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Ai Needs Rework


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Here is the problem in AI set in different categories:


Rescue Hostages:

I am pretty sure everyone knows about these guys...

- For 1 they are way to damn brave. They will run head first into a crowd of enemies and start combating them... WHAT THE HECK? 

- Their pathing system is not very good. They will sometimes ruing around a box or get stuck on the stairs or something. 

- They will not leave the area or follow you unless all the enemies are dead. They will jsut stay there and make a Last Stand... I give him respect for being so honorable but I am here to RESCUE you not to see you go K.I.A. 

- Won't follow you until you are like 50 meters away. This is a very serious problem. I think they should stay at least 30-20 meters close to you at all times. 


Enemies in General:

These issues I find more serious since its in almost all missions.

- When stealthing enemies tend to get "stuck" on each other or in a group while walking. Kinda annoying considered it will take forever to get past ti steathily. 

- Enemies also tend to do weird things such as 360 walks or make a full 90 degree to turn immediately for no reason while walking then does another 90 degree to turn back and start walking it's normal path.

- This might not be the most concerning thing but... taking cover on the wrong side of the objective they are taking cover on. Makes them easy targets.

- Intelligence and strategies... game feels way too L4D-ish or Arcade-ish. I would like the AI to act a bit more like maybe the campaigns for console shooters. Maybe such as the COD campaign AI. Where they will take cover, shoot & prone intelligently. Also have actually strategies & tactics to fight you. For instance have a line of shield lancers block off an exit: 


Example picture from Rome 2 Total War

Or a group of Lancers charging while others provide covering fire:


Yea I think you get the idea bout AI being more strategic or tactical...


Invasion Allies:

This will be more a bit about how useless allies are... I mean if we are going to help and fight aside them... At least make it seem like the Tenno and the Factions are in some type of calibration.

- The things I said in the section above & hostage.

- Have another person lead the mission instead of Lotus. This will make it feel a bit more cooperative with the Faction. Maybe Lt. Lech Kril or Gen. Sargus Ruk lead you when you side with the Grineer. While Sgt Nef Anyo or Alad V leading when siding with the Corpus. They can have lines for special objectives such as:

(Notice when on Offensive you need to clear out the starting ship before headed to the actual Raid?) Sgt. Nef Anyo: "Now that we have cleared our ship. We must now raid the dog's galleon!"

- Make AI levels balanced... allies seem to always be lower leveled or weaker than the enemy.

- Make the battle feel more cinematic. When theres a large group Grineer and Corpus fighting. Have one side charge at the other or something. Or when after the Grineer charge and break the Corpus defense, the Corpus retreats to regroup with a larger squad and starts attacking again. 

- Ally does not wander around in an empty room and head to where the fights are! 

- About Lotus replacement idea. The mission leader is actually in-game leading you through the map making speeches or punch lines would be cool? For Ex: *Sargus Ruk charges head first into battle breaking the Corpus's line of defense, increasing the Lancer's morale as they follow him into battle* Sargus Ruk: "Charge! Grin... eer... We have... the pieces... of metal... scrapped from their... mechanical... asses!" (Something like that Lol) *Tenno follows behind the platoon* 

- Alright to make things not seem too easy the bosses on your team will stop participating in the battle when you start to raid the opposite ship. (In offensive side). (If on defensive side) Boss partners will not be in-game until you get to the other ship. However they will not stop leading the mission. The Boss will also retreat if all of his units in a area is killed. Hes will not show up again until you are in a area with 5+ allies. (During this idle period he is still leading the mission) He will also have the ability to die. If he dies mission fails. (However this is very unlikely... Hes a boss fo crying out loud!)

Edited by JohnMarkLee
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DE, learn from Angelos in Devil May Cry 4

So what are DE meant to be learning from this?


The 3 act independantly towards a single target, accept for the occsional defence where the two pull togeather with their shields to protect the leader, abet at one point with their backs to dante, and not defending the leader from him in the slightest.


This shield protection the shield lancers already do and you will see the other grineer troops fall behind the Shield Lancer for cover.


The fact that they have a single target makes it actually look like the 3 are working in unison within the video when they really arent doing that very much at all.



As to the OP, there are quite a few tweaks that could be done for the AI, but keep in mind AI is one of the biggest resource consumers you find from games.  Warframe already has network issues, more AI will make that worse, so they really need to make the network code more efficient before dealing with better AI (which actualy is quite decent, aside from a few glaring hickups here and there).

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