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For The Love Of God.....improve G3 Spawn Rate


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This is not a bug! I am aware that some lucky players have already got this weapon! I understand and appreciate that this is supposed to be a hard item to get and shouldn't take one day or one instance (even though a clanmate of mine got it one one try with nekkros)! I can accept that you don't want G3 spawning on low level ill equipped players!




Now that I've got that out of the way, here's my reasoning. Its based on to 3 key factors:


1) PC had an exclusive event that guaranteed the Brakk


2) PC had about a week after Brakk was re-released, where due to certain scripting the G3 were guaranteed to drop at least one part. Many players ended up getting all three parts in one G3 encounter.


3) The Corpus are over-running the PS4 star chart like the Miami Heat recruited a young Michael Jordan to play with Lebron and Dwayne Wade (pardon the basketball reference, SportCenter is on in the background)


All told, a large percentage of the active player base ended up with the Brakk as a result of these two factors. Those who were left have farmed the gun using the method PS4 players have come to know all too well


Step 1) Run at least 5 invasion mission to get marked my Vay Hek.

Step 2) Get a group 4 marked players consisting of at least one Nekkros

Step 3) Run Grineer tilesets like they stole your bike until G3 spawn

Step 4) Kill G3

Step 5) Desecrate like no tomorrow and pray for the part you need


Rinse, repeat until satisfied!


I see no major flaw with this method except the glaring fact that the spawn rate for these guys is atrocious! I mean really, there are people on PS4 who play everyday and have not once encountered these guys since they released, and the ones that are actively farming for them have turned the invasion system into an auto win for the Corpus because as good as Detron is, ITS NO BRAKK! Now I'm fine with farming, I understand that if you make some items too easy to get then users would burn through content faster than you can put it out. But at least entice players to keep at it. Asking players to farm for a rare spawn for a rare drop is craziness, its farm-ception!


Please either come up with an event to level the playing field so that players are not required to farm like no tomorrow or at least increase the spawn rate to allow players that are actively farming these guys to have a chance at getting this gun before the only time PS4 players will see grineer is in invasions. This is not a plea to increase the drop rate, This is a weapon that should take a while to get, but at least increase the number of times players see the G3.


Moral of the story, asking players to do something with no or little results IS NOT FUN! But if you ask players to farm for something rare but give them something to play for while they are farming, then the task at hand doesn't seem so bad. So please, please DE, IMPROVE THE SPAWN RATE FOR THE G3!

Edited by (PS4)Hard_CORE_Gmr
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Mastery 12 - 400hrs played have seen G3 one... Single... Time... Didn't even know what was happening lol sorry though man, RNG and all that is something DE's aware of. No clue what they're doing about it. After this "U13 submit coming Monday!... Err never mind" nonsense, I'm not sure what's going on north of the border. :(

Edited by (PS4)nickbmd
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Mastery 14 - 700+ hours and I haven't seen G3 ONCE since update.  I agree with this!  Spawn rate needs to be FIXED!  I've farmed for them consecutively for 2 days straight and nothing!  When update dropped I got marked, once!  And yet have been able to get re-marked or even see them!



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Mastery 14 - 700+ hours and I haven't seen G3 ONCE since update.  I agree with this!  Spawn rate needs to be FIXED!  I've farmed for them consecutively for 2 days straight and nothing!  When update dropped I got marked, once!  And yet have been able to get re-marked or even see them!




The only constant thing you should be able to rely on is the marking system, and even that system is flawed. You don't know when your mark has been burned. While I was farming these guys i didn't know who they showed up for, so every time I was forced to do another 3-5 Invasions missions just to add to the grind.


I got everything i needed from them eventually when I used Nekros. 1 day I saw them 4 times...didn't get what I wanted. Another day I saw them only once, got 2 barrel using Nekros. 


Double RGN. Their spawn rate + their drop table. 

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I have never saw the G3 except one time, and that time was when I was using the most useless gear for invasion (For speed ranking purposes.). I was given a warning that they were making their way over to me and I just rage quit. Never again have I saw them. So, please do make the spawn rate a little higher... Including Stalker and Harvester, I haven't seen them once throughout the entire update.

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I'm in the same boat I've also played around 400 hours and have not even seen them once. Farmed 3 full days and realized that I wasn't having fun. The grind is so immense that I've actually stop playing for the past 3 weeks not even caring about the daily reward. DE needs to realize that if a player isn't having fun their game will be doomed in the long term. Drop rates are fine but spawn rates are ridiculous 3 days of trivial mission and I haven't seen them once? 

