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My Ideas To Improve The Warframes (Ability Live Adaptation, Self Synergy...) - Updated With Some Environmental Synergies


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Hi ! 


In the way Ember can increase her damage output by using "accelerant", I think DE should go further and use this kind of things to improve other warframes. 


Attention long read :3






Smoke screen should hide nearby allies.


Blade Storm's damage should be affected by the stealth damage multiplier when Ash is invisible. 

I know enemies are already unaware and, theorically, already take this stealth damage into consideration, but many people out there think Ash needs more strenght. 


However, Blade Storm should harrass enemies if they don't die on the first hit, when the number cap is not reached. It would allow Ash to deal extremely high damage when using BS on a lone target. 


Could also focus Blade Storm on a single target and then become the current BS, if we release it while zooming on an enemy. 





Sonar should increase Sonic Boom and Sound Quake damage, maybe increase the status chance on Sound Quake. 


Zooming while using Sonic Boom could reduce the radius but increase the damage and push back on the targets. 


Environmental synergy

Her damaging abilities could deal more damage when used in closed rooms. 





Shooting a fire ball inside the fire blast's ring should make the ring grow up and extend it's duration. 
It could be effectively improved up to 3 times to avoid too much OPness. / or turn the ring into the Eximus giant fire blast.


Zooming while using World On Fire should concentrate the explosions on the aimed zone. Just like I said for Ash, it would allow Ember to deal massive damage on a focused target. 


Environmental synergy : 

Casting any ability with a heat source in a 10m radius could increase their damage and reduce their energy cost. 

Also Ember should be more fire resistant.





Using Radial Javelin when aiming should allow Excalibur to throw all the Javelins forward instead of around him. 

Also all his damaging abilities should be affected by Radial Blind's melee damage multiplier (if not already the case). 





Using freeze from the outside, or Avalanche from the inside of the Snow Globe should heal the globe and extend it's duration. 

One freeze could give 100hp and 1 sec, 

One Avalanche could give 300hp and 5 sec. (just suggestions, I'm not good with numbers)


Also, Frozen enemies should take heavy damage if stricken by fire powers or weapons.


Environmental synergy : 

Increased armor on ice planets, and shield could be less affected by ice hazards. 





I don't know, haven't even played him yet but, as a crowd control warframe I don't think he needs this kind of improvement. 


Still, enemies he hits with any ability could suffer from increased damage and status chance on electricity and ice, and Undertow could allow party members to spread their weapon's damage to all sucked up enemies (meaning shooting a 500 dmg bullet in the water would deal 100 dmg to each enemy in the water if there are 5 enemies).


Environmental synergy : 

Increased power range and strenght when standing into water. 





He doesn't really need improvement, but I think casting Decoy on an enemy should knock him down and deal impact damage. 





In my opinion Mag is fine. 

Only Crush makes me sad, as it's a weak attack on late game. Maybe bring a short knock down after the ability ? Currently, enemies stand up right after they get stricken and it feels like "oh, okay". 


Maybe, and MAYBE, using crush on an enemy when zooming at this enemy could attract all enemies in the radius to make them hit him brutally, dealing magnetic + impact damage, and making it more powerful when more enemies are in the radius. 

(let's say, it would give 800 magnetic dmg to the main targets and surrounding enemies, and then 100 impact damage per enemy when they hit the main target. Means the main target will take 800 mag + 1000 impact if 10 enemies get attracted, but attracted enemies will only take 800 mag + 100 impact as they hit only the main target).



Well, I said she was fine but I gave her more love than the others haha





He is fine ! Nope lolz 


- Soul Punch should give more and more damage as it passes through enemies, or at least push them efficiently. 

- Terrify could make the shadows follow Nekros, and should be usable during the bleed-out. 


- Nekros should be able to "soul punch" a K-O ally to add him to his death markers, giving him the ability to clone him on the next SOTD. 











Increasing Mind Control's level could allow us to MC up to 3 enemies on the same time lapse. 


Psychic bolts should deal higher damage and be faster, but still Nyx is a CC frame so I think they could simply give a 100% stun chance instead of more damage. 





Hallowed Ground could heal allies, and at least slow enemies down. 

Renewal should heal allies AND their sentinels. 

Casting Reckoning on the Hallowed Ground could increase the Reckoning's range and damage. 





The charge could deal more damage when Rhino is under Iron Skin. 





- We could be able to charge the Molt with Venom up to 3 times, to make it explode on a larger area and deal more damage. It would become kind of equal to miasma but would deal toxic damage instead of corrosive, and would still act as a decoy until explosion. 


- contagion should apply to nearby allie's melee weapons too. 


- increased damage output and/or reduced power cost when suffering from toxic attacks.


maybe a slight radius increase on Miasma ?





(DE stated she will be looked at soon, and I don't find cool ways to improve her, so let's wait and see)





5 energy Rip Line, 25 energy War Cry, free paralysis when using Hysteria. 

Would make the warframe far less boring to use. 





Placing a Tesla in the Vortex could apply an electricity damage to all sucked up enemies, dealing them 50 electric dmg per second for all the Vortex's duration. This damage could be increased by placing up to 5 Teslas. 





