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Fenborg's Army, A Clan For The Casual Gamer, As Well As New Gamers And Seasoned Gamers. (Ps4)


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CURRENT CLAN STATUS: Mountain Clan  [100+ Members present]---------[Currently Recruiting players on all levels]








FenborgsArmy is the clan name, and the purpose of this clan is to help new players become better, to help good players become outstanding, to help players struggling trying to take on missions solo, to help team people up together, trade among each other, overall just to be as helpful as possible. As it currently stands right now we are a Storm Barracks, our Dojo features Fully Researched Chem, Bio, Energy, and Tenno Labs. Also features the obstacle course room, dueling room, trading post, treasury, and Gardens. We are biding our time for a bit before we build the Orikin Lab, reason for this is that it takes a lot of work, effort, dedication, and most importantly manpower in order to be able to build, maintain, and defend the solar rails. 


Right now the clan is run by myself (psn Fenborg), jeffardo95, geb9696, and robkort. We're pretty casual yet competitive players who encourage a teamwork environment without hazing new or inexperienced players, and without pressure and slander coming from inconsiderate elitist players. 


We really want this clan to be about supporting other players. As you can see not everyone can solo every mission, and sometimes that puts a player into a rut (especially if you don't have a lot of friends with Warframe PS4 [like myself and jeffardo95], or PS4 in general) and now that clans and alliances are popping up all over the place (Due to the update 13 "Dark Sectors") it is important now more than ever to help show support towards each other.


We want players to join so they can utilize and share resources, find other players interested in Alert Missions, Invasions, Infestations, Boss missions, Void missions, Derilect missions, Dark Sector Missions, farming (deception, Defense, Mobile defense, survival, etc) missions, or to just help each other out finish out the star chart all the while keeping an impersonal relationship among each other.


To better describe what I mean by an impersonal player relationship with this clan, I mean to say you will be able to join this clan without being prompted to add or clutter up your PSN friends list. If you meet someone in the clan and WANT to add them as a friend that's entirely up to you. Just remember to be respectful to that player if they choose to deny your request.


I work diligently in order to better expand and improve upon the Dojo, but at the same time I still handle numerous tasks I must take care of in order to live comfortably (Real life matters, we all understand this). That is why I have tasked out a few other players in the clan to better help react to anyone else interesting in the clan, Dojo development, clan questions and participation, etc. Any and all support that is given is most appreciated, as well as your patience and understanding. 


Rules are pretty common, basically respect others. I (Fenborg) am the owner of the clan, however geb9696, robkort, and jeffardo95 speak on my behalf so they are all my seconds in command. Thats pretty much it right now, but basically if you're looking for support but want to keep things impersonal and semi-professional, this is a good place to be. For an invite or more info shoot me a message, my psn name is Fenborg.


 We're not picky on what classes you use the most or Favor. We don't mind repetitiveness, but we also welcome variety and we won't give you flak for your warframe or weapons of choices. All are pretty much welcome.



LAST NOTE:  I understand your eagerness to get into a clan, especially now that it has become an instrumental tool for the latest Update 13. I must ask you to please refrain from sending me clan invitation requests to my personal PSN inbox. As I mentioned earlier with the real life matters, I don't always log into the PS4 everyday, so I end up missing requests and then by the time I AM able to get to them they've already hooked up with another clan. In order for you to gain the quickest access to the clan, please send your requests onto THIS FORUM THREAD. Myself, geb9696, robkort, or jeffardo95 are always checking the thread and we communicate to each other to better help get you quick access. 

Edited by (PS4)Fenborg
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Awesome. Be sure to keep an eye on the clan chats whenever you log into warframe, thats usually the best way for me to get news across to everyone. Also make sure that whenever you receive the clan invite to be sure to check your foundry for the clan key. Build that ASAP, and you'll have unlimited access to the Dojo, which right now has the Tenno Lab, Chem Lab, and Bio Lab up and fully running.

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Also be sure to keep an eye out here in this thread as I will also put more concrete updates here for everyone to read.


For new players entering the Dojo that are unfamiliar with the way the stuff inside the Dojo works, I will provide an explination. There is a large quantity of decorations littered about throughout the Dojo. They are either in their full complete detail (a completed decoration or room), all blue (This means that the components needed to build the room/decoration have been fully added and is now currently under construction), or all yellow (this means that the room is not under construction yet, but is in need of all the components required to build the room).


