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Preformance Comparison.


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I made a little comparison with the performance scaling of the game. First I had a pretty crappy laptop with an i3 350m dualcore @ 2.3ghz : I had an fps of 25 at max settings. my friend has a phenom x2 250 dualcore @ 3.0ghz and an hd 6670 : he has an fps of 45 at max settings. Recently I upgraded to a desktop with an fx6350 hexacore @ 4ghz and a gtx 760. My preformance is miserably bad compared to my friend and my own laptop my fps at max is 60. I run bf4 at max @60 fps...

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We were told that U13 would tackle major performance issues but from what i can tell it only made the game eat up more memory and the performance is still pretty much crap. Its absurd that a game like this still isn't stable performance wise. The engine is old enough to have been worked on, for me atm its the worst thing about Warframe.

My pc can run a bunch of AAA games including Crysis 2 (we all know that Crytek's Engine is pretty demanding) with pretty smooth fps, Warframe uses an engine that isn't even capable of half the smothness, its full of glitches and freezing frames, not to mention the lag sometimes (but thats an entire different subject).

I read somewhere in the forums, a post by one of the devs that said something like: "As we continue to had content to the game it will consume more pc resources", that is just absurd and if that was true, by U20 70% of the community would have to quit or buy new Pcs.

The Devs should really tackle the poor performance of this game and i'm not talking optimizations but CPU, GPU and memory usuage asap.

Edited by Bazools
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I made a little comparison with the performance scaling of the game. First I had a pretty crappy laptop with an i3 350m dualcore @ 2.3ghz : I had an fps of 25 at max settings. my friend has a phenom x2 250 dualcore @ 3.0ghz and an hd 6670 : he has an fps of 45 at max settings. Recently I upgraded to a desktop with an fx6350 hexacore @ 4ghz and a gtx 760. My preformance is miserably bad compared to my friend and my own laptop my fps at max is 60. I run bf4 at max @60 fps...


Not a lot of detail here on the system configurations or resolutions used in game.



Yeah but I mean the preformance scaling is just terrible. I woukdnt be surprised if someone with a 780 and an i7 4770k would have only 10 fps more


I don't have a Haswell yet, but I have several other i7s as well as a GTX 780 and a 290X. Performance scales pretty well.


Some of your results may be related to your processor choice. Despite improved multi-threading in recent updates, Warframe, and most other games, are still heavily dependent on a handful of threads; AMD FX parts perform comparatively poorly with many games for this reason. Then again, it could just as easily be a configuration issue, as my FX-8150, though quite a bit slower than my i7s, can still run Warframe well enough.


We were told that U13 would tackle major performance issues but from what i can tell it only made the game eat up more memory and the performance is still pretty much crap. Its absurd that a game like this still isn't stable performance wise. The engine is old enough to have been worked on, for me atm its the worst thing about Warframe. 


I stopped playing around U10 and just recently started up again.


I am quite literally seeing double the fps with the same settings, on the same hardware, with U13 as I was seeing with U10.

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I am quite literally seeing double the fps with the same settings, on the same hardware, with U13 as I was seeing with U10.

True but something happened last week in terms of performance. I don't know if it was related to the DDOS attack or the hotfixes DE release but i can tell that in a week i went from more or less smooth gameplay to glitchy gameplay (even in solo run i went from 60 fps to 35/40), so something is up.

Edited by Bazools
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True but something happened last week in terms of performance. I don't know if it was related to the DDOS attack or the hotfixes DE release but i can tell that in a week i went from more or less smooth gameplay to glitchy gameplay (even in solo run i went from 60 fps to 35/40), so something is up.


The only obvious performance issues I've encountered recently have to do with Hydroid's Tentacle Swarm. Excessive use of this power often causes all sorts of issues.


However, absent that issue or rare flukes, this is typical on the system I most frequently play on:



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The only obvious performance issues I've encountered recently have to do with Hydroid's Tentacle Swarm. Excessive use of this power often causes all sorts of issues.


However, absent that issue or rare flukes, this is typical on the system I most frequently play on:



Apparently u are one of the lucky one that hasn't been affected in the last few days. Others weren't that lucky.

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Detail on config.

Laptop: 4gb ddr3 800mhz ram 1600x900

Friend: 4gb ddr3 ram about 720p (I dont know exact specs

New pc: 8 gb ddr3 1600mhz ram, 1920x1200, asrock 970 extreme4 mobo, 1tb 7200rpm hdd and an insane amount of coolers(about my gpu is a gtx 760 2gb gigabyte windforce 3x. I built it myself. I chose for an fx cpu for futureproofing my pc. I have higher preformance in bf4 compared to bf3 because of the multicore support. I dont know why your preformance is a lot better. I also use sweetfx. The preformance decreased on my laptop over time. Anotger friend of me has an i5 4670k and his fps is about 70

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This game does awesome amount of server calls, i think a client-side tracking/save system can help immense tackling some issues.

