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Call Of The Faithful [Ooc]


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Is Gaia still with Tatsuya and Miho, or somewhere else now?

She was helping me with something. Shes still free though 

EDIT: *ahem* i meant Tyranis. Been on here posting for so long i forgot there was a difference 

Edited by MasterDread
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Adorable...remember that Temperance is still sharing her head.  Sometimes, I'm amazed at that character's devotion.


Good thing Mortos and Gaia haven't found out or they might take it as a potential hazard. Well Mortos would anyway since while Temperance has been very helpful, it might not do to have him able to get access to the thoughts of their herald. As it pertains to laters stages of their plans, that is.

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Adorable...remember that Temperance is still sharing her head.  Sometimes, I'm amazed at that character's devotion.

Yep, sort of sucks to be him now. Nothing coherent or distinct would likely get across the link, but he'd probably get impressions and emotions. In case it's not clear, the great teleporting blades represent him.

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Yeaaah that's a topic I avoid, personally. Sexual violation is where I draw the line in what I write. Even in fiction, it tends to be too inflammatory and sensitive a topic to bring up in my opinion.


If anyone else wants to stick their hands into that can of worms, go on ahead, but I'll steer clear of this.

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Yeah you are right, but as I said, this will be the first and last time I will be writing something like this. I just couldn't think of anything as traumatic as this for her.

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"Well it can't be too hard to have that stuff made. I mean, the forge seems able to make almost anything with the things I've seen people have it make once they put in a blueprint or something." She poured herself another cup of ice wine before taking a sip. "You're right about that. It's nice to have moments like these where we can just relax."


New T3 Void reward, Bikini Prime Ember Skin Blueprint. Trading price 100,000 plat.

Edited by SnaleKing
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