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My Take On Warframe, How I Feel So Far.


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So far the game is great.

The graphics are nice and managable (even for my laptop)

The gameplay is fast, cool fighting and shooting, its great.

The customization and mods are unique in a way. Not a lot of games go that far into stat customizing anymore.

I feel that Warframe had a ton of work put into it, and it will become a great game when finally released fully.

But there are some problems. I'll go step by step for what I feel is bothering me.

please don't flame or hate too much if you disagree, this is my opinion I feel i want people to know.

1.Gamefeel: This game brings fast paced and great shooting for a player, but it gets old, and fast.

The shooting at enemies who hid horribly undercover, and the repetative swinging of the swords. The fighting gets old really fast. Especially when the goals and the enemies of the early levels are so lifeless, and drag on for so long.

Not the best impression you want to give new players

2.Maps: (this is a big part) The maps are large, complex and fun to go around in. Little rooms and the parkour that your character can do is fun, the cover is good for shootouts.

But it gets old, and fast.

After just the 2nd to 3rd level the level design was already getting tedious. It was monotonous and didn't feel right to me.

Quoted from Egoraptor's Sequelitis. "Stages often incorporated dull washed over colours"

Which in my opinion is ok... if all the stages weren't like that.

Sure you can argue that this is a space ship and the atmosphere is supposed to be dark. But it makes the game feel dead, like the piles of grineer. Stages just blended together like a dark grey mess.

Give stages some more colour and vibrance. Give it an atmosphere, and different ones for different planets.

Give us a jungle level (like a biosphere ship), a volcanic level (like a forge ship), and icey level, a very etheral level where everything seems to be made up of energy.

in short give them life!

Finally, the design. Maps are often repedative in their layout. Even though they are huge, the maps look cookiecutter to one another. Instead of rooms put differently together and stairs, elevation, and decoration changed.

The whole map seemed to be very large segments pieced together with large doors as a link.

3.[size=4]Stage enemies and bosses (or the lack of them)[/size]

[size=4]Right now every stage has objectives like capture, assasinate, raid, etcetc[/size]

[size=4]But in the end the level becomes dull. Why?[/size]

[size=4]Because you just fight wave after wave of enemies. Putting this with the lifelessness of most enemies, the entire gameplay becomes more of a grind to get through[/size]

[size=4]Enemies are lifeless and forgetable, in addition to taking lots of shots, they become even annoying.[/size]

[size=4]The only enemy that really interested me to a point were the infected, and the melee classes[/size]

[size=4]They boosted more action from you other than just standing there and shotting them over and over again.T[/size][size=4]hey sometimes take a short time to kill, but the point is you have to prioritize and know to dodge and avoid them or else they really put a dent in your shields[/size]

[size=4]I[/size][size=4] feel they bring more action to the game, and we need slightly more of these kinds of enemies: Enemies that force us to do things and make us do more than just right mouse left mouse left mouse left mouse, etcetc. [/size]

[size=4]Also, Bosses. After wave after wave of lifeless enemies, most stages just end.[/size]

[size=4]There is no big fight or challenge after all that lifeless shooting.[/size]

[size=4]Take a game like Vindictus for example. [/size]

[size=4]The stages are somewhat similar to this. Cookiecutter, easy to kill mobs, and a bit grindy. But at the end of all levels there is a boss. This boss brings life to the entire run. Its different and challenging to fight unlike the forgettable minions.[/size]

[size=4]Fighting and beating it feels like you accomplished something, not just farmed for a bit and left.[/size]

Warframe needs something to bring life to all of it's levels, not just make the majority a farming chore.

NOTE:This doesn't have to be a boss fight, just something that gives additional "bang" to the level.

4. PVP [size=4]needs to be put in to suit a wider range of audiences[/size]

[size=4]Co-op VS Ai can only take a game so far.[/size]

[size=4]Players need an option on what they can do, and a way to have competition. (this is why games like LoL, and BF are popular)[/size]

[size=4]Its human nature to compete. And its fun too[/size]

[size=4]The thing about Warframe is that is has a lot of PVP potential, and just having PVE would accomodate to only a part of the potential players.[/size]

[size=4]I'm not saying make PVP the main point of Warframe, (I still like the idea that PVE is the point), but I think PVP should be an option[/size]

[size=4]Just enforce good sportsmanship and balance. Which is a big hurdle I know, but it can be done over time. [/size]

5.Leveling and making stuff.

Weapon leveling is great, its fast, its fun, it gives way for mods, and it rewards and encourages your favourite weapon.

But unlocks and constructing them is slow, and painful.

Gathering materials takes a while and needs you to visit multiple planets, up to 3 of them.

To get unlocks for the next warframe or the blueprints needs a higher rank which takes a while to get to (which isn't too bad now that I think about it)

But the thing is once you get to it, you still have to have enough materials to make the thing you bought. Even then there is a build time on it. I seriously don't see the point of the build time.

Overall advancing through the level with grind is frustrating unless you spend a LOT of time on it.

If you don't it will take a long while before you can unlock and use the next bit of weapons.

While counter arguement is true that a game should get more diverse and not plunge new players into a sea of new things at once.

