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Slottable Ability Manipulators(Suggestion)


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Alright, this idea takes from another MMO that I held(Past tense) near 'n dear to my heart for a few years, WoW. They have a system called Glyphing, where you can modify your abilities with bonus effects, but can only do a few at a time. I was thinking 'Would such a thing be possible in Warframe?', so I came up with a list of Mod cards that we could equip on our Warframes, that'd allow for some interesting gameplay changes... The way it'd work, in my mind, is that we could put these in one of the original four Ability slots, and they'd permanently(While it's equipped) lock us out of the ability relative to where it was slotted.


Slash Dash/ - / - / - / Super Jump

Radial Blind/-/  - / - / Radial Javelin


If we put an Ability Manipulator mod in the Super Jump slot, it'd look like this 


Slash Dash/ - / - / - / Ability Manipulator

Radial Blind/-/  - / - / Radial Javelin


And keep us from using Super Jump, regardless of where we put it on our loadout.


Ash: Shuriken now throw Kunai, losing their homing ability in exchange for double damage and 2m of Punch Through; Button can be held for continuous throwing.


Invisibility has its Duration removed, and instead gives a 400% damage multiplier to the first strike done via Melee. Attacking breaks Invisibility.


Banshee: Silence is now a Passive effect, but only affects you. Enemies react if you are spotted, and panic if shot, but will not return fire unless guided by Heavy units or you are sighted by others.


Sonar, Sonic Boom, and Sound Quake gain a bonus effect: Enemies are more affected by repetitive sonic attacks, taking 25/50/75% more damage from them based on how many sounds they were affected by in the past 10 seconds. Increases the cost of all by 15/30/45% based on how many Sonic attacks were cast in the past 10 seconds.


Ember: During World on Fire, your melee swings and gunshots are given AoE fire effects scaling to weapon damage, but halves World on Fire's damage.


Fireball now does 25% less damage to initial target, but 25% more damage to secondary targets, and gains minor homing capabilbilities: If already going to hit a target, it will attempt to land a head shot, if a target is not imminently hit, it will attempt to explode near the closest enemy within X yards. Fireball now gains a 5 second CD.


Excalibur: Slash Dash and Radial Javelin now only affect one enemy, but damage is amplified by Channeling; Slash Dash now does a bleed DoT based on Distance traveled/Melee Damage, and Radial Javelin homes all projectiles in on a Marked target.


Radial Blind's area of effect shrinks considerably, in exchange for shining a light as bright as the Sol System's sun; Now does moderate Radiation damage and knocks enemies away, in addition to current effects.


Frost: When Snow Globe is active, every point of Ability or Weapon based Frost damage you apply to your shield adds to its HP/Duration, -20% Maximum Energy.


Ice Wave now synergizes with Freeze: Enemies frozen by Freeze are now Shattered by Ice Wave if target is below a certain HP percentage; Enemies recently hit by Ice Wave cause the effect of Freeze to become an AoE; Freeze no longer does damage, Ice Wave's cost increased by 20%


Hydroid: Undertow and Tidal Surge synergize: Casting Tidal Surge while affected by Undertow makes all enemies trapped in Undertow's effect go with you, causing additional Impact damage based on the number of targets captured. Enemies recently affected by Tidal Surge take additional damage while affected by Undertow, and will drown if they suffer from a combined time of 20 seconds if affected by both Tidal Surge and Undertow. Undertow no longer makes you immune to damage; Tidal Surge has reduced distance travelled.


Tentacles of the Deep is now a passive that is activated during Channeling; Each attack you make with Melee has a chance to spawn a tentacle that captures your current melee target. -20% Channeling Efficiency/-20% maximum Energy.


Loki: Decoy now clones your Weaponry, and will actively fire upon your enemies. No damage is done, but it does cause enemies caught in the line of fire to attempt to do evasive maneuvers, allowing for more breathing room. Now has set HP, instead of Duration.


Radial Disarm now strips affected enemies of a set percentage of their armor, causing them to take more damage from all sources. Duration reduced by 25%.


Mag: Bullet Attractor is now a passive effect, that gives all your gunfire minor homing capabilities. Each successful headshot done to an enemy increases their damage taken by magnetic effects by a set, stacking percentage. -20% maximum energy.


Pull and Crush now synergize. Enemies recently ragdolled by Pull now suffer more damage from Crush. Loot spawned from enemies recently affected by Crush are now magnetically charged, and can be retrieved via Pull. Pull has its Ragdoll duration reduced by 50%, and Crush now does 25% less damage.


Nekros: Desecrate now has a higher chance to spawn rarer items, like resources and Modules, but incurs a 5 second cooldown.


Shadows of the Dead now synergizes with Soul Punch: Enemies affected by Soul Punch(Up to the past 5) will always be summoned when you use Shadows of the Dead. Enemies brought back with Shadows of the Dead can now be affected by Soul Punch, increasing their general stats for a time and healing them based on the damage done.