Only Myself and jeffardo95 as of now can add rooms and decorations, but you will see these in either blue or yellow all around the Dojo. You are in no way required or forced to contribute to these rooms/decorations to be a part or use the Dojo. If you wish to provide help and support even in the littlest ways, small controbutions towards these building efforts are most deeply appriciated.


With all that being said, I'll explain what some of the rooms are for. There are up to four labs (we currently have three up and running as of 26-APR-2014) where a player can do research to build special weapons and warframes. I will warn you that doing this is very time consuming, for the build times of these research projects takes anywhere up to three days. It's well worth the wait though for weapons such as the Phage.


Eventually there will be barracks put in, this allows me to increase the max amount of Players the clan can hold. In due time there will be a deuiling room installed, as well as the fourth research lab. For more questions feel free to ask.

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Glad to have y'all aboard! It's getting time to build a barracks so we can have room for more members to join. If you send an invitation request and we haven't expanded yet, do not feel left out. I will message you personally as to the clan's size status and will send you invites as soonest I am able. To help speed up this process contributions are not required, but always welcomed.

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Friendly Reminder: If I have forgotten to promote you from Initiate (which means no Dojo access), please remind me and I will fix that. I want to make sure everyone has access to the Dojo and its facilities.


UPDATE: The Trading Post has all of its components and WILL be officially up and running as of late 28-APR-2014. As far as I know the only things that can be trading amongst other players are MODS, PLATINUM, KEYS (Void Keys and Derelict Keys), and PRIME BLUEPRINTS. I'm sure more things will be put up for trade with the game's future updates.


FOR NEW PLAYERS: Here is a run down of the different Ranks of the Clan (The game provides a ranking system that can and soon will be renamed). From Lowest to highest rank, here they are.











Each rank actually provides different privileges for the clan. These "roles" will help allow a smooth mechanical flow if exercised properly amongst the rest of the clan members. For more detailed information on how clans are run and how they work, please take some time to check out the clan segment of the Warframe Wiki. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Clan


With our numbers being so few right now, everyone is allowed to Host the Dojo. With time and increased numbers, I will begin surveying you clan members and decide which higher roles to give you based on a number of things such as trust, average play time, cooperativeness, support, etc.


REMINDER: If I do not accept your friend request, please DO NOT take it personal that I do not add you. As I stated in earlier posts I wish to keep a certain level of impersonal relationships amongst clan members. Over time though I may add you, but remember I do plan to increase the size of the overall clan and adding every friend request sent my way would simply cause clutter. I can keep track of you all through the in game systems of warframe, so please don't feel that I am ignoring or neglecting you. When you ask a question I will be sure to respond to you as quickly as I can, or delegate another clan member to answer your question.

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I will explain a little bit in regards to how lab research works and will be run in the Dojo. The reason for it being this way is that when we do gain more members, the regulators will make sure that everyone gets their research items accordingly, will work to prevent people from stealing other people's designated research projects, and to help pitch in.


Reason for us doing this is because the crap thing about the research projects is the amount of time it consumes just to do research for ONE item. Each item has a total research time of 3 days (that is once all the component criteria have been met), so with the regulators in place we will be constantly starting the research projects and making our component contributions when we can (be sure to pitch in if you want the items), and we will make sure that we will notify interested parties when research items are complete and ready. The regulators as of now are myself (Fenborg), jeffardo95, and xMEGAPILOTx [28-APR-2014].


NOTE: I understand players being eager to get promoted, but like most MMO games with in game ranking structures there are very specific roles designated to each rank, and therefor rank will be fairly and quickly designated to each player accordingly. When I rename the different ranks, I will post it up on here what they are, and what they are equivalent to. For more detailed information on the Warframe Clan system, please check out their wiki at http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Clan .


To gain rank, one must earn some trust over time. For with higher ranks comes actual in game responsibility, and I will tell you now I have a zero tolerance policy towards players abusing said ranking system. Depending on the severity of actions caused, you will either get a firm warning in smaller cases. In extreme cases you will be ejected from the clan and lose all Dojo access and privileges.


