable ones to lure the Grineer in.


Uruz 1: Get Uruz 2 on the com and tell her to get her &#! to you.


Uruz 4: Already sent a call sir, she and her squad will be here in a few minutes. No sign of Uruz 6, 9 or Professor Shan.


Uruz 1: We're too far away from your position.


Uruz 4: Just go for the nearest one sir... as long as they're dock there is an easy access point on the starboard side near the docking clamp.


Uruz 1: Roger that bunker down and stay safe.


Uruz 4: Uruz 4 out.


Uruz 5: Why are the Cruisers still docked.


Uruz 3: Same reason there are troops everywhere, the illusion that the Grineer have caught the Corpus by surprise.


-The three gun down a Grineer Squad as they round the corner toward the nearest docking tower.-


Uruz 1: Looks like the mission is gonna be a bit longer. We need to find out what the Corpus are up too if they are not going try to rush the Arms master to Neptune.


Uruz 3: Maybe they broke him already? Got what they wanted?


Uruz 1: Whatever Corpus wants is bad news for everybody else.


-A clash of bright light erupts in the middle of the air-


Uruz 3: On our six


-The glance turns to a far platform across the expanse between cruisers as the light fades. three Tenno stand amongst a field of corpses.. Grineer and Corpus. with a pack of Hyenas smaller versions of the Jackal circling round.  Three winged Beings hover above.  Prior, Nyx and Excalibur stand resolute... more focused on the  Three above then the pack around them.


The lead  Dragoon is red and black his suit fashioned into that of Fallen angel with draconian features... he dashes downward... but his target isn't the Tenno. He seems to simply pass by a few of the Hyenas... Seconds later a large bright red slash appears along side them before they explode. The Second Dragoon, Blue and Gold opens fire with what appears to be a modified Gorgon, Decimating the remaining Hyenas with explosive shells. The last Dragoon, ,A dark crimson with Silver trim, remains fixated on Nyx... as if the two are trying to melt the other with a glare. The Red Angel dragoon rejoins the other two in formation... for moment the two groups simply stare... waiting for the other to make a move. The Tenno strike first, Prior unleashing an arrow of bright gold from his shield like arm and Nyx unleashing spirals of green energy... The Crimson one however outstretches his hand and the attacks seem to dissipate before they reach the three. The Red Angel brandishes a metal "whip" in one hand, jet black before it become a bright luminous red, that is what he used to destroy the Hyenas. in the other hand is a simple hilt... from it a erupts a Geyser of gold energy, Forming a massive "Blade"


The Tenno ready themselves as the Three Dragoons begin their charge... a flurry of shuttles, fighters and gun fire however obscure the view of the battle-


Uruz 6: Captain, Do you read?


Uruz 1: Good to hear you, Uruz 6 we're cutting it close, We're evacuating to the Corpus Cruisers, their fixing to leave.


Uruz 6: Already know sir, I can see you from the docking tower...


Uruz 1: Good job, kid we'll met up with you in a minute. Have you heard from Uruz 9 and Shan?


Uruz 6: The Professor's with me right now,


Shan: I'm trying to figure out which Cruiser the Corpus general is... that is where they most likely have the grand master. Also at least figure out where these ships are going.


Uruz 1: Uruz 4 mentioned that.


Shan: Then he got my message.


Uruz 6: I haven't heard anything from Uruz 9... I keep sending instructions but his not responding... We only got a few minutes before they commence dustoff.


Uruz 3: Josef's most likely making his way to a ship now... Might still be in a dueling with that enemy sniper.


Uruz 1: Hold tight Uruz 6, ETA 2 minutes.


Uruz 6: Roger that... PROFESSOR!


-The Professor's scream and the sound of something ignited and gunfire follow-


Uruz 1: Jin, respond!


Uruz 5: Something got the jump on him.


Uruz 1: MOVE!


-The Three rush for the base of the Docking tower as the fighting continues all around them, gunning down Corpus and Grineer troops unfortunate enough to step into their path.., They reach the lower elevator of the tower-


-Uruz 5 quickly removes a pnel and begins fiddling with wires and circuits-


Uruz 3: Get us in quick Grant.


Uruz 5:  Almost got it... there


-The door slides open, He moves forward before the door closes again cutting him off from Uruz 5 and 3-


Uruz 5: Dammit Dummy sensor and blew a fuse... Take a minute for me to reroute.


Uruz 3: Go help Jin and Shan, we'll be right behind you.


Uruz 1: Right!


-He moves for a service ladder that will take him to the upper floors-



-Feed interrupted-




So many plot threads to do! ARGH This was so simple in my head!

