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Call Of The Faithful [Ooc]


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So just wondering but who would want to sign on for the next instalment when this is finished? It takes place after a bit of a time skip when the church has grown by quite a bit and Mortos and Gaia reveal the next stage of their plans. To combat how grossly the Tenno are outnumbered by the Grineer and Corpus, they're going to use the void as a weapon.

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I'm in for the next installment, I'm having a blast RPing here. Tatsuya and Miho will grow as both a couple and as Tenno, with the timeskip Miho will be much more confident and will have experience in fighting, as for Tatsu, he will be more level headed that's for sure.

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Ok. I haven't read anything in this OOC thread. I'll probably read this entire thing if it's crucial to the official thread. If it's not then someone tell me. Anyway, onto what I was going to say.



"You'll do just fine, please pass on what i tell you to him. I am Tyranis and i am here to assist with the reconstruction of this derelict as well as insure no further issues arise. I was already informed on the recent events here" He shook his head as he finished his sentence.


Dat character name.


Does it sound familiar to anyone else?

MasterDead, if you're still here, where did you get that name or how did you come up with it?

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You're good, Unendingblade.  I did wonder for a second, but then I figured you just mis-typed.  


Fishworshipper, there are currently 3 Ash frames on the derelict:  Shinkiro, Arkas Plexon, and Temperance.


As for Tyranis' name, it reminds of Count Dooku from Star Wars.  Though his was "Tyrannus" or something like that.

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Ok. I haven't read anything in this OOC thread. I'll probably read this entire thing if it's crucial to the official thread. If it's not then someone tell me. Anyway, onto what I was going to say.




Dat character name.


Does it sound familiar to anyone else?

MasterDead, if you're still here, where did you get that name or how did you come up with it?

I did not copy that name from anything i have ever read or played. It was something i thought up for a Warhammer 40K RP i thought of. But i gave that up and used it for my Warframe chracter. Its just a coincidence

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I feel as if Jinx is being ignored. The only one who reacted to her outburst was Unending and now everyone have lest an hysteric Nyx in the garden with Cardina.


Wait, I thought Temperance reacted.  I'm sorry, I'm trying to juggle several different interactions, and Jinx's must have gotten lost in the mix.  We'll fix it once the off-day rolls around, okay Viper?

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Wait, I thought Temperance reacted.  I'm sorry, I'm trying to juggle several different interactions, and Jinx's must have gotten lost in the mix.  We'll fix it once the off-day rolls around, okay Viper?

That's still leaving a hysteric and pissed off black and red Nyx in the garden.

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I feel as if Jinx is being ignored. The only one who reacted to her outburst was Unending and now everyone have left an hysteric Nyx in the garden with Cardina.


That is a bit strange that I was the only one to have Tatsuya react to Jinx's outburst about Cardina eating the Volt. ( I STILL CAN'T SPELL HIS NAME... GAH!)


That's still leaving a hysteric and &!$$ed off black and red Nyx in the garden.


Check the IC. I replied and had Rien knock her out and move her outside. Not surprising people would miss my posts sine people are posting rapidly like they're on crack or something.

Edited by Sumika1204
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I did not copy that name from anything i have ever read or played. It was something i thought up for a Warhammer 40K RP i thought of. But i gave that up and used it for my Warframe chracter. Its just a coincidence

I wasn't saying that you copied anyone/anything. I just happen to have a Volt character named Taranis and when I read your character's name, I was a bit interested in why you named him that.

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