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Failed To Connect To Server, Again & Again & Again & Again & Oh...@(*()$ Again!


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Obviously the forums are being spammed with these types of Errors and its super frustrating.  Myself included am having it really bad right now and have been dealing with it since the 12.4 update (but it's beyond tolerable right now).

I get the msg "Failed to Connect to Server"  "You will be logged out, blah blah blah, Main Screen" just like everyone else, however I get it PMing ppl for invites, because if I try to HOST ANY OD/T missions, I cant invite ppl cause I get the msg and d/c.


The part most frustrating is that I get it constantly:

Leveling up a mod, it'll d/c and I have to re-try at least 2-3 times to get it to save.

Re-configuring my Warframe, nothing gets saved, again have to retry 2-3 times

Selling Mods, not to ppl, just selling from the Mod screen, another 2-3 times.

And the worst: trying to PM someone for an invite, the invite doesnt go through, I get booted back to the main screen EVERY @(*()$ TIME and 80% of the time lose out on a mission I've been waiting for someone to host, since I cant @(*()$ host.


So far I have wasted 6hrs of time trying to get this game to work.  After supporting the developers with a lot of time and with actual money (I've spent more than $30, at this point for a pile of crap) I'm sad to see that many ppl are having the same problem after the 12.4 update.


So here's my suggestion DE:  Whatever network configuration changed in the 12.4 update, revert it back to the 12.0 settings.  


I am using the "recommended" ports 3960 & 3962, I have tried connecting via WiFi, LAN Cable, LAN straight to the modem and it makes no difference.


I have AT&T Fios (PS4 connection test ~20mb down & ~2mb up nobody else using the internet, when running Netflix and League of Legends on 2 different computers ~15mb down & ~1.2 up)

2 of my friends have none of this connectivity issue BS, but another has the same issues I am having and also has AT&T.  One thing I have noticed is that NO ONE has mentioned what ISP they have so I hope this helps.  The 4 of us play almost every night, but 2/4 have a very hard time enjoying the game when we lose everything we worked so hard for.


I dont care about the frame-rate issues since for me I can still play the game (and mine isnt as bad as some of these other people), but not being able to play the game?  C'mon.....

Edited by (PS4)MartyR637
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im 100% in the same boat as you, i litterally d/c from 90% of any in game actions. I also have at&t  and have talked to a few other players who all also have at&t and the same issues. This is really a game breaker and personally im to the point of never playing again. I sent in a ticket explaining the issue and was giving an obviously copy/paste response that had nothing to do with anything i said. I mentioned the fact that my boosters were running out(non event boosters) and they say i have no proof since i "failed to connect" which makes no sense at all. That would be the proof in itself, I purchased an item which im sure they have records of, and I'm unable to use that purchased item because I "fail to connect".

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Im in the same boat as all of you, I am using ATT Uverse and with the speeds and low ping I figured I should have no issues running this game.  Well here starts the fun, I go to my inventory, can't save so I get logged out. I change warframes "failed to connect to server" I get logged out. After 5 or 6 times of this in a row I finally can get into a match; however, do I get my match results...no.  I get failed to connect to server and progress has not been saved. Talk about rage. I have missed out on several items and let me tell you I have been screenshotting all the crap I lose and its not cool.  Now can we revert back to the old settings where I had not one single issue, and it seems I am not alone, or do you the company want some bad publicity and loss of revenue.  I hope you chose to fix the server issues b/c this is not going to fly.  

Imagine one of us buying some mods or weapons or even a warframe with real world money and next thing you know...failed to connect to server...especially since this is a game that has a money transaction I hope whomever takes this topic seriously will do something about this.

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Same here... Same issues described by everyone else and yes I also have Uverse 18Mbs down & 2 Mbs up. I never had any issues before 12.4.4 and for the last 2-3 weeks every mission is a gamble whether or not it will save. I get logged out constantly and I've lost time and missed out on a ton of stuff already.


It's beyond annoying to the point of frustration. My PS4 is on DMZ and no other games have this core defect. DE said they fixed the low frames per second issues but it's been replaced by unsaved data and frequent session kicks. Me personally, I never complained about low fps because my data was never compromised (except for the total game crash to blue PS4 screen).


I'd rather deal with low fps and earn all my xp/mods/credits/etc at the end of the mission than have total data loss or failed/timed out sessions. Did anyone QA U12.4.4 on an actual PS4 before it was released? I'd rather wait a month for a new update than get a bunch of bugs and game-breaking defects. If this is not fixed by the next patch I'm afraid I'll have lost my patience with Warframe for a while.

Edited by (PS4)Dramatik
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I'm in the same boat as the rest of you. Ever since the latest update nothing but constant failed to connect to server in every aspect of the game. Literally takes forever just to make warframe modifications as it takes 3-4 attempts for it to stick and save. Also have att uverse internet. Hope they get it fixed soon.

