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(Ps4) The Acegadgets Novel


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I am Acegadgets founding member of the SNR (senior gamers) Warframe Clan and oldest living member of the clan.


I used to play a little on the PC and would have liked to have continued playing on PC, but I am more of a console gamer and all of my friends are Playstation users. Warframe is best played with friends in co op games, you can learn a lot and have more fun with others.

I came to PS 4 a bit later than others and was pretty surprised to see that Warframe despite being free , wasn't being played an awful lot by my pals in the Seniors. I think that the first impressions of the game aren't particularly good. You don't see what the game is all about in the first hour or two of play especially if you start playing with randoms. They will no doubt run off into the distance, killing everything that moves, leaving you following behind wondering what you are supposed to be doing and interest often falls off before you get into the main attraction of the game which to me is the acquisition and use of new weapons and Warframes . Collecting resources to build more things then modifying them is probably why i like the game so much. Others find other parts of the game engrossing , there's something for everyone in this game.

I started our clan Dojo mainly to get access to the research labs , so that I can get more weapons and Warframes unlocked. I did have a access to a Dojo on the PC version , but there wasn't a lot to make in the earlier versions of the game and with ony one tier things took ages. 


 I am currently failing to pass Mastery Rank 5, as I am pretty much hopeless at hacking and do tend to panic a bit. Looks like cyphers have been disabled which is a shame but understandable

I have 4 Warframes, Mag Ash, Nyx and Valkyr with Babshee and Volt in the pipeline .

I also have 13 weapons and a couple of sentinels. I have nothing in my Codex, nothing in my Credit account as I keep wasting it on things in the Dojo. I have spent £22.38 in real money on the game (I am in the UK if you are wondering what that unusual dollar sign is) , mainly buying the platinum for FORMA for our Dojo rooms. I have also bought a nice scarf, and extra weapon slots with the platinum.

I am on the game pretty much every day between 6 pm and 9 pm (GMT) which is a little early for most of my fellow brits , but I usually find a couple of people to drag into a room with me to tackle opposition that are usually a bit too hard for us to manage.

My current favorite Warframe is Ash with a Boltor, but I do hope to find the bits to build some Prime weapons and Warframes in the future.

Looking for others who play at the time of day when i'm on, and as Almighty Emperor of our shadow clan I can grant access to our Dojo where most current research is completed to anyone who would like to join our little band of merry Warframers providing that they contribute a few resourses and don't overfeed my Koi.

If you are wondering, and have read this far, the senior gamers are a bunch of mainly European playstation users currently into Warframe and Battlefield. We are in the Plus 30s age group with a couple of members actually over 50 year old. We tend to take our time when playing warframe rather than running off into the distance never to be seen again. And it might be noted, we arent very good at gaming due to our rather old age and slower reflexes.. We also talk quite a bit as you may have noticed by my incredibly long intro. We can be found @ www.seniorgamers.net


Toodalloo Tenno

Edited by acegadgets
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To change your profile you just login as a PS4 user (click the PS4 yellow button at the bottom of the login popup - you are re-routed to sony website to login before returning to warframe.com when you click login there) however you won't have any of your PC posts availible to edit (its a separate account).


As the posts go the PC and PS4 users are stopped from posting in areas designated as either PC or PS4 (I guess to stop the usual PC/Console differences in current builds).


On the original post I encountered this exact problem (the lack of info for new players) and have recently began talking to a new player and spent an afternoon giving him a boatload of info about modding, weapons, leveling etc as well as opening up part of the first two planets with him.


By all means you are welcome to add me ingame if you need an additional hand while online (although I work shift so I'm not always on in the evening) and I don't mind going at a more sedate pace (unless I go a little melee mad), although I have my own clan so I cannot join yours. Just to warn you I'm in my mid 20s so hope that doesn't bother you.



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Thanks for that skarpar , the PSN tag is now fixed, I've been trying to get into the psn clan pages to try and sort out some kind of alliance for our clan.

We arent really quite as bad as I make out level 3 - 6 s mainly but rapidly getting better as weapons and knowledge improve .

I get boatloads of random invites sent to me in game as my user name starts with an "A" so the random invite spammers send them to me all the time. I can hold my own on T3 missions now that i've discovered that Castanas with Corrosive +Blast  are the noob tube of the game (atleast for me they are).

I'll find you in game , are you from the UK?

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Yes I'm from the UK, though have you tried the penta or the ogris I'd personally say they are the noon tubers (for me) although I haven't tried the castanas yet. I didn't mean to insinuate that you're that bad I was merely saying I would be happy to have a change in pace compared to the overwhelming number of rushers that are about.

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Many thanks to Skarpar , an excellent tenno who has helped my to understand even more about this great game. We also managed to get all of the beacons from missions on Ceres so hopefully I can soon get myself to Earth and with a bit of help defeat Vay Hek enough times to get the Hydroid warframe. Skarper used it last night and it seems pretty awesome.

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