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Idea: Dojo Invasion


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Please take this under consideration, and i guess if it's a good idea then that's a thing. Please consider doing invasion missions as a special thing you can do for Dojo's!


I could go into the Grineer or the Corpus invading the dojo, but then there should be some extra rewards for doing this type of thing in PvP version.


I see the Grineer and Corpus invading a dojo in the sense that they're wanting to shut down the dojo by destroying the Power Reactors, which then players would have to (later without invasion on) have to fix in order for doors to be open. Now this does require a bunch of things for either version. I will do my best to explain what i think can be done, please feel free to give your view and ideas of this or if this is just a flat out bad idea.


Please put the word "Bad", "GOOD", or "Neutral" at the beginning of your post so everyone can know how you think of this.


1. the dojo must have a power reactor accessable within 2 rooms of the starting room tile.


2. the dojo must have previously implimented at least 4 "possible" extraction point locations for those who went into the dojo as the mission. (players must still be able to purchase whatever in the dojo as if no invasion is happening)


3. The tiles of the dojo probably need to be changed up a bit or something to give some reason of where the Grineer or Corpus would be coming from, they're not ninja's, assasins, or really skilled athletically. But please give them some credit, we do not need them invading from one point of the entire dojo.


4. NEW DOJO FEATURE!!! Control Panals to "lock down" certain rooms. This should be where "Extermination" takes place, kill everything in the room and get extra reward at the end. OR alternatively unlock rooms because the enemy locked you alone in a room to tear up the dojo.


5. Understandably, players will likely want to just go in and buy a few things and go do Kappa for Oxium or something. So the extraction points should be available throughout the duration of the invasion, and players would have to use the "extraction point" to leave the dojo in the case of an invasion happening.


6. Everyone will want to put alot of Power Reactors in one local area.... So that area gets extra attention.... attention a Phage couldn't handle...


7. make a drop item that the enemies drop that causes the time duration of the invasion go longer, similar to a Survival mission. Except people will not want to pick it up. Make the invasion happen like in phases.


8. Finally, what is the duration of this? it would be similar to an "endless defense" mission except that the enemies keep coming, but not to such an extent to exceed the size of the total dojo or even half any big room.



Only missing thing is, how was the Clan Dojo found by the Grineer or the Corpus? well, i like the idea of "we're so good we're going to tell you where our dojo is and you can't beat us". But i'd like to know what you guys think would be good or better.


Yes, as "ninja's" the clan dojo is a sacred place. Players change clans at times, one of them could had been a spy for the Corpus or Grineer? (exclamation point)


[Legal: I do not give Legal advice, i offer this idea without caring about recieving or expecting any compensation nor reward. Do not accept any of this text as admissible for i will claim i was randomly hitting keys on my keyboard and thought it looked nice to share in the Warframe Forums]


Thank you for reading all this!!   :D

Edited by MageSkeleton
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