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Tenno Training Deck.


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Idea Origin (Not nessicary to read.)


The Idea for this room came from a chat I had with my clanmates back when we first started to plan out how our dojo would function and where things were located. At the time we had the idea that the Temple of Honor is where we'd put our dueling room and our obstacle course as a sort of Tenno training area. We noticed that we had one extra place left in the room as we planned to have it end there. We eventually decided to leave it empty as we are small enough to not need the extra room and that's when we started talking about a sort of danger room for the tenno.


The Training Room.


In concept this room would have a single terminal much like others that allowed you to load up mastery tests, allowing player to practice these events before hand so that they could have a better chance of passing when it comes time to take the real test. Along with this the idea came of making it only four at a time, letting it work in a way simular to the dojo that two can only duel at once while others watch. In addition to the mastery test practice you could also have simple missions (IE just wipe out a number of targets in the room.) to test builds and train new members.


Advanced idea, Obstacle course rework.


We also talked about with the addition of getting to play dungeon master some ideas to make people want to use the obstacle course more often. Allow us to design the courses with similar tools to how they decide to let the archeitec craft the rail mission. This and add a leader board in the room for the clan. They're small additions but they'd make the room more interactive and fun.

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