It needs to have more of a hook.

I introduced a friend of mine earlier today into Warframe.

Within a few hours of playing he already got extremely bored of the game

His reasons were that there wasn't much to do other than shoot lifeless things and walk through look alike maps over and over again.

He couldn't unlock more diverse weapons, he couldn't do more moves, not have a different perspective, simply because of how restrictive the gameplay was due to the time it took to level/unlock things.

Warframe needs something to keep its players playing.

Something that makes them have fun (obviously) and gives meaning to what they are doing.

Motivation with fun.

If it doesn't then the majority of new players will be lost due to the repeatative, dull, and lifeless grind of the majority of the levels

Early levels and a first impression are crucial to a game.

So thats my two cents on the game so far

This game will go far, its still in the beta so I think it can improve and add much more new content.Sorry of this upset anyone who disagrees with me.

Thank you for reading

Edited by AriaSachou
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I would recommend listening to the Q & As:

1. They are adding more to the game every content update: Wallrunning was UP6, UP6.5/7 (don't remember) we got the maps that made them necessary + Boss fights are not only petitioned to be more interesting but, a suggestion thread is in General.

2/3. More Maps / mission types are in the works so, variety is definitely being worked on as well as mechanics (stealth is not done for example)

4. No, The FAQ at this point should be required reading before posting (not your fault I just reply to a lot of these), They are going what I like to call "competitive" PVE I think or non-battle PVP first. Dueling was talked about. I think UP8 is the start of this.

5. Suggestions are welcome the devs are listening for now. (As long as they are constructive like yours). Warframes and weapons were added in because of players petitioned and recommended them (Banshee, Paris and I think Saryn).

Edited by shoudra
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I definitely agree with the quick stagnation of play. The main issue I find is that it takes way too long to get the first few weapon upgrades from first starting the game. While I don't mind having a bit of a wait for the more powerful weapons, there are no low level long range options at all, with many of the others relatively high in price and you would basically have to either farm low level areas for a long time (not what a new player wants to see), or pay cash right off the bat in order to unlock some semblance of a variety of weapons. And although I like the idea of the weapon leveling system, it makes new players want to pick one set of weapons and stick to them, which isn't a good thing. So while the gameplay is great and attractive to new players, the amount of time and effort needed to unlock even some diversity can quickly turn them away. In this respect I have to agree with OP.

One way to solve this issue might be to add something of a low-middle tier of weapons that fit into each category (i.e. shotgun, sniper rifle, etc.) so newer players could at least have some sort of variety within somewhat easy reach at the start.

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really? only thing that "bad" with this game is the impatience of some people.

gameplay is dull?

you have 3 ways to complete a level. no dulling here.

crafting is slow?

thats the point, its only so you would buy platinum and speed up that process.

levels are dull?

oh come on, you shouldnt even state that this early in the game.

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I introduced alot of players to this game but they said the exact same thing: Boring, repetitve, lack of PvP.

The only reason I keep playign because it MIGHT become something more enjoyable than it is right now.

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The problem isn't lack of patience, it's lack of a good initial hook. As the game stands, you are locked into a specific playstyle from the moment you choose your first frame, and although you can always make another account to try out the different frames, you shouldn't have to just to see which bit of the game suits your tastes. Also, telling a player new to any game that they need to farm to get anything even remotely decent is sure to turn off many. Farming and waiting for late game awesomeness is great, but when you're still trying to figure out if you like a game, a farming requirement relatively early on (in my case only 3 days of moderate play) makes the game quickly lose whatever initial good vibes the game gave off.

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Boderlands 2. A smash hit game with many awards and is very popular. It kind of reminds me of this in a way. It's one of my all time favorite games and guess what? There is no PVP! The rest of your gripe, this is beta. More maps will come out. Read the Faq. God I hope this will never be PVP it would be a shame.

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Note we aren't asking to have things spoonfed, we're asking for more early variety and something to help keep new players interested. Something to make the early parts of the game when you don't have multiple warframes more interesting than trying to figure out how to best farm item X.

One way might be to add more blueprints to the mercury or venus system that are guaranteed to drop, similar to the chronos blueprint except maybe for a shotgun or sniper rifle or pistol with a different feel. Maybe they are only guaranteed to drop the first time you complete whatever mission. Something to add some flavor and variety to the initial stages of the game and to allow new players ways to explore the game a bit more without too much risk of regretting the time they spent. These initial weapons could be made to simply fall in line damagewise with those of a similar tier, or maybe have reduced mod slots, or anything really to emphasize their "starter" nature. New players should be encouraged to mess around and experiment with different playstyles, not barred from it.

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So far the game is great.

The graphics are nice and managable (even for my laptop)

The gameplay is fast, cool fighting and shooting, its great.

The customization and mods are unique in a way. Not a lot of games go that far into stat customizing anymore.

I feel that Warframe had a ton of work put into it, and it will become a great game when finally released fully.

But there are some problems. I'll go step by step for what I feel is bothering me.

please don't flame or hate too much if you disagree, this is my opinion I feel i want people to know.

1.Gamefeel: This game brings fast paced and great shooting for a player, but it gets old, and fast.

