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Ember Feedback.


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Good morning.

2 days ago I got my Ember frame, I was all excited and everything, because it rocks infested.

However, now Im a bit dissapointed. I played her 2 days through as much as I could and suffered a lot from playing against Corpus or Grineer.

Yes I am aware, that she is supposed to be against light-armored targets, but that makes her only useful against infested...well, as long as there are no ancients.

Im gonna go now thorugh the abilities and tell you my thoughts about them.

- Fireball: Is supposed to do a lot of damage, I have it on rank 2 and it's not dealing much damage against anything. And so far, I also never saw something dying from the "mini-aoe" that it is supposed to have. Honestly, it is a waste of energy in my opinion, which is sad because it could be so great.

- Overheat: First off all, this thing costs 50 energy ?! Are you serious? But let's get to the use of it, it is in fact a nice ability to just kill off low lvl infested or these annoying Grineer spiky balls. However, you "could" use it, for additional damage in close combat, but that's only possible in lower lvl's and gets completly impossible over rank 25 if everything just steamrolls over her.

- Fire Blast: This is, in my opinion, her best ability. It is dealing a crap ton of damage against everything that is trying to enter the ring while creating a death zone in it.(As long as you have a well moded melee weapon) It's great to kill off lots of weak infested, sadly, ancients dont care much and just run straight through it.

This ability is one of the best, and is the only one, that I would agree is "okay".

- World on Fire: To be honest, I'm not using this ability that much, thanks to the fact that I haven't completly figured out how it is working and that it's hurting my eyes and stops me from hitting anything, and my team.

As far as I can tell, it is good to keep the shields from a boss down and deal some damage over time, but it's not worth the mod slots or the 100 energy that it costs.

Alright, these are my thoughts on the abilitys, feel free to agree or disagree with me.

But what would be feedback, without some ideas to fix it.

My thoughts on all 4 abilitys.

1. Fireball: Simple fix. Turn the damage of the Fireball up and instead of giving the enemy some "personal shiny ring for better target marking" make it a exploding projectile/ball which is dealing damage to the target and also fire damage in a splash radius. (Splash radius/damage of the projectile + splash damage increases with lvl.)

2. Instead of "activly" dealing damage, make it a personal shield which can make up for her squishyness. Everything that tryes to attack her in X seconds is gonna cause reduced (upgradable through lvls) damage, and take fire damage that is xx% the damage of the incoming attack. (The amount of % thats throwing back is also upgradable.)

3. Great ability, love it. I was thinking abou that it might be a nice feature, to reduce the amount of flames that the ring has for just a little bit and give you the ability to shoot out of it and give your bullets/arrows a fire damage buff.

Second idea would be, that enemys that actually make it in the zone, take additional % of damage from your shots/melee attacks.

4. World on fire: Like I already said, Im not using this ability too much so Im not gonna throw things out there which might be wrong.

However, Ember is having a lot of group damage abilitys, why not making "World on Fire" a mostly single Target damage ability. Honestly, I dont have much ideas what that could be, I think a flame thrower kinda thing might be too melee while something like a "Fire Lance" might be a little too hard to aim if you throw it.

I was also thinking about some kind of "Special armor" like a Magma Armor that is making her invinicible and/or gives her the advantage to strike with special damage dealing hits or shooting "Magma" bullets who deal heavy damage.

I have a lot of ideas for it, however, Im not gonna write them all down expecially now (It's 6:15 am here).

So, these are my thoughts, I have some other ideas but I really wanted to give some feedback for ember.

I think, it has a lot of potential and expecially fire is a great element for manipulation and doing all sorts of crazy things with it.

Please don't judge me or anything for ideas, that sound overpowered.

I also might add, that the upgradable things are just suggestions, what "could" be upgradeable on the "remade" abilitys.

If you're still reading, please tell me your thoughts about my feedback or my ideas to make Ember a better frame.

Best Regards,

a tired Mr.Mango.

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