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Rng 1, Goodwill 0


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This problem is due to the fact that Free To Play is not viable.  Free To Play is just a marketing slogan, not a viable business plan.  Why should players make a purchase when they can get the content for free?  They shouldn't and for the most part they will not.  This leaves DE doing contortions for money.  Since they have elected to not charge money for most content, they have to resort to other means, like compulsion.  So, they attempt to compel us to spend money to get past the grind wall.  In an effort ot raise more money they raise more grind walls.  So, the game becomes a grind.  But, nobody wants to grind.  Compulsion feels terrible.  So, DE's attempt to raise money is sabotaged by their attempt to raise money through compulsion.


My solution is simple and effective.  Charge money to play the game.  Let people play the game for free on mercury, all they want.  Let them enjoy it.  Let them feel enticed to go further, not compelled.  To get past Mercury, charge them $5.  If you can't afford $5, you can't afford a computer or internet service.  So, $5 is not too much to ask, especially compared to what other companies ask.


Sweeten the deal!  Don't be stingy!  Let EA be the bad guy.  The game has a lot of content and it doesn't cost DE anything to give a bit of it away.  For the $5, the player should get 75 plat, which is nothing when they go to the market to spend it, AND, a free color palette of their choosing.  Charging for color palettes is a stingy thing to do, especially when no one else does it.  So, the least you can do is let the customer pick one for their purchase.



Above all, don't be stingy, but, don't work for free.  Be generous.  Entice customers,  Satisfy customers.  Makes deals.  Make money.  Don't compel people to do anything.  Compulsion is a complete lack of respect.  Respect is good for more than forums.  It's also good for business.

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My solution is simple and effective.  Charge money to play the game.  Let people play the game for free on mercury, all they want.  Let them enjoy it.  Let them feel enticed to go further, not compelled.  To get past Mercury, charge them $5.  If you can't afford $5, you can't afford a computer or internet service.  So, $5 is not too much to ask, especially compared to what other companies ask.

Extra Credits literally just posted a video on the subject of the Free2Play business model.

Your solution is taking a free2play game, and making it not Free2play. Clearly what DE has been doing so far in terms of income has been working. Out right blocking content behind pay walls isn't necessary, and will more likely than not hurt the game more than help it at this stage in its life and having been Free for so long. 

To summarize the episode, make the things that cost money fun, but not necessary to play, advantageous to play, or have them trivialize content

Cosmetics are a good idea for this, especially if they're integrated well in to the game.


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oh boy, I can already see U19, the new rock warframe! unlock it by crafting a key that requires 20 super rare materials, that takes you to a mission where you need to collect..., why yes! 20 materials more!, to make another key! then to go to a boss that has a chance to drop the real key to fight the real boss that has a chance to drop the warframe parts, and of course, one part will have 0.5% chance to drop!

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oh boy, I can already see U19, the new rock warframe! unlock it by crafting a key that requires 20 super rare materials, that takes you to a mission where you need to collect..., why yes! 20 materials more!, to make another key! then to go to a boss that has a chance to drop the real key to fight the real boss that has a chance to drop the warframe parts, and of course, one part will have 0.5% chance to drop!

Don't forget that those resources have a half-life of 10 seconds!

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