The shooting at enemies who hid horribly undercover, and the repetative swinging of the swords. The fighting gets old really fast. Especially when the goals and the enemies of the early levels are so lifeless, and drag on for so long.

Not the best impression you want to give new players

2.Maps: (this is a big part) The maps are large, complex and fun to go around in. Little rooms and the parkour that your character can do is fun, the cover is good for shootouts.

But it gets old, and fast.

After just the 2nd to 3rd level the level design was already getting tedious. It was monotonous and didn't feel right to me.

Quoted from Egoraptor's Sequelitis. "Stages often incorporated dull washed over colours"

Which in my opinion is ok... if all the stages weren't like that.

Sure you can argue that this is a space ship and the atmosphere is supposed to be dark. But it makes the game feel dead, like the piles of grineer. Stages just blended together like a dark grey mess.

Give stages some more colour and vibrance. Give it an atmosphere, and different ones for different planets.

Give us a jungle level (like a biosphere ship), a volcanic level (like a forge ship), and icey level, a very etheral level where everything seems to be made up of energy.

in short give them life!

Finally, the design. Maps are often repedative in their layout. Even though they are huge, the maps look cookiecutter to one another. Instead of rooms put differently together and stairs, elevation, and decoration changed.

The whole map seemed to be very large segments pieced together with large doors as a link.

3.Stage enemies and bosses (or the lack of them)

Right now every stage has objectives like capture, assasinate, raid, etcetc

But in the end the level becomes dull. Why?

Because you just fight wave after wave of enemies. Putting this with the lifelessness of most enemies, the entire gameplay becomes more of a grind to get through

Enemies are lifeless and forgetable, in addition to taking lots of shots, they become even annoying.

The only enemy that really interested me to a point were the infected, and the melee classes

They boosted more action from you other than just standing there and shotting them over and over again.They sometimes take a short time to kill, but the point is you have to prioritize and know to dodge and avoid them or else they really put a dent in your shields

I feel they bring more action to the game, and we need slightly more of these kinds of enemies: Enemies that force us to do things and make us do more than just right mouse left mouse left mouse left mouse, etcetc.

Also, Bosses. After wave after wave of lifeless enemies, most stages just end.

There is no big fight or challenge after all that lifeless shooting.

Take a game like Vindictus for example.

The stages are somewhat similar to this. Cookiecutter, easy to kill mobs, and a bit grindy. But at the end of all levels there is a boss. This boss brings life to the entire run. Its different and challenging to fight unlike the forgettable minions.

Fighting and beating it feels like you accomplished something, not just farmed for a bit and left.

Warframe needs something to bring life to all of it's levels, not just make the majority a farming chore.

4. PVP needs to be put in and fast

Co-op VS Ai can only take a game so far.

Players need an option on what they can do, and a way to have competition. (this is why games like LoL, and BF are popular)

Its human nature to compete. And its fun too

Just enforce good sportsmanship and balance. Which is a big hurdle I know, but it can be done over time.

5.Leveling and making stuff.

Weapon leveling is great, its fast, its fun, it gives way for mods, and it rewards and encourages your favourite weapon.

But unlocks and constructing them is slow, and painful.

Gathering materials takes a while and needs you to visit multiple planets, up to 3 of them.

To get unlocks for the next warframe or the blueprints needs a higher rank which takes a while to get to (which isn't too bad now that I think about it)

But the thing is once you get to it, you still have to have enough materials to make the thing you bought. Even then there is a build time on it. I seriously don't see the point of the build time.

Overall advancing through the level with grind is frustrating unless you spend a LOT of time on it.

If you don't it will take a long while before you can unlock and use the next bit of weapons.

While counter arguement is true that a game should get more diverse and not plunge new players into a sea of new things at once.

It needs to have more of a hook.

I introduced a friend of mine earlier today into Warframe.

Within a few hours of playing he already got extremely bored of the game

His reasons were that there wasn't much to do other than shoot lifeless things and walk through look alike maps over and over again.

He couldn't unlock more diverse weapons, he couldn't do more moves, not have a different perspective, simply because of how restrictive the gameplay was due to the time it took to level/unlock things.

Warframe needs something to keep its players playing.

Something that makes them have fun (obviously) and gives meaning to what they are doing.

Motivation with fun.

If it doesn't then the majority of new players will be lost due to the repeatative, dull, and lifeless grind of the majority of the levels

Early levels and a first impression are crucial to a game.

So thats my two cents on the game so far

This game will go far, its still in the beta so I think it can improve and add much more new content.Sorry of this upset anyone who disagrees with me.

Thank you for reading

Thanks for saving me from writing this..amost 100% agree. The action is awesome and warframes remind me of Crysis, but better. I agree with another poster that it is similar to Borderlands. But as someone who was excited to try it out and played it for a couple of hours last night, the same environment did get old. That being said, it is a beta, so hopefully the full release will have a lot more map and boss variety.

I do think PVP would have a ton of potential in this game, but still, competetive PVE (like horde mode) should be fun as well. It feels like a game that is at least worth playing a few nights a week as an alternative to MMOs like The Secret World and SWTOR, so I will porbably still purchase the Hunter Founder.

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