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Bind Warframe Abilities To Hotkeys The Same Way You Combine Elemental Damages.


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what I mean is that if you have all four abilities equipped to your warframe, the first ability starting from the top left will be bound to hotkey 1, second to hotkey 2, and so on.


This would allow players to have total control of their ability hotkeys on a warframe to warframe basis without having to change their hotkeys when they change warframes in case they like having different abilities on different keys.


For example, I like using my mouse wheel for abilities. it feels very smooth to me, and I often bind abilities to the mouse wheel function that makes sense for it. for mag's pull, I like having it on mouse wheel back, yet for rhino's charge, I like having it on mouse wheel forward. Since they are both ability "1", I cannot do this without changing the bindings every time I switch between those warframes.


EDIT: Alternatively, give each ability polarity slot a small subscripted number that represents the hotkey slot it belongs to. I just realized that with my method, you'd be stuck with hotkeys 1 and 2 if you decided to take only 2 abilities.

Edited by IConquer
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So if I understand correctly, you think that on the upgrade page for the warframe, the warframe abilities should be assigned numbers. So for instance the top left warframe ability is #1, top right is #2, bottom left #3 and bottom right #4 which would then determine which skill was assigned to which number?

Not a bad idea for sure but I think you can change it in the key binding menu. Your idea would still be easier however.

Edit: I actually see you covered the key binding part now, didn't notice on first read.

Edited by DanPaul7
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Beautiful Idea. I would really like to see something done with this. When I first changed the order of the abilities and the order in Arsenal stayed the same, I was confused. This would improve my game experience by leaps and bounds.


From the very start I knew that using the number keys would conflict with movment. In a game where movment is crucial, this would be a serious problem. You would have to momentarily take a finger off of a movement key to use an ability, most likey the key controlling forward motion. This is extremely dangereous and detrimental to gameplay. It also impedes the accuracy of non auto-targeting abilities like Teleport, Switch Teleport, and Wormhole. It nueters the effectiveness of ranged damge abilities like Fireball and Smite. Using the mouse wheel is the most effective method of ability selection, not activation. Activation should be assigned to a key like E or Q. Most players will find themselves sliding or strafing more to the left or more to the right. If you strafe more to the left, as I do, bind the ability activation key to E. If you do the opposite, bind it to Q. Melee will switch over to Q if you bind to E. Mouse three is reserved for block. Using mouse three for Melee is not advisable. I cannot seem to attack at full speed while using that particular keybinding. While using this method of ability selection and activation, non-targeting abilities become accurate and quick. If you only use two abilities most of the time, like I do with Anti-Matter Drop and Wormhole, only one click of the mouse wheel up or down is required to switch abilities.

Block should be quick and easy to access. It really helps with Bombards and Ancients. 


Edit: To clarify on the mouse wheel clicks: two clicks down will see a full cycle through your two abilities. you do not have to roll the wheel up AND down. So, one direction can be spared for keymapping.

Edited by Prodromata
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