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Gun Warframe?


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I was trying to think of a new warframe and i figured, a lot of people who play warframe shoot more than they melee, why not have a gun class? Here is my idea, feel free to tell me if it's a poor idea.

Name: Reaper

First off, his "bonus helm" that all frames have would give +15% weapon damage, -15% melee damage and -15% speed. Which i think is fair for the weapon damage boost.

Probably the same-ish stats shield/health/speed wise as excalibur so not too tanky, but not too flimsy, perhaps with reduced sprint speed due to shoulder turret.


1. Turret (0.5 power/second)

This is a power that is turned on or off, that constantly drains power. A shoulder mounted turret that fires at the enemy which effectively fills the role of a wyrm, meaning if you have a wyrm you can double that damage effectively but you are on the constant lookout for energy. Upgrading increases damage/reach.

2. Knockback (25 power)

Warframe fires a blast from his/her gun, knocking back all enemies in radius infront of the warframe (180 degrees) dealing minimal damage. Causes stagger for the frame due to force behind the gun. Upgrading increases force(how far knocked back)/range(or degrees couldn't decide).

3. Rocket (50 power)

A Rocket is fired from the shoulder turret, dealing high damage in a small radius. Potentially fire damage? maybe armour damage/knockdown. Upgrading increases damage/radius.

4. Circle of Death (100 power)

Warframe spins in a circle firing his/her weapon killing light enemies and damaging heavier enemies, similar to overload, but only hitting enemies in line of sight and within range. So any emeies in cover or that the frame can't see are not damaged, as they can't be shot. Similar to how the melee weapon predicts slash and dash, a stronger weapon here means more damage dealt. Upgrading increases damage dealt/range.

Feel free to tell me if this doesn't belong in warframe or if you would make any changes.

Edited by TunaMayo
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Or his abilities act as buffs, first one makes the targeted enemy receive 10 times damage from firearms for x seconds. Next one increases fire rate of all squad for x seconds, and room clear ability could be similar to the typhoon from dues ex human revolution.

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with the energy syphon artifact, it would neutralize the cost of having the turret up, .5 energy per second consumed, artifact gives 1 energy per 2 seconds, effectively giving you an additional weapon.

The turret would probably be really weak to compensate.

It would make more sense as something like an engineer class anyways, the skills should be more oriented towards your own weapons.

1. Your knockback would work here.

2. Run and gun, speed and rate of fire increase for short time. 50 energy

3. Bullet storm. Some form of close aoe high damage burst, mabye a spin like he describes or leaping into the air and firing a volley of rounds down, iono. 75 energy

4. Overcharge. Boosts damage for yourself and nearby allies for a short time. 100 energy

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@Toddwjp i really like that idea, the targeted enemy would allow for boss killing potential and fire rate of squad is more support. Great idea!

@Karosu, yeah that was the point of having it 0.5/second, so it can be nullified. I feel rate of fire might be a bit similar to Volts - Speed. Perhaps an increase in rate of fire and reload speed? Volley?

Im liking the idea of him being a support class now, i originally just went for standard, but i think having him being a support, buffing damage/rate of fire for your team is a great idea.

Just thought of another potential power:

In the Fray

Probably an uber, the lower your health gets, the more damage you do, exponentially but with a cap, but with a reasonable health regen so as not to be abused if low on health with high sheilds. So can be used as a healing power, or a life saver if you are being overwhelmed and need extra damage. Upgrading would increase damage bonus/increase health regen.

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I've been thinking, so many ideas have sprouted from thinking about gun class, how about a class that revolves around the turret idea?

So you could have the constant turret/turret shooting automatically for a duration.

@ValhaHazred but also have a power where you can aim the turret yourself, giving 100% criticals but either no movement/extremely reduced movement?

Potentially a defensive move, although it sounds ridiculous we are talking about space ninjas here..., where the turret shoots incoming bullets. For example 25/50/75% of incoming bullets are "shot down"?

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