Nova: The eruption portion of Molecular Prime is removed, in exchange for gaining 200% more damage done to targets affected, and 2x crit rate/damage.


Null Star now launches particles of antimatter when you fire your Primary weapon(One particle per second) and gains damage based on the weapon equipped. Maximum of 3 particles.


Nyx: No longer stunned/Rooted during Absorb, all personal damage done is added to shield rather than escaping it. You suffer 10% of the damage absorbed as mental backlash, up to 1 hp left.


Enemies afflicted by Chaos no longer fight eachother, and instead target enemies unaffected by the ability; Enemies affected by Chaos take reduced damage from Nyx.


Oberon: Smite now can retarget its original impact point, causing all sub attacks that fail to hit a target to return to the original point of impact rather than flying off randomly. All sub attacks that succeed in hitting a target continue to bounce around for 2 seconds, hitting additional enemies(But not ones already affected by that particular sub attack) before dissipating. Smite now has a 5 second CD.


Reckoning and Hallowed Ground now synergize: Enemies affected by Hallowed Ground take additional damage from Reckoning, and can spawn additional loot, as well as a Health Globe. Casting Hallowed Ground after Reckoning kills a target consumes all Health Globes caused by Reckoning, and adds a Heal over Time to all party members, at 125% x number of Health Globes consumed over five seconds, and causes their HP to exceed their maximum(Up to 25% over maximum HP).


Rhino: Iron Skin now reduces all damage done by a set percentage rather than immunity; Relies on Duration, with no damage threshold.


Enemies brought airborne via Stomp now have the Melee Finisher opening applied to them, increases Stomp cost by 20%


Saryn: Venom, Contagion, and Miasma gain a bonus effect: Having varying toxic substances come to the surface in her body increases her battle prowess by 15/30/45% based on the number of toxic abilities she's casted in the past 10 seconds. Weapon damage, Crit chance, Ability damage, and Health/Shield regen increase appropriately. Increases the Energy cost of her toxic attacks by 15/30/45% based on the number of toxic abilities she's casted in the past 10 seconds.


Venom becomes a Leeching poison, draining shields, hp, and energy from the target and replenishing Saryn's. Venom now has a 40 second cd.


Trinity: Link now allows Trinity to be affected by Friendly Fire, but causes the damage reflected to be increased by 50% before being applied. Link increases Energy cost by 25%


Blessing's damage immunity is cut in half, but now also increases damage done by 25% for the duration, and has a chance of restoring Warframes in Bleedout state back to 20 seconds of bleed out.


Valkyr: Warcry now has double its normal effect, in addition to having a chance to cause enemies to Panic. It now also refreshes your Hysteria Duration. Can only be cast during Hysteria, and now no longer affects your teammates.


Ripline now always connects with a target's head if it hits an enemy, and if they survive the pull, suffer 50% more damage from melee attacks. Ripline now costs 25% more Energy. 


Vauban. Tesla Coils now can target eachother, and other traps, with differing effects dependant on the trap attacked. Tesla Coils, when attacking eachother, cause an AoE pulse that has an increased chance to stun enemies. Bounce traps, when attacked by Tesla Coils, now cause the enemy to be knocked back with such force that upon impact with the next surface they collide with, they cause an aoe impact, ragdolling nearby enemies. Bastille, when attacked by Tesla Coils, now electrically charge the anti-grav zone, causing all trapped enemies to suffer Electrical damage based on the number of shocks the Bastille trap has taken in the past 10 seconds, and refreshing the Bastille's duration by 1 second per shock. Vortex now causes Tesla Coils to attack every enemy trapped within it, making each enemy take 10% more damage than the one before it; Cannot attack the same target twice. Tesla Coil cost is increased by 100%


(Vauban will not get a second one from me, because GOOD GOD did I put some thought into that.)


Volt: Shock, Chain Lightning, and Overload now have a bonus effect: All attacks generate lightning pulses based on the number of Electrical attacks casted in the past 10 seconds, dealing 15/30/45% weapon damage on impact, with a 3/5/7 meter radius eruption. All Electrical attacks now cost 15/30/45% more, based on the number casted in the past 10 seconds.


Overload and Speed now synergize. Speed now causes the lightning eruption from Overload to expand far faster, giving the attack a strong ragdoll effect. Overload now causes Speed to refresh duration. Speed now costs 50% more, Overload does 25% less damage.


Zephyr: Tail Wind, Dive Bomb, and Tornado now gain a new effect if Turbulence is active. Tail Wind now sucks up any enemy caught in the wake trail if casted while grounded, and causes a disorienting Sonic Boom if cast while aerial. Dive Bomb causes all affected enemies to lose a set percentage of their armor for the duration of Turbulence; If they are near Zephyr during the cast, they take additional damage from the fall. Tornado now does triple damage to affected enemies, but no longer sucks them into the funnel. Reduces Turbulence cost by 25 energy, and causes Tail Wind, Dive Bomb, and Tornado to gain 25 energy cost if Turbulence is active.


((Similar to Vauban, I put a lot of thought into this. ))


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