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You, Kril And The Hammer That'll Bash Your Skull In (Guide)


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So after my many attempts of getting the frost bp's, probably over fifty now, i've become quite adept at handling the hammer wielding, newb stomping, frost copying, giant walking monster that is Lt. Kril. So i decided to make a guide on all the strategies on taking him, or her( questionable gender) down!Strategy 1: Out RangeProbably the easiest of all the strategies simply because it's the safest. Just stay a good 50m or so away and blast away. It's good to get onto the upper platforms with kril being on the centre middle platform. Theres cover to duck under and you'll have plenty of warning when Kril tries to run up to you. You can also easily jump off to the main platform if Kril is trying to run up to you. There is also a large pipe near the lower entrance to the boss room you can climb up on and shoot, it's not as safe because it offers no cover so only use it if you have too. Pretty much any weapon with decent range can do this.Strategy 2: The TangoProbably my personal favourite and most often used, i find it the most fun. You will have one person, let's call them the tank, baisically tango with Kril. The dance moves are as followed, walk up until Kril begins to swing her hammer then with a quick turn around and maybe two or four steps back walk out of smacking distance. Then when Kril's animation is done walk up again before she puts a hundred holes in you and let her swing in vain as you just walk a few steps back. The tank can do all this while shooting kril so they don't lose any dps. The only problem is it's slightly risky. Since Kril's swing is practically a 360 degree attack if the tank walks up again after the first 180 degrees the tip of the hammer can still send them flying. Also in between each swing Kril usually shoots off one bullet that will chip away at the tanks health or the tank can side step after each swing and the bullet will usually miss. The other teamates can just sit a bit farther back and unload clip after clip onto Kril until shes dead. The tank can de done by any warframe and doesn't have to be one of the heavier frames like frost or rhino. This is usually the fastest way I've found to do Kril so far. Strategy 3: The FacadeThis strategy takes place on the centre platform where one player will sit under the platform on the rocks underneath and have kril ontop of the platform trying to shoot the player. Kril can't shoot through the ground but can't understand this so she'll just keep at it lol. The player underneath can't attack either so it'll be up to the other 3 players to kill Kril but they can switch the decoy out when one player runs out of ammo. I don't really like this strategy personally because most times Kril will target someone else and walk away from the decoy or someone tries to melee her and takes aggro. I do admit I've only tried this a handful so comment away if it actually works wonders. It is quite safe because everyone will be a good distance away and have enough time to react if anything goes wrong.Aggro:What I've noted so far is that Kril will attack someone who is is close proximity to her above all else. This wavers the farther you go away from her. If your all a decent distance away i find she just targets who hits her the hardest or just attacks randomly, not too sure. Reviving:If you have aggro, and Kril isn't too far from you, don't try reviving, you will get curb stomped. You can usually rely on other players to go revive the downed member while you distract Kril until everyones up again.Kril's attacks:Gorgon: Pretty straight forward, this is her rifle and she'll do whatever she can to put as many holes in you with it. Can hide behind stuff for cover. It also can't shoot too far.Hammer swing: A near 360 swing that covers her front and behind effectively. It's very predictable and easy to notice, just step out the way and you'll be fine. Wherever the head of the hammer is, even at the end of her swing, can still hurt you, so be careful until her animation is completely over.Frost wave thingy: She'll raise her hammer and bring it down sending a straight wave of ice in a line infront of her. Fairly unpredictable and will use it whenever someone is a couple meters around her. You can try rolling if you notice it fast enough, with high enough shields and health you can survive it but it can one shot most people.Frost grenade: If your far away she'll try to freeze you with the grenade. You wont be able to move for about five second or so. It usually misses but it can be fatal if she has enough time to run up and bash your face in with a quick swing. If the impact of the grenade kills you your health will not decrease until you break out from it and fall to the ground. This is probably a bug and will be patched soon though.Notes:So there are my strategies I've found, some things i'd like to note is bring some decent mods with you, especially piercing damage. It's good to have a shield or health mod with you to survive a bit. I can't really say what frames would be the best other than the token trinity boss killer, rhino for iron skin and ash for bladestorm. It really just matters on what guns you bring. But yeah have fun guys I hope this helps. Hopefully it doesnt have too much spelling mistakes xD. Decided to make this guide to try to help out some of the new players, i keep getting into runs and doing 70%+ dmg xD. If you have any tips to add ill try to add them in so feel free to share all your amazing strategies!

Edited by Drakonnan180
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one strategy that i still find the most effective:

1. Have Loki in your team.

2. Put Loki on top of the steam pipes beside the platform where lech spawns (not the stack of pipes, just the single pipe near the platform)

3. Switch teleport Lech while Loki is still on top of the pipes.

4. Profit.

If all else fails, use Boltor/Akbolto/Bolto or the bow weapon to stagger the dude.

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You will need a coordinated team.

1) Excalibur

2) Mag

3) Trinity

4) Banshee (if possible)

Cast the skills on him in the order below

Bullet Attractor

Energy Vampire


Excalibur goes in the sphere of attractor and do a radial javelin

How it works.

-Bullet attractor makes every javelin propelled out reflect back in, into Kril.

-Because of the massive damage done, Excalibur regains enough energy to do a second consecutive radial javelin on Kril.

-Sonar, for damage.

Of course, it will help greatly when Excalibur is fitted with power strength, Trinity, Mag and Banshee with power duration.

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You will need a coordinated team.

1) Excalibur

2) Mag

3) Trinity

4) Banshee (if possible)

Cast the skills on him in the order below

Bullet Attractor

Energy Vampire


Excalibur goes in the sphere of attractor and do a radial javelin

How it works.

-Bullet attractor makes every javelin propelled out reflect back in, into Kril.

-Because of the massive damage done, Excalibur regains enough energy to do a second consecutive radial javelin on Kril.

-Sonar, for damage.

Of course, it will help greatly when Excalibur is fitted with power strength, Trinity, Mag and Banshee with power duration.

Power Strength does not affect Radial Javelin to my tested knowledge.

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You can hide under the stairs and he will try to shoot you, but miss. This allows your team to shoot him while he is trying to shoot the stairs you are under. All you need to watch out for is the ground ice because it goes through the stairs.

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Strange, I thought I saw 1250 damage with 25% power strength when I struck enemies with it.

I never said it couldn't crit or anything. The values are odd though, but I've consistently gotten 1k only most of the time. What you're talking about are critical hits most likely, because I've seen myself do 2k on some rare occasions.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Jesus are you people blind? Everybody says Kril is a man, yet her portrait is CLEARLY female, and her model is a female grineer model :/


Also, could this guide be formatted a bit better? Like...proper spacing?


It looks terrible format-wise, no offense lad.

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Walk near Kril to initiate her slow, cumbersome melee attack

Backup out of it's range while shooting at her head

When the attack animation is done go hit her with a charged melee attack


at which point Kril will initiate her slow, cumbersome melee attack again


rince / repeat / win

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