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Feed restrating


Proxy: Uruz 1



-Fallen Grineer and Corpus line the hallway to the control room... turning the corner, Uruz 6 comes into veiw... breathing heavily and applying a patch to his midsection... blood running down-


Uruz 1:  J- he controls his voice as Uruz 6 motions to stay quiet-


-approaching him steadiy, he bends down to him-


Uruz 1: How bad is it?


Uruz 6: It just looks bad... mostly a shallow cut... He has the Professor sir...


-pulls a syringe out and injects it into his neck-


Uruz 1: Sit tight... I'll get her.


Uruz 6: Watch it sir... I think he has cloak... likes to come from the left blind spot.


Uruz 1: Right


-He get s up and readys himself... He storms into the Control room weapon drawn... Shan is simply standing in the middle on the room... as if she's struggling to breathe. Finally noticing she's being lifted off the floor by an unseen figure-


-Aiming over her Shoulder-


Uruz 1: Come on Big guy, put the the nice Professor down, and you and me discuss this... Man to Freak.


-The voice come from behind Shan-


?????: Captain Mustang... I have no intention of killing her, Praetor Thanos and the Sisters have taken an interest in her. Killing you however will prove me worthy to the Dragoons and redeem my name for Deimos...


-The unseen being tosses Shan aside, she crashes into one of the control panel with a loud thud-


Uruz 1: Not a gentleman, I see


-Slowly the unseen being begins to become Visible... Black and Blue Dragoon armor... yet it likes the ornateness of the others more likes its a basic modified suit given to someone who got promoted into the unit but didn't earn it... It lacks the wings of the others.-


?????: If I care for such civilites.


Uruz 1: You mentioned Deimos...


-The Armored warrior ignites two energy Katars, thier blue blades humming-


Uruz 1: Rev Veer... The Knave of Deimos, Butcher of his own men and general black spot on the entire Grineer military


-A deep growl comes from the armored warrior as he lunges... The first strike misses as Mustang dodges to the left... but the follow up disarms Mustang of his rifle. Mustang delivers a sharp blow to the Veer's knee causing him to stumble however Veer uses a shoulder charge to knock mustang away... Mustang rolls into the middle of the control as he exits the roll he draws his sidearm... but Veer is gone-


Uruz 1: Like to play the hiding game huh... Guess they'll let anyone into the Empire's "Finest"


-a deep hiss comes from the left behind... Betraying Veers attack, as Mustang sidesteps draws his own knife and stabs... hitting Veer in the shoulder who lets out a Grineer snarl... however Veer uses the fact that Mustang is hooked into against him and delivers two sharp elbows into the Captains chest finally before kicking him into the wall-


Veer: Mock me if you must Captain...Your head as a trophy will  mean more then any one of your empty insults.


-The Metal warrior looms over Mustang... preparing to strike... When Shan dives atop his back wrapping her arms around his neck desparately trying to plant the barrel of a pistol to his exposed neck area under his helmet... Shoot fire as Veer tries to buck her off... Finally he gets his hand around her and tosses her aside-


Veer: You are fortunate young one, that the sister require you alive.


-Before he can return to the downed Mustang a shot rings out forcing him to bring up a wrist mounted shield, Uruz 9 stands rifle drawn and fires again... Uruz 3, 5 and 6 quickly enter and open fire, Veer's shields flicker from each round shot at him... He lets out an animal like roar as a burst of blue energy shots from him, Knocking the four down.... Before he can take advanatge the sound of a high pitched whine eminats from his com... Veer makes a shot paniced breath before he takes to the air... His armor adored with a pair of powerful verniers that give off the same blue glow as the wings, He volts foward crashing throguh the Cotnrol rooms window. Uruz 3 rushes to the Captains side while Uruz 5 helps Shan to her feet-


Uruz 3: He knows something We don't?


Uruz 1: My guess, The Grineer just found out the place is gonna blow... Meaning we got to move.


Uruz 5: Access shaft is throguh the server room.


Uruz 1: Let's go. The Ships are preparing to take off



-Feed ends-




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"Mass Explosion Rocks Astaroth!"


A mere hour before the Grineer Deadline, a Massive explosion occured... vaporizing eveything within a 40 Kilometer radius of the Corpus base on Astaroth. While evidence points to the Grineer, some think that the detonation was  a Corpus  last ditch effort to prevent Grineer forces from claiming the site.


Notably a few minutes before the explosion, several key grineer Vessels pulled away from the planetary battle and returned to high orbit.



While  the fighting on the surface has ceased the orbital battle continues... though it is assumed that the fleets will begin to disengage shortly.

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