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So Damage 2.0 Melee 2.0 Can We Finally Get Stealth Now?


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Can't take a joke? lol


My bad didnt realize it was a joke, I have unfortunately seen posts form players that do think think there should be no stealth because they don't like to play stealth and want to just nuke rooms of enemies.

Edited by Keiiken
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They are cybernetically-enhanced space ninjas. Yes, Rhino seems a little comical to be stealthy, but the option should be there regardless. In no way should we leave stealth be. You can keep running and gunning with Rhino, but I would prefer to have the option to actually use Banshee stealthily, which currently I can not. Sniper, yes. Stealth, no.


Yes that is true. but Stealth its something we partialy have. But Lore? come on man its just scraps here and there. We need some solid lore, not a few sentences or short story like Embers. we need a Solid piece of lore. its  been promised since early last year... well we still havent seen much of it. I know we need stealth i do want it but lore would simply be more important. A game in wich you dont know who you exactly are or what you are doing. or Who you are working for. (The lotus yes. but who or what is she? Why is she interested in us. What does she seek to gain from our work. such things.  )

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Yup. Which is why I said a rework of Ghost would be a good start.

Yeah, the reason I do *not* want more lore, is because lore is disjointed, jumbled, and should NEVER be written without implementing a story/narrative first. Two examples of lore done right: Mass Effect Trilogy and the Elder Scrolls series. The games have a strong narrative, and there is background info (lore) that fills out the world to make it more believable (news bulletins and codex entries in Mass Effect, books and rumours in Elder Scrolls). Lore should never been used as a primary means of telling a story. They need to make a bloody narrative FIRST, then worry about the lore.

Sorry for the rant... I feel rather strongly about this topic, as you can probably tell.

I think you want to put the cart before the horse here. I am willing to bet that the universe bible came before the narrative in mass effect. We just get to see the developmet process in this game where we didnt in that one. As another good example I KNOW the universe bible came before the story of deadspace. It's hard to flesh out a story when the particulars of the universe it's set in aren't concrete. Narrative never comes before premise or you end up with a huge mess. Not that putting world building before narrative garuntees that it won't be. Edited by NevanChambers
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Yeah, the reason I do *not* want more lore, is because lore is disjointed, jumbled, and should NEVER be written without implementing a story/narrative first. Two examples of lore done right: Mass Effect Trilogy and the Elder Scrolls series. The games have a strong narrative, and there is background info (lore) that fills out the world to make it more believable (news bulletins and codex entries in Mass Effect, books and rumours in Elder Scrolls). Lore should never been used as a primary means of telling a story. They need to make a bloody narrative FIRST, then worry about the lore.

Sorry for the rant... I feel rather strongly about this topic, as you can probably tell.


Agreed. Might I honestly recommend making a thread about that here or somewhere on the forums? It would probably be a good read for everyone yelling, "more lore!"

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