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-Network Hack-


Unknown Source



The Hunter in the shadows who yearns for your demise.


The Watcher from a far, who sees through a million eyes.


The Silver Deceiver schemes of the great downfall.


The Void Mistress beckons you, don't answer her call!


and The Golden Emperor who rules over them all


-signal interrupted-


.... Covenant.... Triads....



- Signal lost-





Busy weekend

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-Network Hack-


Unknown Source



The Hunter in the shadows who yearns for your demise.


The Watcher from a far, who sees through a million eyes.


The Silver Deceiver schemes of the great downfall.


The Void Mistress beckons you, don't answer her call!


and The Golden Emperor who rules over them all


-signal interrupted-


.... Covenant.... Triads....



- Signal lost-





Busy weekend


It may have been a busy weekend for you, but for me... it was a Tuesday.


Wait. That doesn't work.

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Honjo's hate is kind of a biased point of view, since Prior is  his old friend's apprentice, and Justinian was what you'd think of when thinking of a Noble selfless. Then again that's kind of the point Honjo's flaw is he is still applying the old order's methods and way of thinking... and that Order and era are gone.



If Prior was a Loki or an Ash, He wouldn't bat an eyelash at any form of underhanded thinking/backstabbing and would simply disagree. He is letting his view make it personal let us not deny that and that is a fault on his part.



However... Prior isn't going to help his own case -IE the whole get the USSC involved... that was because Tiburon, Banshee and Saryn twisted his arm into doing it so they could in theory get Shan off the planet into USSC custody instead of having to drag her back to her room/cell on some Lotus base-


well At least Prior wasn't Ordered to kill her once they secured the Forge's location ...I mean you'd have to be a massive douchebag to do that.

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-Next available log playing-



-Spectral like figures move and shuffle. Cryopods with slumbering silhouettes float across the floor onto the levitating platform. Captain Mustang stands observing the situation. The underground tram stations lights flicker on and off-


Mustang -reaching up to his com-: Lieutenant, status?



Jessica: We have the R70 in position above the main entrance. Uruz 9 and 12 are getting into Sniper positions in the adjacent spires. No sign of what the Tenno are up to. What is your status Captain?


Mustang: About to head out with the first load of non combatants. -clearly overly dramatic and loudly- Once Uruz 5 figured out how to make the tram go forward!


-from the tram car control room- Grant: I go the wrong direction once and now you won't let me forget it!


-Mustang turning to face Jin, Mustang draws his revolver and loads it with a speedloader- 


Mustang -his tone serious-: Uruz 6, your job is to protect Ms. Shan and the old man till we get back.


-Taking his other sidearm, an automatic pistol, he loads it and then tosses it to Shan along with three magazines-


Mustang: That has little more kick then the sub machine gun you've been stuck with.


Shan: Thank you Captain.


Jin: Be Careful, Sir.


Mustang: Aren't I always?


Grant, Bill and Jin -in perfect unison-: No!


-Mustang chuckles as the platform he stands on starts to move-


Mustang -smiles that confident smile-: Be back in minute.


-As Mustang's platform vanishes from site, another one appears and docks with the Tram platform... The spectral drones resume their task to move the cryopods being brought in onto the platform and AI construct appears inside the control building to drive it. Turning to her the Grand Master overlooking one of the pods... wiping the frost away from the top and sighing-


Jin: Not the person you’re looking for?


Honjo: No, They are not among this batch. My mind could rest easier if they had been in the first group to safety, but they are most likely sleeping in a group deeper inside the temple.


Shan: We could go find them.


Honjo: No, that will not be necessary. Byakko should be able to collect the rest with the drones. Come you two, I must collect a few key artifacts from my chambers; this way.


-The Master turns and walks past the drones into a hallway back into the elaborate corridors of the temples underbelly, Shan follows with Jin in tow... Drones pass them by pushing cryopods toward the tram station. Soon, the traffic ceases, as the corridors become lonely with just the three of them moving-


Shan: Did you notice something about all those sleeping Tenno?


Jin: No what?


Shan: A lot of them looked barely older then you and I.


Honjo: An unfortunate consequence when you become the protector and enforcer of the entire Sol system. Originally most Tenno were advanced in years due to a lifetime of battle or mastery of the combat arts.


Jin: But you don't necessarily generate a lot of numbers if you did it that way.


Honjo: When I became a disciple, I was no older then your captain. At that time, I was considered too young "a mere child" to be a Tenno. Yet by the time I became a full-fledged master, we were seeking those as young and younger then the two you. The Orokin demands drove us to seek those that had the potential and nurture them ourselves rather than let the world create it like the original generation.


Jin: You sound remorseful.


Honjo: More now, that many of them bear the burden alone, without the elders to guide them.


Shan: You don't trust the Lotus?


Honjo: Tell me young Raquel? During your time amongst the Tenno, did you ever encounter the Lotus in person?


Shan: No... They kept me in seclusion and only started opening up to me when they needed me to decipher artifacts.


Jin: What did the artifacts allude too?


Shan: Something about the War Master.


Honjo -very low to himself, upping audio volume-: Bishamonten...


