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Hello Warframe


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I'm an old shooter, I started playing shooters since Wolfenstien 3D in 92 and have been online killing the past 22 years. I just stopped playing Planetside 2, and APB Reloaded, and I was really looking for more co-operative game play instead of the brutal, hack infested, do whatever it takes, mantaiity of the PVP teen shooter out there. I have also enjoyed some RPG's along the way like EQ, Anarchy online, SWG, and SWTOR. So to find a game that's a space age Shooter/RPG like Warframe was a godsend, I've been on for about a week and I’m lovin it. I think i can settle down here and find a new home with my fellow Tenno. I've been rollin with ASH w/ Latron, AKBolto, and Fangs. I spent some money, I usually do when i start a new game. I know how i enjoy to play and did some homework and bought my gear that fits my play style. I think this game really has a good product and a decent community and i hope to be around with you all for a while. See you all in the trenches. 



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