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[Cosmetics] Vauban Alternate Body!


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Hey all, this past week I seriously damaged my laptop and cant really play warframe till my new one gets here, being the junkie that I am, I crossed over Vauban with a plausible alternate body design that I think really would fit the universe well if DE ever wanted to try it out in the same fashion that they did the whole new limited edition Excalibur body. . Anyway, without further ado, here's my WIP for a Vauban x Metal Gear styled body and helmet! :D



I really suck at drawing so sorry for that, also, I dont own a tablet or anything, I just sketch on paper. 




As you might have guessed from the uni-goggles, this design is loosely based upon the MGS:5 Ground Zeroes trailer look, and of course, it has that oh so stylish bandana! 




Here's the body.




and it was drawn with the sneaking suit from MGS: Peace Walker in mind, while still using plates of vauban's original body armor and replacing snake's gear belt with some ammo pickups drawn to scale! (i think) below is a picture of the sneaking suit from Peace Walker. 




I hope everyone who's thought of vauban as the "metal gear" warframe appreciates this look, and I hope that one day I may actually get to see it in game! I'd drop 150 plat on this in a heart beat. 

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First off, for paper drawing that's pretty detailed.

More importantly, the armor just looks awesome. Vauban was always touted as the "Tactical Frame," and this goes right along with that theme. Doesn't stray too far from the traditional style of the model. I look at this and see inspiration from Metal Gear and Rainbow Six, which fit the bill of tactical pretty well, last I checked.

Nice work man!




But that handwriting is just awful D:

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First off, for paper drawing that's pretty detailed.

More importantly, the armor just looks awesome. Vauban was always touted as the "Tactical Frame," and this goes right along with that theme. Doesn't stray too far from the traditional style of the model. I look at this and see inspiration from Metal Gear and Rainbow Six, which fit the bill of tactical pretty well, last I checked.

Nice work man!




But that handwriting is just awful D:

Duly noted, I'll write better next time. Thanks for your input, I'm glad you like it. :D

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I'm off work tomorrow, so I'll have more art to upload! And I'm very much open to constructive criticism, and any other Ideas you may like to see drawn (within my abilities of course). Leave a comment if there's something about this design you think would fit better, or if you have a request for another sort of crossover. 

Edited by Towerwatch
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