Jin: Shouldn't they already know what a lot of their own relics say?


Shan: I assume it’s the cryopod amnesia, though such a prolonged case is unheard of.


-Shan stops to study a mural on the wall, a Cloaked Tenno seems to send a horde of enemies fleeing, terrified to the point that they maim and kill each other as the cloaked Tenno leisurely follows his arms outstretched-


Shan-touching and studying the words-: The Fear Bringer, the Madness of Battle personified.


Honjo: A Crow, the mad artists of the battlefield, able to have hundreds of opponents slain without even touching them, just by its sheer presence. Fear and theatricality mixed into an effective combination.


-staring a mural of draconian warrior fighting completely surrounded... a mountain of corpses beneath him


Jin: What’s this one?


Shan -bending over to read the writings... Jin averts his gaze to stare at the ceiling- : The Dragon that walks like a man, the Indomitable Warrior of the Order.


Honjo: The Dragon, few in a generation have what it takes to master that design. It places unbelievable strain on the user, many are crippled by the training long before they see combat. However those that do are all remembered among the Order's finest.


-The three move on... The murals on the hallway display various Tenno, A Wasp like Tenno fluttering above her enemies attacking them with her weapons and swarms under her command. A web of cocoons, with a spiderlike Tenno meditating in the center. A Tenno amongst a garden... the plants seemingly feeding on fallen foes-



Honjo: My Chamber is near here.


-Before them is a grand mural depicting a black clad Tenno meditating, Shan overlooks the words-


Shan: The Cold Embrace, The Nothingness


Honjo: Those that followed this path tend to be detached even from their brothers and sisters. Yet they were always the most willing to sacrifice themselves for their siblings and for the order. I doubt any of them would submit to the long sleep knowing the war raged on. Especially the one I knew, it would have driven him insane.


-Honjo pushes in on a marking near the mural as a section of the wall slides away revealing a door-


Jin: Your private room.


Honjo: To think it will be the last time... -he seems to sigh at the thought and then pressing a button the door slides open, revealing an elaborate show room, with Frames and Weapons on display... Three doors in the back leading to other chambers-


-Jin stops an examines a golden king like frame-


Jin: Doesn't this look like...


Shan: Prior's armor.


-From ahead of them- Honjo: It should... That was to be my gift to Justinian, he's a prime.


Jin: If it’s still here...


Shan: ...


 -Honjo wanders into the far right door... inside looks to be some type of study, with books and artifacts lining shelves, he searches and finds a large book, coming out he places it on his study desk-


Honjo: Need that... and -wandering into the room on the far left... He vanishes behind the door. The sound of him rummaging through things is heard- …Where the hell did I put it?


-Staring at the middle door-


Jin: Guess that's his bedroom.


-Honjo reappearing-


Honjo: Which is funny, I tended to sleep here at this desk or in the workshop; I only slept in there when I had..."company".


Shan: Any thing permanent?



Honjo: Passions sailing in the night... nothing more. -He hesitates for a moment- One came back...-his voice trails off-


-He sits down combing through the book... pressing his fingers on certain symbols on the pages that would light up-


Jin: Found what you needed?


Honjo: I'm unlocking it at the moment, It an orb, a relic of the War Masters. It also serves as Byakko's memory module.


Shan: That makes it a memory unit for the entire Forge. It should be a fountain of knowledge and research data.


Honjo: Correct, but it serves a second purpose... -his eyes narrow-  The actual purpose of them bringing you into this miss Shan.


Shan: The War Master's blade... it needs four artifacts to be complete.


Honjo: Correct... without all four orbs the blade is useless for its true purpose


Jin: So they didn't come to save you... they came to only secure the forge's relics namely that one.


Honjo: I would believe so... You wouldn't mind clarifying for the Corporal would you?


-Shan and Jin turn sharply.... The knight like visage of Prior standing next to the kinglike armor of Master Justinian's prime... He seems to stare at it remorsefully before approaching the three-


Honjo- thinly veiled mocking in his tone-: Tell me good "Prior", was my survival paramount to your "Lotus" or was it simply my knowledge of Tenno relics that interested them.


-Prior bowing respectably unlike before-


Prior: I humbly ask you to reconsider this course of action. We can defend the forge till the Lotus sends reinforcements.


Honjo: Humor me... How would we defend the forge? We surely lack the numbers since your Lotus only bothered to spare a handful of you.


Prior: The Corpus will mount an all out assault on the temple; their cruisers will be vulnerable in that moment. We lock down the temple, and keep the Corpus forces occupied until the ships are disabled and then we turn the temple's defense on them.


Honjo: For such a plan to work, you would need to sacrifice a ground unit to draw the enemy’s attention. Which Tenno's live would you submit? Surely you yourself would be among them.


Prior: The plan would require all of my brethren attacking the ships. No Tenno could be spared from the assault for it to work.


Jin: Meaning my squad dies fighting without any support.


-Shan places herself between Jin and Prior her eyes conflicted... she stares at Prior as if past his helmet into his face... Prior quickly turns his head unable to look her in the eye-


Honjo: That's assuming they all die in the assault... what happens if these brave soldiers survive? Surely you'd at least let the survivors go home.


