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How Would You Summarize This New Update?


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It seems that it's mainly hard to get the newest stuff, then after not doing anything for a week or so, the stuff gets much easier to get. With the exception of Zephyr and other dojo stuff, a lot of new content eventually just becomes easy to access after some adjustments.


Still, I feel overall that Melee 2.0 didn't actually add anything too practical. Sure it's now a viable playstyle, but I guess it was dumb to assume that it wasn't suppose to be as strong as I envisioned, and no I'm not talking Nova AoE strong.

Edited by Xelorx
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-Well it's obvious that DE want us to flat out buy the hydroid...26 little gind items...weeks

-Melee...is still melee with a cool glow effect and no more charge.

-new danglies for my clanglies

-a parrot with teeth.

-and running around with no weps..


-Clan war stupidness


Honestly, nothing real breathtaking here. New weps and frames are nice, but why fix a mechanic that is silly, when you have guns in the first place? Honestly only been in one match where a guy was just using melee AND was downed like 50 times......guns>swords.

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he probably had a S#&$ty melee


also i would summerize this update as inevitably buggy, since all they really needed was a mini update with melee 2.0 in it, not a whole one with all of....this.

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Stance being behind an RNG wall kinda sucks and seriously, why did they need to put the new Vay Hek behind a grind wall? I just wanted to go fight him, not jump through 40 hoops and then fight him!


I guess its because they wanted the new content to have a shelf life of longer than an hour.  I feel for them actually.  The player base in this game is not very sophisticated.  Could you imagine if they put it behind a mission that required tactics and teamwork to complete.  The forum would explode.  So, without the ability to challenge folks with missions like interception, what choice but the dull old grind do they have?


Result:  mission = incredibly easy to complete = incredibly grindy.

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after being burnt out on the game I havnt played much lately, and today I was looking forward to at least trying all the combos on the weapons I'd collected, just got so fed up I turned it off after an hour. Why would they not build combos into the weapons or give us default combos and then a more elite combo to search for. Just nothing, I gotta kill potentially unlimited mine ospreys for a sword mod that apparently might fight in my dual axes.


Grind/rng just to try the few months hyped core mechanic, what are they thinking.


Bugs I dont care about it, it;s a beta

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Extremely Disappointing.

Why make stances rare, and make some of them drop off of uncommon enemies? I was thinking that we would get some default stances, or they would at least be common drops off of common enemies, like pressure point or slash dash, but this...what were you thinking DE?

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