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Failed To Join The Session, Failed To Join The Session, Failed To Join The Mofo Session...


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Ok, its fckn enough, seriously. Every 2nd time me and my buddy are trying to play its either "Failed to join the fckn session" or "Fchn connection lost" or "Fckn host migration".


The game experience is so detrementaly deminished by that sh*t. How the fck are we supposed to joyfully enjoy this game, when we cant even start a fckn match?!?

How do you fck it up so hard, not even relogging or completing a match helps?!?


With regards,


So fckn annoyed, i would have quit if the game itself wasnt so awesome.

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this will happen a lot if you have a poor connection or your pc cant handle hosting, or his/hers cant handle hosting.  Happens to me all the time when playing at work so I just play solo while at work so I can at least play, try lowering the settings both via the launcher settings and the in-game settings and see if that helps, however if it is your internet connection not sure what you can do besides upgrading that, as you need to not only download the information from the player, the servers, but also upload the information to the players joined, this is so if there is a host migration you dont miss any drops or anything because of it.

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@Cebius: Thats great, if you dont want to play with the rest of the community. Which is kind of required in order to farm Vaults. Also - my PC can handle it very well. It has 16gb RAM, IntelCore i7-2600 3,40 GHz and a GeForce GTX 460. I think its sufficient.


I call BS on not being able to join a session due to PC-performance. Its the same as "A game isnt running? ...Hmmm, well, maybe you should update your drivers" - well, no, it has been NEVER the reason as turns out a week later. The fckd something in the code up

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@Cebius: Thats great, if you dont want to play with the rest of the community. Which is kind of required in order to farm Vaults. Also - my PC can handle it very well. It has 16gb RAM, IntelCore i7-2600 3,40 GHz and a GeForce GTX 460. I think its sufficient.


I call BS on not being able to join a session due to PC-performance. Its the same as "A game isnt running? ...Hmmm, well, maybe you should update your drivers" - well, no, it has been NEVER the reason as turns out a week later. The fckd something in the code up

Well, its the best i could offer atm.

I hope it can be solved for you in the future.

Edited by Cebius
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