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Call Of The Faithful [Ooc]


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I also agree with a lot of people here in saying we need a normal day on this derelict. With this upcoming invasion I feel like our characters need to  interact a little bit more. I don't know how we'll RP the Corpus being delayed, but with all the awesome writers here I'm sure it won't be to much of an issue. Besides, I don't really want to have the Corpus invade without Cyrill being here, and I would really like for Arkas to try and interact with Temperance under NORMAL conditions for once.


Well Ark them being delayed can come about in many different ways honestly i was planning on bringing Van in after detaching from one of the cruisers just to have it's Reactor core go silent and play it from that, and if the Tenno catch any wind of a corpus fleet going somewhere they are going to stick their noses deep into whatever is happening so the Corpus would have to finish dealing with Tenno getting in and around their ships before making the jump out to the Derelect, So don't worry about them being slowed there are many many ways to write that in.

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So, I think Cardina will get a report from engineering saying "Uh, sweep complete, there's jack sh*t out there." "Oh good!" Cardina would smile, "I figured that Golem had made him insane! Everyone out, I got the munchies!"

Pfffft haha But seriously someone drag Jinx out of there, please.

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So the madness is over. I think i'll wait till that little bit of off time before i make my introduction. I'm new to the whole RP thing in general so i might be a bit "mis-guided" for awhile while i get into the flow of things. 

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I don't think Temperance is going to enjoy the next few hours of Cardina's life, considering they're psychically linked.

You know, there could be plenty of moments where Cardina yells at someone and Temperance gets super confused because the thoughts driving the yelling are getting sent to him with none of the context as to why.

"Shut up!"

Why'd you yell at me to shut up?

Oh not you, this other guy I'm talking to.

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Alright, I'm editing posts, starting with #830. I'm going to say there was no bomb, he starting getting delusional to throw her off her game or whatever. Sound alright?


I don't think Temperance is going to enjoy the next few hours of Cardina's life, considering they're psychically linked.

You know, there could be plenty of moments where Cardina yells at someone and Temperance gets super confused because the thoughts driving the yelling are getting sent to him with none of the context as to why.

"Shut up!"
Why'd you yell at me to shut up?
Oh not you, this other guy I'm talking to.



Heh, yep. I'm hoping to poke around with that on the day off.

Edited by SnaleKing
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Ooooooh I may have something...

For now they are just going to stop coming, and just be sitting there out of range quite a ways. The IC reason why is unknown, but it gives us all a chance to take a breather. There is an actual reason, but that is something we'll discover later on.

Edited by Arkitect_ShadowFrame
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Alright, I'm editing posts, starting with #830. I'm going to say there was no bomb, he starting getting delusional to throw her off her game or whatever. Sound alright?




Heh, yep. I'm hoping to poke around with that on the day off.

Can I still cut off his legs? *Puppy Eyes*

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I'm really sorry for that whole mess. Way more out of it if I caused this big a mess.

I was almost beginning to wonder if a sibling had high-jacked your account and messed around with it. Because the characters I've seen you use this far have never gone this ape sh*t crazy...and the fact that you weren't answering any of us.


Well Tatsuya is beyond angry.

What for?

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I'm really sorry for that whole mess. Way more out of it if I caused this big a mess.


Just... you know what's not ok now, I suppose. I've never read anything else you've posted, but I'll trust Viper's opinion on this. 


We'll sort it out, but sorry dude, Ahteryl's getting eaten. (I don't think I've ever spelled that the same way twice)

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Miho still asleep from today's ordeal, Tatsuya could hold her hand while she sleeps, he suddenly hears Cardina about a Volt trying to escape, and hearing Cyrill over the comm speakers, grabbing his Soma, Vasto and Nikana, "I'll be back Miho, just need to take care of some business." he runs off into the main hall with one thing in mind, KILL THE VOLT.


He spots Cardina in one of the halls and just walks up to her growling, "WHERE IS HE!? I AM GOING TO GUT HIM FOR WHAT HE DID TO MIHO!"


Cardina's in the Garden, getting ready to eat a legless Ahteryl. Might want to edit your post. 

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And not go see what ol Cardina is going to do to the helpless sap.


Oh god though imagine if he walked in on it halfway through.


"Sorry, already finished the guts. You can cut off his arm or something though, I was going to do that anyway."

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