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Cosypigeon's Ui Feedback List.


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1. Let people in a session zoom out to the overhead solar system map without having to leave the session. Currently if you press back so you can see the entire map, you get disconnected from the session.

2. After you have played a round, the map should stay in the area you played, rather than randomly stay at a map for a planet you played 5 rounds go. it's annoying grinding a boss on Jupiter, and then having to navigate back there from Neptune. Which means to go back and to the mission i was just doing, I have to click Venus, then Mars, then Jupiter, then the damn mission I was playing. This ties in with point 1, since I can't zoom out on the map to select the planet I want without leaving the session.

3. I shouldn't have to place a removed mod in a specific slot, I should be able to just drag in off the frame\weapon and then the UI can worry about stuffing it in my inventory, having to scroll along the bottom looking for space to take the mod out and put it down is a pain.

4. Currently if you want to fuse mods already installed in a weapon, you have to scroll along the bottom to find space for the mod you want to remove, drag and drop the mod into that specific empty slot, then save the changes to the weapon which automatically takes you out of the load out screen, then go back in to the mod menu screen, fuse your mods, then exit the mod menu screen and install your mods back into the weapon. This is a really slow and roundabout way of doing things. We should simply be able to drag the mod out of the weapon, click on the mod section, do the fusion, click back, and then reinstall the mod. Some people have requested that we be able to fuse mods that are currently installed in weapons\frames I personally don't want this because I don't want to accidentally sell\fuse important mods mistaking them for duplicates. But it should definitely be easier and quicker to remove mods, fuse them and then reinstall them, right now it's too clumsy.

5. When you add mods to a weapon or a frame, it should show you the exact numbers of how the mod has affected the piece of equipment. For example, if I install a shield mod into a warframe, it should display my new total shield value, if I remove the shield mod, it should show my base shield value. If I install a fire rate mod, it should show the new fire rate, if I remove it, it should show the base fire rate. These numbers should always be visible when you are in the customisation menu for the given piece of equipment, and it should show all the numbers, not just the basics. So for example you should be able to see you warframe's health, shields, energy pool, stamina, stamina regen, and movement speed. Not just health shields and energy.

6. Higher level mods should downscale to fit the warframes mod slot limitations, and the mods should be scalable by the player to allow for a greater variety of load outs in the equipment screen.

7. When an alert mission appears on the solar system map but not in the alert mission list, you should be able to click on the icon to see what type of mission it is without initiating the mission count down, better still, all of the alert missions should just show up in the alert mission list, rather than as icons on the solar system map. This is probably a bug.

8. The objective icon in the minimap should indicate elevation, in case the objective is above or below you.

9. Could we please get a customisable crosshair? (colours, size, icon, transparency, etc.)

That’s all I can think of so far. Big thanks to DE for making a great game. I hope this feedback is useful.

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Guest Sess1on

1. Let people in a session zoom out to the overhead solar system map without having to leave the session. Currently if you press back so you can see the entire map, you get disconnected from the session.

Can't stress this one enough.

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Points 3, 4, and 5 are especially big for me, streamlining of one of the most critical out of game processes that players have should be a priority. Before i discovered the sorting tabs below the mod cards, installing mods was a very frustrating experience, its much better after that, but not perfect yet.

CosyPigeon has some solid suggestions on all points.

on a slight tangent to #9, could we get a few customization options relating to the enemy health/shield meter? my gaming rig is getting older and no longer runs things as smoothly as it used to (dont get me wrong, warframe for as good as it looks runs far better than i would have expected :D !), and the muted blue and dark red have a tendency to get lost in the gunmetal grey, silver and earthy environments, especially when the infested start adding their own paint jobs and turning off lights. Might we get the ability to change the colours of those bars or move them above the targeted enemy's head? Having all enemy's bars above their head is just silliness, but having the one you are targeting seems reasonable. On the flipside of that, i totally understand that its meant to be somewhat frantic and not necessarily easy to assess an enemies remaining stamina and should therefore take a little effort, so its not unreasonable that it does get lost in the hectic wall running and blasting, but if thats the case, is it too much to ask for someone on the dev team to confirm this? pretty please :)

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Definitely need a way to remove mods from equipment easier, and the whole backing in and out to fuse mods is a pain, and could do with sorting out. I'd also quite like to sort via weapon type and similar, and maybe record the stats of a mod card without having to mouseover it. Good points all round

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+1 to all of the above.

I would also make two more suggestions, both related to the energy bar.

1.) The number displayed is unbelievably small. Please allow us to scale the size of the font so you can actually read it.

2.) While the bar is intuitive when I have between 0 and 100 energy, after going over 100 energy (lets assume 130), the bar shows a dark blue color extending the full length with a lighter blue filling in from the left. This is not an intuitive way to represent 100 + 30 energy. While I understand the need to show you have at least 100 energy (for uber abilities), the bar appears to be only partially full again. At a glance, it looks like you have barely any energy.

Due to the tiny size of the text as well, it becomes very difficult to glance up and quickly determine how much energy you currently have.

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I agree with all except for 6. I think that's something that makes the selection of mods you use challenging and fun. That's my opinion though.

The rest REALLY needs to be looked at since this 1 post covers 90% of the other threads in this forum.

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