The biggest thing the Dojo is in need as of right now is Formas. Formas allow us to place specialty rooms into the Dojo (labs, 4 way corridors, Great halls, barracks, etc) and time for those to build.


Now you can't trade Formas or Forma Blueprints, the only way to contribute them is to use the room panel (their is a panel in every room of the Dojo), click edit decoration (or simply come up to the door of the room that is in yellow phase), and directly contribute the material. [One easy way to find Forma blueprints as noted by geb9696 is to play Void Tower 2 Survival missions]


You are not forced, nor are you required to donate or contribute. If you choose to though, it helps to speed up Dojo construction, and will be noted by myself and the other clan founders.

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It is indeed to post on here. In regards to your inquiry, if you are meaning that you're short on the items needed to build the Forma, I am afraid none of us can help you with that. In regards to the game's trading system, they haven't made it to where components can be traded. The best place to get Orikin Cells are from Derelict Missions (the blueprints can be purchased from the Market, and then constructed in the foundry. Note you can only build and hold one Derelict mission key at any given time, and the default difficulty for those missions is level 30 enemies.), and some of the void missions. You're best bet is that, or to take on the boss of Saturn (if you've progressed that far). As for Neural Sensors Jupiter survival or Mobile Defense missions are your best bet. Neurodes can be found on earth, and like Jupiter best way to get them is to team up and shoot for survival missions (or defense missions if you're aiming for bigger and better rewards). Also one of the best ways to get neurodes it to look out for infestation and invasion events, for they offer them as common rewards. 


UPDATE: Trading post is now up and live! Remember, the only things that can be traded in the game are MODS, KEYS, PLATINUM, and PRIME BLUEPRINTS. Also the 4 way cross hallway has just received the final component and will be in construction phase. Next two expansions will be the barracks and a power reactor.

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UPDATE: After much discussion amongst myself and the other clan founders, we have decided that after the barracks is build, we are going to save up all resources for a Dojo overhaul. Reason for doing this is after much research, trial, and error we've discovered that we've ran into a little issue in regards to room placement. This will not happen for a while, so you will all still be able to use the trading post and be able to purchase researched blueprints from the labs. When this DOES happen (and it WILL happen), I will keep track of the names of all the members who have joined the clan in case of accidental loss clan membership (during the Dojo overhaul) and make sure to re-invite you back into the clan in case that happens. I want to apologize in advance for the inconveniences that this will cause. But be assured that this has my personal attention and when the overhaul is complete the Dojo will have more room for extra members, all prior facilities (and more). All of the contributions that have been made to the dojo's completed decorations and rooms go towards the Dojo vault, so everything that has been contributed will be simply recycled into making all the rooms and decorations again. All the contributions that have been made to the uncompleted rooms and decorations (yellow colored) goes back to your pockets. The way the vault works is it is an intangible place where components and credits go that come from completed rooms and decorations that have been dismantled. This is to clarify that none of your contributions go to my own pocket even if I wanted to. I plan to build this dojo to last with hopes that members will also last. When the overhaul takes place I will make the announcement on here as well as in game and send everyone a message. I aim to make the overhaul as quick and seamless as I possibly can. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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Hmm, if Im able to open up another thread in regards for our clan's trading purposes I will. I don't think it should be done here though, especially when we gain more members. This will be for recruiting and clan updates specifically for the time being. But yea guys take advantage of that mod geb9696 is willing to trade, that right there is fantastic for buffing the team and your mod points.


Soonest I figure the best way for inner clan trade communication outside of the game I will let everyone know. Til then keep playing, have fun, and kick some butt.

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UPDATE: Great News y'all, the Shadow Barracks is now officially complete. I've added all those who have sent a request to join, and am now aiming towards getting the next set of rooms (and next barracks) installed quickly. To everyone who has pitched in so far, I want to thank you all for your help. You have been instrumental towards the Dojo's growth and I look forward to helping you all in any way I can. I had to make some rather not so good trades to help speed along the process, so now I am in the transition of getting my in game credits, components, and mods back up to snuff but I will still make contributions whenever and wherever I can throughout the Dojo. In other news have you all tried out the PS4's Share Factory App yet? I'll be playing with it over the weekend, be sure to check it out if you haven't already.

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