Shooting Shock through the Shield should (try to say it fast) increase the shock's damage, or even transform the shock into a wide electric beam, dealing high damage and pushing enemies back, but not channeling electricity between them (just a random idea, I understand if you dislike it). 


Zooming when using Overload could allow us to shoot a powerful electricity beam on a very long range, focusing very heavy damage on a "narrow" area but sacrificing the radius. (imagine Railgun from To Aru Kagaku no Railgun anime) 


His powers should also deal more damage to enemies who took a Hydroid's attack in the face (seems legit).


Environmental synergy

Taking damage from electricity traps or hazards could regen Volt's energy, and he should take less damage from them. 





Zooming when using Tornado should focus all the tornadoes on the aimed zone. 





All feed back is welcome. 


I'll add environment synergy ideas to this thread later, but for now I have to eat something. 

(2 hours to write this, I'm tired)

Edited by DeadScream
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Just a quick thought...


What if instead of aiming, you hold the power button to focus it. Having to aim can be annoying if using a scoped weapon.


Overall, I would not be opposed to what you suggest. You mentioned not knowing numbers, and that is understandable. Even so, scaling is always an issue and I would like to see more powers scale. 


I like the idea of dual mode powers (single target or limited target vs. AOE). It gives some nice versatility to the powers. Though I feel as if the single target should be the default mode and the AOE should be a charged up version. In other words, you would add a cast time to do anything as an AOE. 


To balance that, it might also be worth looking at scaling the numbers for single vs multi target or even changing energy cost.


I do feel as though your ideas are rough and need refinement, which is expected if you came up with it in only two hours, lol

Edited by halofury36
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Just a quick thought...


What if instead of aiming, you hold the power button to focus it. Having to aim can be annoying if using a scoped weapon.


Overall, I would not be opposed to what you suggest. You mentioned not knowing numbers, and that is understandable. Even so, scaling is always an issue and I would like to see more powers scale. 


I like the idea of dual mode powers (single target or limited target vs. AOE). It gives some nice versatility to the powers. Though I feel as if the single target should be the default mode and the AOE should be a charged up version. In other words, you would add a cast time to do anything as an AOE. 


To balance that, it might also be worth looking at scaling the numbers for single vs multi target or even changing energy cost.


I do feel as though your ideas are rough and need refinement, which is expected if you came up with it in only two hours, lol

Thanks for your comment ! 


Technically it took me far more than 2 hours because I'm putting together lots of ideas I had before, and months ago for some of them ^^ 

I'll refine them as the discussion goes on, thank you for your help. 



I thought about a charge option too, but I think it would fit more with something like "making the powers stronger". Here I just bring variants but they are not really more powerful than others, just more useful when used in the right situation. 

Still I love the charge idea. 



Obviously we would need a new button in order to apply my ideas, as you said it would be a problem with scoped weapons if we use the zoom button (even though it would be a logical option)

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I didn't read the whole thread because of reasons. I skipped to saryn because she's my go-to-gal.


Worst suggestion ever. Like literally so pointless it hurt my head just thinking about it.


Molt for 25 energy, plus 4x 25 energy to charge with venom.


Why would you not just use miasma?

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I didn't read the whole thread because of reasons. I skipped to saryn because she's my go-to-gal.


Worst suggestion ever. Like literally so pointless it hurt my head just thinking about it.


Molt for 25 energy, plus 4x 25 energy to charge with venom.


Why would you not just use miasma?

good point. I'm having big trouble finding ideas for Saryn and I must admit my idea wasn't good at all. 


As an old Saryn lover I must confess I'm sad :( 


Edit : I edited the main post to explain it would deal toxic damage instead of corrosive and still act as a decoy. 


Still i'm open to discussion and if you have better ideas, please tell me!


Excalibur and Mag have one of the few synergies in the game. Your suggestion for Excalibur would belittle that.


I do not support it.

But. It would just allow Excal' to throw the javelins in front of him so basically it would be exactly the same synergy ^^' 

Same amount of javelin but redirected in front of him, so if the bullet attractor is in front of him it totally works !

Edited by DeadScream
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But. It would just allow Excal' to throw the javelins in front of him so basically it would be exactly the same synergy ^^' 

Same amount of javelin but redirected in front of him, so if the bullet attractor is in front of him it totally works !


Exactly. You don't need Mag to focus-fire anymore.


I don't like it.

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Exactly. You don't need Mag to focus-fire anymore.


I don't like it.

Let me explain more : (with Excalibur = O and javelin = /) 


Current RJ :   


\ \ | // 

- O -    

/ / | \\



The optional variant when "zooming" (we would need another button in facts) 



    O           there's still a cone, so technically Mag would still make it better with bullet attractor because a single enemy in front of Excalibur would only take 1/3 of the damage if Mag doesn't help. 

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I think those are great idea and I agree with yr ideas on ember and frost having resistance To their elements They're supposed to control those elements but have no resistance To them is s little irritating

Yes, and this feature is asked since the beginning x____x

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