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Same thing is happening to me. I have been playing this game since I got my PS4 and only started having this problem after the latest update. I have UVerse 24down and 3 up. I play other online games also and only have this problem with Warframe. I love the game but it has just become too frustrating. I can play a level and do really well. Mission gets completed and I get some nice mod drops or level up. Disconnected. Its like I didn't do the mission. Have to try several times when adding removing mods or doing anything. Just when you get with a good group and playing. Disconnected. Its very frustrating.

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i just started having these problems a few weeks ago (as far as since tethra's doom came out) and today it was at its worst (could NOT log in to PSN and then on a random restart and not being logged in, a warframe update popped in) then i get to the main screen and it took me 50+ tries to finally get into the game; i don't know if it's the game itself or my internet but regardless the performance has fallen off the normal way and it's starting to get frustrating

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Just got 12.4.6 dex furis and connectivity issues update on ps4 and as soon as i go to the chat menu I get "Failed to connect to server, you will be logged out".


Just wanted to inform DE that this update did not fix the connectivity issues thousands of ppl are having. I assume I can get used to losing all my *&^% at extraction and continued chat disconnects.


I was so looking forward to this update to fix the network mess that happened in 12.4 but I believe it is going to remain in the game. No matter what DICE did to fix BF4 it continued to suffer because the core issues are so deep they cant be fixed. I'm afraid DE has no clue why so many ppl are losing data and getting booted every two minutes at the main menu. I do believe if they could fix it they would but it is still not fixed so maybe i'll try again after update 13 comes out.

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As of Tuesday 4/15 my server connection issues magically stopped and I can play again. It's been two days since I had a dropped chat session, menu logout, unsaved mission, etc. For 3 weeks, I could not go two minutes without getting kicked to re-login.


I don't know what DE did on Tuesday to fix their servers, but I have not changed anything on my end. It just started working again...


I just wanted to mention that I did continue to have all the issues even after the 12.4.6 Dex Furix update on Monday. However, Tuesday was the first day in 3 weeks that I did not have ANY server disconnects. I have posted many complaints in the last 3 weeks and so far (FINGERS CROSSED) it seems as if DE has fixed the server issues for me.


Thanks for all the hard work you guys and gals do to make such a great game. Please don't let the Corpus, or no it must have been the Grineer, or who ever messed up the servers, keep them away!!

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I Posted this in the general section but il post it here too:


Last night i have started to get a few error messages, Failed to log in, DNS start up error, could not connect to server. And my dojo loaded incorrectly there was no decor it was a basic plain room that loaded.


It took me 8 restarts to complete a trade because I could not send invites to other, (they did not even get them sometimes) and other times it would always fail (tried 5 or 6 times). It also gave me a message saying I could not invite the player, it did not allow me to invite them some message popped up when i tried to.


Then when trying to join their dojo I would not even see their invites, or I would get logged out while waiting at the main menu.


And it is not just a few random types it is happening all the time, the most frequent error is the failure to log in, happens almost every log in.


EDit 1 I Just tried a quick Mission and it did not save... I wont be able to play until this is fixed.


EDit 2: Since i wrote this I have been getting the failure to log in message with every log in at main menu. Over 10 times..


Trying to play all day and this is my experience it is not a question of  will get the error but when will it occur, as it happens every single time now and i cannot play missions for more than a few minutes without my progress being lost,

I can play other ps4 games fine my internet is fine or seems that way not sure whats going on but I seem to be the only one in my clan who is being affected by this so frequently.

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Data not saved after alert and logged off server shortly afterward accessing clan chat. Started FF 14 afterwards and no issues whatsoever

I am tired being told it is my internet connection that is the issue not DE. But no issue with other games, cell phone/tablet, PS3, Vita, 3DS etc.

DE issue happened after update and that still screams the cause with the changes made at that time.

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Well maybe after the SOE Maintenance today, maybe we might have it better, if not, then someone is to blame etc...

 Though this is why I vote Boosters, should only countdown when your actual on the game itself with your account, because then your miss out on any time you have, and no refund love....

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I have pretty much the same issue you guys are having. For over a week now I have not been able to progress at all in the game. I am talking a 100% fail rate. I can play and finish any mission I choose to do, but after extraction and then the mission results screen, everything is "lost". The first few times it happened, I got the "failed to connect to server message", but now I get no message whatsoever, but my progress and rewards are not there. Unlike a lot of you having issues with AT&T, I have Cox high speed broadband internet. I actually work for Cox and have the latest and greatest Docsis 3.0 modem and dual-band router (hard-wired) and have ran all the lines feeding my house myself so I know for sure there are no problems on my end. I have mine set up region-correct and am using the reccommended port settings as well. Like others have stated, every other game and device in my home works fine

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I have the same problem of logging out and missions that are not saving. I lost so many rewards to "Could not update account information, progress was not saved!" This is the alert after every mission and sometimes I get logged out completely after a mission as a nice change of pace. I can't play the game anymore so now I don't know what to do with Warframe. Is this going to get fixed or is it hopeless?

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