Prior: …The Lotus' orders were clear. No one is to be able to have this place... Corpus, Grineer... USSC.


Honjo -his eyes narrowing-: And what of Miss Shan? She is none of those... only here due to your actions I believe


-Shan casts a quick glance to the Grand master... realizing what he is implying... she goes too look at Prior... but he has completely turned his back-


Shan: …Auron.


-Prior seems to physically react to the name, his form become more rigid as if he is straining to maintain his composure-


Shan: Tiburon said you'd let me go once this was over. This mission would prove I was trustworthy and could be set free.


Prior: Sister Tiburon and Banshee planned to just let you escape with the USSC squad... I only agreed to get them involved due to those two. We didn't expect them to get this involved or this far. That's why I made the deal in the first place. We'd beat them to the Grand Master, and leave. You'd have escaped on your own to USSC custody. The Lotus would overlook it once you returned to the public eye.


Honjo: But "your" orders personally were different... most likely unknown to your "siblings" as well.


Shan-Her eyes full of bewilderment-: In the church... you were planning to... If I hadn't talked you into getting the USSC attention... you'd have. -her voice trails off... before her teeth grits and the pistol rises up leveling at the back of Prior's head... His body shows no sign of reacting- Turn around and look me in the eye... Take that damn helmet off and look me in the eye when you tell me you were going to kill me.


Prior: ...Saryn said it would have been painless. You'd have gone in your sleep.


-Shan lowers the weapon... her eyes more shocked her body limp... the anger flares... but Jin stops her from doing anything sudden, lowers the gun back to her side.-


Jin: Miss Raquel... he isn't worth the bullet.


Honjo: I concur.


-The room shakes and rattles as if an earthquake was starting... the shaking stops-


Jin: What was that?


Honjo: That would be the outer atmospheric shield kicking in …due to a breakage. The debate is over "good" Prior ...I share your Lotus' sentiment though, no one will have this place, I assure you of that.


-Jin's com beeps-


Jin: What is it Uruz 9...


Josef: I’ve got visual here in the tower


-The Colony's upper clouds part... as the silhouettes of three Corpus Cruisers appear-


Honjo: The first and last siege of the Forge begins. She'll be here soon enough



-Data corrupted searching for next available log-




Edited by ChillFactor




Nope nothing Douchebaggery and amoral here


Infact it should be standard practice, Bed your target and then kill them! they'll be too exhausted to fight back!


It makes perfect sense!



Special thanks to the following for letting me use their frames -whether I named them or not-

Endrian : The Dragon



Khiem: The Crow



SilverBones : The Void



GratuitousLurking: The Drider -The Spider lady-



GTG3000: The Vespa -The Bee Frame... My god! :P-





Edited by FrostWolf
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-le snip-



Edited by ChillFactor




Nope nothing Douchebaggery and amoral here


Infact it should be standard practice, Bed your target and then kill them! they'll be too exhausted to fight back!


It makes perfect sense!


Prior must work for the Dark Brotherhood.

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Prior must work for the Dark Brotherhood.




But enough character drama



Corpus returns in full force next feed... But I need to come up with a new set of Headlines first

Edited by FrostWolf
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A headline about the Grineer fighting the Infested with the aid of the Scorch Troopers? I don't think you got one of them yet.


Also, I want to slap Prior twice. He is a twat.


I did say the Grineer would be getting a troop restructuring didn't I 





You made a Banner XD


I wasn't expecting that one.

Edited by FrostWolf
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Dem etches ',' so glorious of references.


Well I'm glad your happy with it.



"Grineer to send new Purge squads into Jupiter hotspots"


While more infested hives are discovered daily, It would seem the Empire is doubling its efforts in eliminating the scourge of the Sol system.


Grineer forces are seeing the deployment on new "Scorch" troopers armed with Ignis flamethrowers. They are to replace the heavily reduced  Napalm units as the Grineer's go to in purging infested areas requiring something a little more up close and personal and easier squad integration.


The Grineer have seen a good deal of success with this deployment in the smaller more localized infested zones in their Mercury and Saturn held territories.


Hopefully this will prove effective on the large swarm numbers on Jupiter.

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Friend sent me to this fanfic and Im really digging it :D read through the whole thing in a single sitting :) great job with this entire project overall. I hope you luck out and they decide to use this story for the lore gap in the game. I hope they pay you for it too if they do. Best of luck and more power :)

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Well prior follows duty before anything else and I can respect him for that. But goddamn where the hell is his honor.


On the last train to Clarksville. -and that will be the only time I can make a monkees' reference-


It is a good question to ask.






So, the Grineer have a flamethrower, and the Corpus have a short-range laz0r, but what does the USSC have?


... Good question... hmmm What would fit the style...



Friend sent me to this fanfic and Im really digging it :D read through the whole thing in a single sitting :) great job with this entire project overall. I hope you luck out and they decide to use this story for the lore gap in the game. I hope they pay you for it too if they do. Best of luck and more power :)


I could use the employment... I'll tell you that much.


I hope to get better as I go.

Edited by FrostWolf
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