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Pros And Cons Of Warframe: Gameplay


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I really like this game, I think it has a lot of potential but there are some problems, and the only way to truely love a game is to point out and try and segests fixes for some of the flaws it has. (Constructive critisism.)

First I'll list everything I like about the game but I'll be brief as this isnt about what I like, this is about what needs to be fixed before it is fully released.

While some of these problems have been stated in the past, this is a list of things I think are holding the game back.

So quickly...


*Shooting is solid.

*Many levels and modes with good replayibility and plenty of places to go thanks to randomly generated maps.

*Movement is exciting and can be fluid and impressive.

*Free to Play (This is a double edged sword however...)

Now then...


Lack of Room Variety

Levels lack varity, room number very limited and map layout occasionally makes missions impossible to complete or extremely long or short, in otherwords lack of consistancy.

*Needs more rooms and skins for them and the map generator needs some tweaks. I know this is a beta but this is still an improvement needed, even if its already being remedied.

Adding multiple ways to the objective would be nice too but isnt nessisary.

Random Instances

Random Planet intances are too infrequent to be worth checking for and offer little in the way of reward.

*Have them occur more often with bigger rewards.

Acrobatics and Agility need to be Core Gameplay

Acrobatic abilities are extremely situational and need more utility. The flow during battle is constanty broken by having to take cover because you cant avoid most damage, players have to soak it up. My coop games devolve into slaughtering the enemy with gunfire and swords, not ninjas doing ninja-y things. Wall run is usually impossible to use due to generic wall geometry being extremely uneven and stamina runs out very fast. Sliding get you into deathtraps and often hiding in cover is the best idea unless you can overwhelm the enemy with numbers or shear damage.

*Make avoiding gunfire easier while doing acrobatics and agile stuff and make it easier to start things like wall runs, and harder to simply tank the enemy fire. Add more agility based manuvers or polish the exsisting ones to perfection.

No Story

Story is literally non-exsistant. There is just quick backstories and some characters, no motivations or reasons to care.

*Add something because right now there is nothing of any substance. Its just kill guys because she told you to, the videogame.

Stealth is Largely Brokened

*The alert never goes down, meaning one screwup and your stealth run is over. No good stealth game does this. And this is a game where you are a ninja (In space). We need good stealth mechanics to be the space ninja Tenno guy.

*Add a control room where you can shut down the alert or have it run out if you avoid detection.

Enemies are Pretty Much all the Same

Enemy types and factions feel limited, especially for the Infected, which have three charging units. Grenieer have three types of marines that only have different attacks and might as well all be the same unit.

*Add more lower level guys, especially to the infected.

Uninspired Space Zombies

*I like space zombies but the Infested feel uninspired. They only rush you and dont even look like infected enemies, just blobs of meat and eyes wearing other enemy's cloths.

*Add more human infected to show that the infection is horrifying and monsterous. Not just a swarm of alien things that really dont like you.

DPS is too Easy and Effective

Levels can be won more easily with high damge output rather than strategy, teamwork or cool abilities.

*The Core of the game shouldnt be leveling up that assault rifle and sword so you can murder things, it should be coordination with teammates or use of your agility and speed to outmanuver and outwit the enemy.

Enemy Weakpoints

Not having this in a stealth/agile player character game kinda sucks. Thats kind of what real ninjas aim for. Why cant we?

*Add enemy weakspots that do bonus damage so theres acctually skill involved in bringing down a platoon of soldiers. And I dont mean headshots, I mean armour gaps and weaknesses.

Melee Button Mash

Melee weapon is button mashing and requires no strategy or skill. Just make sure they're in front of you.

*Melee weapons need more control and strategy, ie horizontal and vertical slashes, attacking behind, beside and around you etc. and this idea mixes well with the previous segestion to hit weakpoints.

Lacks a Solid Reason to Stay and Spend more Money.

The game isnt innovating.

Thats fine its ok not to innovate, but it doesnt polish the mechanics its using either.

*The gameplay needs to be even more rivetting, make battles faster and more viceral, with tougher guys you have to outwit.

So thats it. There are other things but the gameplay is the most pressing thing one could think of in a videogame.

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The maps are procedurally generated, more maps are on the way which will help Edit: Agreed might need more tuning

Alerts(?): In the latest Q & A they said they aren't done with it so, hopefully it will get more interesting

Lore / story: being implemented over time and is in the works, I heard story missions, campaigns etc (really wish they did this before OB however, there were apparently hiccups i.e. Lore guy taking his vacation, PAX etc)

Stealth: Isn't finished they are working on it and how to polish it

Enemies: I get this there are suggestions for new factions and enemy types, check them out and support them (they are pretty cool and they might get implemented with enough support). New maps might mean more enemy types got to stay tuned.

Space zombies: good suggestion make a topic and let's get that going

DPS: Valid, boss fight UP8 suggestion thread in General is hot right now if you have ideas for normal mobs that would be its own topic

Weakpoints: Only other weakpoint is infested are weak below the knees. I agree this should be expanded

melee button: I think I've seen threads on this might want to check it out and I know they are working on more movesets after the current ones are polished I think (I like the "blade mode" thread so far that would expand it a lot more and allow what you are talking about here)

Edited by shoudra
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Another simple point to extend is to show the "bonus objectives" if I press a specific key or the "y" key.

The "y" key already shows me the team mates and the main objectives, why cant it also display the bonus objectives and its status.

Sometimes I forget, or the start video is too long and I havent got the chance to see my "bonus objectives".

So either I am lucky and see it, if I complete something of it or it will never show again, which is sad.

The PET.

The pet is new. But it would be nice, if I can see the change in its Level on the end off the Mission as well as the rest. Just a suggestion.

Thats it for now. I like the game and its a great job til now. Keep going!

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