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In Search Of Mature Players.


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I just started the PS4 version and don't have many friends yet on the game. I'm a pretty quick learner and can see myself getting pretty into Warframe if I can find some active players. If you have any advice to offer or just want someone to have your back on a mission or two. Let me know!

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I'm the same way. I have been playing since the release of the PS4 and serious about playing. I enjoy 'getting the job done' and going on to the next mission at hand or helping someone to do the same. I'm on most evenings from 4:00pm to mid-night CST. and all over the weekends. I have even started late on Friday evenings and seen the sun come up on Saturday mornings. LOL.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm looking for mature players to play with as well... Tired of joining games and hearing people singing and talking dumb... I started to play when the game first came out but never actually got into it until the last couple of days and I'm really liking the game now. So it would be nice to have some people to play with, please feel free to add me guys/girls, I'm on the east coast, generally play in the evenings into the night.

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So I started a small clan with very active and helpful players. We are more like a very efficient squat. If you would like to join us hit me up.



Clan Name is Aiurs Fury. 


3 Story Dojo with everything build and researched. 

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I'm pleased I've found this thread!

Played Warframe from the day the PS4 released in the UK but my time on the game faded as I couldn't find mature and proper team players that would help and work together.

Most games just ended with it feeling like 'everyone for themselves'

I'd be seriously into getting back into WF as the past few updates have me really interested in the game and I so want to get my Warframe upgraded!

So I hope I could get together with anyone off here for some proper Warframe action!!!

Add me on PSN and let me know you're from this community!

I'm Stephen from the U.K. (I'm 40 too) so no kiddies please ;-)

PSN - NorthlanderGT

Edited by NorthlanderGT
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  • 2 weeks later...

We have a small group of adult players are always looking for more mature players. Dojo with all the research completed and a solar rail.  We haven't deployed the rail yet waiting to see how the upcoming update for the proxy wars make it more viable. Friendly, helpful with mics we don't race through  maps nor do we leave you behind to bleed out. End of the day if you are an adult who wants to enjoy the game with other adults add me.

Any male/female mature player of any skill level with or without mics doesn't matter its about having fun. PSN Badlucknbulletz

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Hi all!


Any UK players out their not necessarily attached to a clan?  I'm looking for 3 top notch active players that will play quite regularly.


As long as you are mature (I'm 40 so would prefer gamers from my age group) and for timezone issues from the UK really.

Edited by (PS4)NorthlanderGT
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Hi all!


Sorry for the late reply...


I've found my clan - a perfect 'mature' community - SNR (SeniorGamers) where we play Warframe the way it was intended!


The good thing though, is rather than trying to convince you all to join us as a Clan, but why not form a 'mature' Clan Alliance!?  This is where we should be going!  I was looking for a mature clan because of the obvious....so expanding this out to forming an Alliance with other mature Warframe clans seems so logical!


See you soon Tenno!

hi i started clan yesterday but would like to join urs if i deleted mine would this be ok  

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I'm interested in playing some rounds of Warframe with you and fellow mature players so feel free to message or friend me on PSN. I'm already a member of a clan but I'm always open to playing with some decent players, regardless of whether you are a beginner or advanced player, it doesn't matter to me. Just looking to have fun and play with like minded people.

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The senior gamers  usually play between 6 pm and midnight GMT, most of us are Brits and talk way too much. We have the best Dojo, this side of the Atlantic and the residents are the friendliest you'll ever come accross. If you use a mic, are sick of playing on your own or with randoms that just run off and do thier own thing, then we could be the group of friends you are looking for. As the name suggests we aren't the youngest of players. Most of us are in the 25 -55 age bracket and have kids that are much better at gaming than we are despite having played since the eighties .

Any mature warframe player at any experiance level is welcome to join our "senior gamers clan,  we are not that expienced ourselves and most of us keep biulding new warframes so are happy to play on lower levels or on T3 or derelict missions if thats what you fancy.

Interested? Send either myself (Acegadgets) or NorthlanderGT a friends request on the PSN with a bit of info about yourself or post on here.

We are also on the lookout for small friendly clans to join the alliance that we are in. So if you have your own dojo with a few mates and dont want to give it up to join our awesome clan with top notch 5 star Dojo, then get in touch.



Edited by (PS4)Acegadgets
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  • 2 weeks later...

I recently moved to night work in the the States. I am also an old man, maturity may be in question...


Feel free to add me to lists and if anyone needs access to clan dojo blueprints, holler. My clan of two, we have most everything done short of Synapse and Zephyr. You can grab and ditch if ya need... I only did the research for myself too. I am like level...10 or something? 


Got a crap ton of keys and the like and happy to use. 

Edited by (PS4)Count_Dante
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