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How To Make Damage Abilities Useful In Higher Level Content


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Currently all enemies get an increasing amount of armor as they get higher level. This makes damaging abilities very weak as early as tier 3 void missions. I get that this mechanic is necessary in order to combat the increasing damage from weapons so we don't just walk over everything but its having a negative impact on the use of damaging abilities. You can't put in a mechanic meant to combat players doing 20,000 damage a second with guns and have it affect damaging abilities that do 500 - 1000 damage a second the same way.


Just remove damaging abilities from being affected by this armor. They still are affected by their respective resists (Cold damage being strong vs alloy/shields and weak to infested), they just won't be destroyed by the scaling armor mechanic.


There is no way you can buff the damage values on abilities to modded primary/secondary levels because it would be insane at lower levels and it wouldn't take into account how easy it is to max abilities compared to fully modding a gun. This fix leaves the skills exactly the same at low levels but it keeps it doing something useful as you hit the higher levels. Ideally giving frames with damaging skills a reason to use them.


What do you guys think?

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I think it would be a better a idee to let those skills scale with hp or armor.

For instance fireball does 500+X% of armor/health damage.

Well, the problem with that is that killing bosses would be way too easy, otherwise in my opinion it would be fine. For instance, if the multiplier is 500+15% health, you could kill, say, Lephantis with seven fireballs, which sounds like a lot, but really is not that much. Bosses would have to be able to ignore said multiplier.

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maybe they should scale with warfame stats:




-shield recharge

-max energy

-current energy upon activation of the ability (a personal fave)

-sprint multiplier(an iffy one)





, I.E fireball being boosted relative amount of energy you currently have in the reserve, or shock being boosted by how much shielding you have, or smite working off of... I don't know, armor? if it were to be implemented this way and have variation across the skillset (so not all of goateron's kit worked of of armor value) as to make players progressively work at optimizing this stuff as well as cappping it to a certain degree so as to make it scale but only if you work for it

Edited by AdmiralAvalanche
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Well, the problem with that is that killing bosses would be way too easy, otherwise in my opinion it would be fine. For instance, if the multiplier is 500+15% health, you could kill, say, Lephantis with seven fireballs, which sounds like a lot, but really is not that much. Bosses would have to be able to ignore said multiplier.

I agree, yes.

sorry for forgetting all about bosses. XD

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Well, the problem with that is that killing bosses would be way too easy, otherwise in my opinion it would be fine. For instance, if the multiplier is 500+15% health, you could kill, say, Lephantis with seven fireballs, which sounds like a lot, but really is not that much. Bosses would have to be able to ignore said multiplier.

This system is used in many games, you just need to cap the % to a certain HP value for bosses. Tadaa, problem solved.^^

Edited by Marthrym
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even nova stops working after a while in t3 survival runs. gonna suck when they nerf her as well since she helps a lot late into them :(  but ya, making the enemies take damage % with the abilities could work while not having bosses take that % damage. they could put the coding into the enemies but not the bosses to counter it depending on how their damage coding is done (if it's done within the enemy classes themselves it wouldn't be that difficult, but if it's done in each weapon/ability then it would be a little more challenging to do).

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