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Call Of The Faithful [Ooc]


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Are Arkas and Samantha there too? I'm not sure. And is Jinx's brother there?


Edit: yeah, I like it, though it'll take some getting used to. I've used my Squall one basically since I actually started posting on the forums. When I skim looking for new posts, I look more for avatars than names.


I'm considering giving you like 15p so I can tell you and Blade apart.

Edited by SnaleKing
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Yes, a nice, quiet time.  Though I am confused as to whether or not you're actually on the derelict at the moment.

i think i am, i'm returning from a hunt and i get lost and see dread's oberon and a rhino (prime if im mistaken) so i follow them

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Are Arkas and Samantha there too? I'm not sure. And is Jinx's brother there?


Edit: yeah, I like it, though it'll take some getting used to. I've used my Squall one basically since I actually started posting on the forums. When I skim looking for new posts, I look more for avatars than names.


I'm considering giving you like 15p so I can tell you and Blade apart.



We're both at the bar in the cafeteria.

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"What she said"

Pointing in the direction of the Garden, Arkas gives Arthur a little shove in the right direction.

As the Excalibur heads off to find his sister, the Ash turns his attention to the newcomer chuckling.

"That guy thinks he's hot stuff. I could practically smell the ego from here."

Pulling out the stool next to him, he offers it to the human.

"You're Samantha right?"

For the record, I do not appreciate when people decides to take over my characters. Do not do that again.

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For the record, I do not appreciate when people decides to take over my characters. Do not do that again.


She does not. It's happened before and didn't end well. 


Anyway, Cardina's broadcasted to the entire ship. She's going to have a day off, damn it, and she is going to enjoy it if it kills her.

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She does not. It's happened before and didn't end well. 


Anyway, Cardina's broadcasted to the entire ship. She's going to have a day off, damn it, and she is going to enjoy it if it kills her.

I think I must have scared him off or something. I haven't seen that guy post anything after that....I regret nothing.

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For the record, I do not appreciate when people decides to take over my characters. Do not do that again.

Correct me if I'm wrong but you were heading that direction anyway, right?


And Issun, before I mess anything up, I am the Vauban you see, correct?

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Correct me if I'm wrong but you were heading that direction anyway, right?


And Issun, before I mess anything up, I am the Vauban you see, correct?

yes, as i was lost and saw dreads oberon and a rhino and followed them, then saw you some time after talking with dread

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Correct me if I'm wrong but you were heading that direction anyway, right?


And Issun, before I mess anything up, I am the Vauban you see, correct?

I was still in a conversation with another character, wasn't given time to answer another one, and he just sent my character away. He weren't heading there at that moment. You never take control of someone else's character without permission. It's in the forums rules, go look it up if you haven't. 

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Oh, and Issun, since you're new here, here's how we format our posts around here.


1. We write in the third person.


By default, a post is In Character on an IC thread, intuitively. No formatting is needed to mark narration. Speech is in quotations, thoughts are in italics. Asterisks are essentially never used, except to sneak a word past the forum's filter.


Correct: This is it, motherf*cker, Cardina punched Sargas Ruk's head clean off his shoulders, and soon hoisted the dripping, drooling visage aloft, bellowing in triumph. "YES!" she shouted, shaking her trophy violently, a rain of hot, wet gore spattering the cool steel at her feet, "He is FINISHED! His Orokin cell is mine for the taking!"


Not: *I searched the body for my prize, peeling an alloy plate from the flesh underneath as a sucking, gurgling noise escaped from the corpse's collapsing lungs.* No, *I thought, starting to panic, I found a capsule, screaming in rage as I beheld its contents.* DETONITE AMPUUUUUULE


2. Out of Character ((OOC)) content are in double parentheses.


Correct; ((Haha man she really wants a Lex Prime))


Not: Separating with dashes, quotes, whatever.


3. Don't post a series of bland events.


This is one I see fairly often. Write like what you'd see in a novel, not a grocery list. It gives posts and characters so much more flavor and life.


Correct; Cardina stormed past Temperance towards extraction, her Machete Wraith casually dispatching any Trooper that dared approach. Gods, I hate speedruns. As one Lancer was swiftly separated from its arms, a Ballista drew a bead on the back of Cardina's head, taking a deep breath through its cancer-ridden lungs to stabilize the shot; her aim would make the difference between death or glory.


Not; -The ballista shoots, the Vulkar makes a loud sound.


Cardina: Oh no, you don't,


Cardina moves to the side, the bullet hits the wall; it's a miss and oh god this is painful to write, you get the idea.


4. Normal English writing stuff is still important.


Break up thoughts into Paragraphs, sentences, and with punctuation, it makes the difference between an interesting post and an unreadable one. Use variety in your vocabulary and sentence structure, don't always start sentences with the name of your character. Use the right To's, There's, and skim over what you write before you hit post.


The various "correct" examples here all do that, and they're so much more readable than, say, this;


Cardina runs to the Ballista "Oh I'm mad now your gonna die" the ballista tries to run but Cardina is to fast and she chops the ballista in half. Cardina says "Haha" stabing the body over and over and oh god this is painful to write you get the idea.


5. Show, don't tell.


You've probably heard this before, and don't totally know what it means. Basically, I don't need to write "Cardina is angry now, she's going to kill the ballista, who is scared now" when I can say "Cardina stalked towards the cowering Ballista with a wicked grin, twirling her Machete Wraith with a practiced ease." The second one gives the same information as the first, in addition to some nice imagery that helps set the scene.


6. Read ALL the posts you haven't seen yet.


Almost forgot this one. I'm not asking you to go through the 40-page backlog, but you should read probably the last four pages if you're just jumping into an RP. After you're in, read every post since last you've read, even if you think they don't have anything to do with your character. They might affect you in a two-step way, and it's better to be sure than post something that doesn't fit and have to edit it later.


So yep, hopefully you find all that helpful.

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I was still in a conversation with another character, wasn't given time to answer another one, and he just sent my character away. He weren't heading there at that moment. You never take control of someone else's character without permission. It's in the forums rules, go look it up if you haven't. 

Oh yes, I am completely aware of the rules.  However, I can see where the misconception was; even I thought you were heading out.  Me and Arkitect are RL friends; I'll make sure he is aware as well.  (oddly enough he introduced me to all this so I dunno what happened there)


Edit on a sidenote: Arkitect, maybe an edit is in order.  Less "then he walked away" and more "Ark turned his chair around and left the Excalibur."  That'd give Viper time to finish up buisness.

Edited by thelastpwnr99
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I might write one on general writing and etiquette later, like setting your character's power level, what makes an interesting and complex character, taking into account the agency of other players, etc.

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Oh yes, I am completely aware of the rules.  However, I can see where the misconception was; even I thought you were heading out.  Me and Arkitect are RL friends; I'll make sure he is aware as well.  (oddly enough he introduced me to all this so I dunno what happened there)


Edit on a sidenote: Arkitect, maybe an edit is in order.  Less "then he walked away" and more "Ark turned his chair around and left the Excalibur."  That'd give Viper time to finish up buisness.

Fixing now.

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Oh yes, I am completely aware of the rules.  However, I can see where the misconception was; even I thought you were heading out.  Me and Arkitect are RL friends; I'll make sure he is aware as well.  (oddly enough he introduced me to all this so I dunno what happened there)


Edit on a sidenote: Arkitect, maybe an edit is in order.  Less "then he walked away" and more "Ark turned his chair around and left the Excalibur."  That'd give Viper time to finish up buisness.


Fixing now.

Forget it. You've already proceeded too far with your conversation with Samantha for this to be salvageable.

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