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Seen the about 9 times the week the update came. 

Haven't seen them since, but I have my Brakk. So it's not too pressing of an issue.

Now the harvester on the other hand...


unlucky... I got the Detron in about 2 days, 2 encounters while not even farming. The Brakk was a little more frustrating to get though. 

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unlucky... I got the Detron in about 2 days, 2 encounters while not even farming. The Brakk was a little more frustrating to get though. 

Exact opposite for me hahaha Brakk took 3 encounters in about 20 matches, but every time I fight the harvester I just get a blueprint or reciever, hardly ever see him.

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OP, you are aware that the PC had a similar if not exact problem with the Harvester and the Detron and it was a Grineer Domination  across the star chart.


I said it would be the exact opposite on the Ps4, back when it was happening for PC. I was thinking we would have some type of PC vs. Ps4 event where we represented the Corpus and PC represented the Grineer. Crazy I know, I was told that type of action would drive a wedge in the community. I thought it would be down right awesome but that's just me.


But yes the spawn is atrocious for the G3, I've gotten the Harvester and Stalker but they don't dare to show their faces, does the Mark wear off or something and we have to get another one because I've only need one stalker or harvester mark and they'll eventually pop up but the G3 have yet to show even once.

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well we all have to admit that we need some kind of indicator on the screen to show that we are death-marked actually.Now for the other part of them not spawning is pure RNG which is flawed to some extent. The grind is always gonna be immense considering the damage that this weapon inflicts. You do not expect everyone to have this powerful gun because then the whole exclusiveness of yielding the weapon would be gone. As we all know from day one, this is a RNG game and they have to make some stuff real exclusive and hard to get than others. Anyways the G3 are supposed to be a side-boss kinda thing. More like a side quest in a big MMO. You can't complain just because you decided to farm this side-boss in order to get the most powerful sidearm in the game. Of course they gonna make it hard to obtain. If you are lucky enough, you will get it soon.


EDIT: - People complained about hammershot and other nightmare mods being hard to get.. They (DE) went ahead and added Nightmare Mod alerts so everyone can have it now. So, be patient, i think they will add something later on.

Edited by (PS4)jenax002
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well we all have to admit that we need some kind of indicator on the screen to show that we are death-marked actually.Now for the other part of them not spawning is pure RNG which is flawed to some extent. The grind is always gonna be immense considering the damage that this weapon inflicts. You do not expect everyone to have this powerful gun because then the whole exclusiveness of yielding the weapon would be gone. As we all know from day one, this is a RNG game and they have to make some stuff real exclusive and hard to get than others. Anyways the G3 are supposed to be a side-boss kinda thing. More like a side quest in a big MMO. You can't complain just because you decided to farm this side-boss in order to get the most powerful sidearm in the game. Of course they gonna make it hard to obtain. If you are lucky enough, you will get it soon.


EDIT: - People complained about hammershot and other nightmare mods being hard to get.. They (DE) went ahead and added Nightmare Mod alerts so everyone can have it now. So, be patient, i think they will add something later on.


I'm sorry but I completely disagree with you.  Having all the guns already and trying to end game and running just for this with no results.  To quote the Op  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  



Moral of the story, asking players to do something with no or little results IS NOT FUN! But if you ask players to farm for something rare but give them something to play for while they are farming, then the task at hand doesn't seem so bad. So please, please DE, IMPROVE THE SPAWN RATE FOR THE G3!

Edited by (PS4)JrJester00
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The spawn is awful I have the gun but have been running it with a few clan mates who don't have it yet and it is brutal, however my biggest grip is the marks them self it would be nice if on our progress bar when not in game we had icons that showed which marks we had. I got one email from the stalker after the update yet he has come after me at least 10 times now so never know when I have his mark or not.

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My experience with the g3 has gone as follows:


did the mission 5 times, then did random missions to try to get them to spawn with no luck for several hours

then I put a forma on my rhino and the first mission they spawned


so with my unranked rhino I did the invasion mission again and after the second or third run they spawned again

before I even received a mark, there was a nekros with me so we got all the parts to make the brakk


That was day one mind you. And since the tethra event ended I have seen the g3 a grand total of 1 times despite many attempts at

trying to get marked and doing other random missions

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I honestly don't know what is all the rave about the Brakk, I guess may be if you are under rank 5. 


Maybe because if modded right, it can 2 shot lvl 30-33 Heavy gunners, and pretty much 1-2 shot every node in the star map (minus alerts / nightmare, bosses etc)


Only requires 2 forma too, which is the kicker. 

Edited by (PS4)iAvernus
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