While although helping in not loosing everything you got.


I run now on lowest geometric settings to avoid crashing when the framerate drops. It does not make me exactly happy but i crash less.

Still, crash so often until i finally stop because it gets frustrating.


Hope DE gets hold on this soon - played high res before U13 with very good framerates only here and there i ran into memory holes.

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Detail on config.

Laptop: 4gb ddr3 800mhz ram 1600x900

Friend: 4gb ddr3 ram about 720p (I dont know exact specs

New pc: 8 gb ddr3 1600mhz ram, 1920x1200, asrock 970 extreme4 mobo, 1tb 7200rpm hdd and an insane amount of coolers(about my gpu is a gtx 760 2gb gigabyte windforce 3x. I built it myself. I chose for an fx cpu for futureproofing my pc. I have higher preformance in bf4 compared to bf3 because of the multicore support. I dont know why your preformance is a lot better. I also use sweetfx. The preformance decreased on my laptop over time. Anotger friend of me has an i5 4670k and his fps is about 70


Your friend is running at a much lower resolution, which would go a long way to explaining why he's seeing higher performance than your laptop.


An FX 6350 isn't going to do much for "future proofing". Even in ideal scenarios that take good advantage of all of it's cores, it's cores are individually slow enough for quad core parts of more potent architectures to be generally superior and the gap will widen (not in the FXes favor) with less well threaded applications. When compared to something like the i5 4670k you mention, an FX-6350 is slower at everything, even the very well threaded stuff, and way slower in the not-so-well-threaded stuff. It takes an eight core FX to match a quad core i5/i7 in multi-threaded performance.


Battlefield 4 is an exceptionally well-threaded game, very few games take advantage of multiple cores so well, so it should be no surprise that your Battlefield 4 experience does not translate to Warframe (or the overwhelming majority of other games).



Idk I almost never crash.


Me either.


I had one crash due to a broke hotfix since I returned, and then never since.

Edited by Saenol
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Thats not totally true especially when dx12 will be released which will tackle just the problem of the fact that dx 11 stresses 1 core a lot. Btw I will eventually upgrade to an fx 8350 and my friend also has a desktop with a far more superior gpu and he has no heat problems.

Edited by TheGHOSTyA
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Thats not totally true especially when dx12 will be released which will tackle just the problem of the fact that dx 11 stresses 1 core a lot.


Yes, it's true. Having more cores, when the total aggregate performance of the CPU is still less, is not particularly helpful in most situations. Virtualization is about the only task I can think of where a pile of cores that do not add up to the total performance of fewer, more powerful, cores, can still be advantageous.


If you doubt my statement that the FX-6350 is slower than an i5, well, find me one single test from a reputable source that has the FX-6350 outperforming something like a 4670k.


As for DX there are well threaded DX11 renders and games; you've pointed one out already. DX12 isn't going to magically make your CPU more powerful, and even if it further reduces overhead so you are less CPU limited, an i5 would still be the faster part.

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I'm running a AMD 8320 @ 4ghz and a 7970 non-ghz (@ 1000C, 1350M) with AMD's leaked press drivers (14.4) and getting an average of 130 fps at max settings (except physx and motion blur, because I can't run Physx obviously and motion blur is terrible). I am running in 64bit mode, Dx11, multithreaded rendering and 1920x1080.

It sounds like you have Vsync on or physx/motion blur makes a huge difference or aren't running it with similar settings..

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Motion blur is a fair performance hit in some cases, but it's also needed for a large number of visual effects in Warframe, so I leave it on, even though I'm fairly indifferent to the actual motion blur component.


However, I do turn off depth of field and color correction.

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Physx are quite intensive and I dont use vsync at all this game doesnt suffer from tearing very much and the mouse lagg of vsync is just insane the worst I've ever seen. I have been thinking I think that I am running like 3 types of aa at the same time. The ingame aa, sweetfx and radeonpro's additional aa profile. That may be the cause of the low fps. I use radeonpro for sweetfx since thats the only way to get them to work with windows 8.1

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You do know that sweetfx tells you to turn off in game AA right?  And having that much AA is probably contributing to your input delay. Also I believe Windows 8 had some problems with mouse input because they introduced a new framework for reading DPI that causes mouse problems for game that don't read raw input from the devices.



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