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The Dood Inside The Warframe


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This is quite a stupid, vapid suggestion, but hear me out on it.

When playing warframe I can't help but feeling like I'm an omnipresent ghost watching a robot ninja kill stuff. I'm not actually represented by the warframe, I'm just some guy hovering above.

And then it hit me. It hit me why those japanese anime spend tons of time explaining that the protagonist is the guy inside the robot ninja. People in general have a hard time empathizing with murder machines with exo skeletons (like crabs and beetles). If it's not presented that you're actually the guy inside the armor, you're never going to feel attached to him.

So why not make some stuff to signify this? Even if just the visor opened up during arsenal selection it would be enough for people to think "Hey! There's a dood inside!"

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Dear Corth,

You might not have read this but I think the Tenno are humans(sort). Read this section below:


The Tenno are descendants of an ancient and mystical civilization of lost warriors from the Orokin era on Earth. Preserved in cryopods for centuries, the Tenno now awaken to a new war, fighting and resisting warring factions as the sole bearers of the Orokin-created Warframes. While the memories of the Tenno have faded over time, their mastery of guns, blades, and Warframe exo-armor has not.

Fragments of history suggest that discipline and chivalry are the cornerstone values of the Tenno: is this true today? The Tenno are emerging into a world unfamiliar to them. One sees a noble warrior, building his strength against an oppressive regime. Another sees an opportunistic mercenary, exploiting the Warframe's superiority for wealth. Regardless of their future, the Tenno stand united against a common foe, loyal only to each other.




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If I'm thinking right, the object of several defense missions is a cryopod with a non-Warframed Tenno inside, so you can actually see them somewhat.

Personally I don't find a need to see their faces. They emerge as fighting machines stripped of identity - perhaps no physical aspect will define their personality nearly as much as their actions.

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Uhmm... from the official description it is hard to understand the vague nature of tenno`s bind with warframes. At times I also thought that YOU tenno are actually not inside the suit but simply operate it remotely... However it seems kinda unnatural and mechwarrior like which I do not think the devs have in mind while developing the game. Additionally, if You watch the debut trailer for Dark Sector in 2004 the main character IS a guy WEARING a warframe that is quite close to what we have today as Excalibur model. But then, if we are truly inside our warframes that again leaves too many questions:

1. When we change them how the gender swap is explained?

2. When changing from say Volt to Rhino is it the same guy wearing the suit or you have unique characters/personalities that are owners of those warframes (then the gender question is ruled out);

3. Then if the 2nd point is actually the way DE wants it then You are indeed some entity that assembles a team of characters/ collection of warframes; manage the gear and upgrades (mods). Well in this case, it slighlty hints on some RTS elements...

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If I'm thinking right, the object of several defense missions is a cryopod with a non-Warframed Tenno inside, so you can actually see them somewhat.

Personally I don't find a need to see their faces. They emerge as fighting machines stripped of identity - perhaps no physical aspect will define their personality nearly as much as their actions.

Ohh YES! the crypods! I totally forgot about those... well then, If I am actually the DOOD sitting inside the warframe I would prefer to play with fixed gender. Meaning I want to have a gender option. I will not write about this more cos I think enough was said in the past by those who precede me.

Currently Im playing as MAG (definitely female) and I would really like to play as a male version.... because I am a DOOD) And do not tell me about hey go choose Ash or Loki or somth. I LIKE MAG!

Edited by GrenoiR
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Uhmm... from the official description it is hard to understand the vague nature of tenno`s bind with warframes. At times I also thought that YOU tenno are actually not inside the suit but simply operate it remotely... However it seems kinda unnatural and mechwarrior like which I do not think the devs have in mind while developing the game. Additionally, if You watch the debut trailer for Dark Sector in 2004 the main character IS a guy WEARING a warframe that is quite close to what we have today as Excalibur model. But then, if we are truly inside our warframes that again leaves too many questions:

1. When we change them how the gender swap is explained?

2. When changing from say Volt to Rhino is it the same guy wearing the suit or you have unique characters/personalities that are owners of those warframes (then the gender question is ruled out);

3. Then if the 2nd point is actually the way DE wants it then You are indeed some entity that assembles a team of characters/ collection of warframes; manage the gear and upgrades (mods). Well in this case, it slighlty hints on some RTS elements...

This isn't official or anything, but the way I've been looking at it is that the Warframe is a kind of semi-living symbiote that your character merges with when they put it on. That way the gender appears to change not because your operator has suddenly become male or female, but because the exo suit itself has those properties.

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If I'm thinking right, the object of several defense missions is a cryopod with a non-Warframed Tenno inside, so you can actually see them somewhat.

Personally I don't find a need to see their faces. They emerge as fighting machines stripped of identity - perhaps no physical aspect will define their personality nearly as much as their actions.

Naked Nick is a placeholder. Before his demise in the frozen tomb, he was a prisoner Tenno have to rescue from the jail.

Poor Nick.

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Ohh YES! the crypods! I totally forgot about those... well then, If I am actually the DOOD sitting inside the warframe I would prefer to play with fixed gender. Meaning I want to have a gender option. I will not write about this more cos I think enough was said in the past by those who precede me.

Currently Im playing as MAG (definitely female) and I would really like to play as a male version.... because I am a DOOD) And do not tell me about hey go choose Ash or Loki or somth. I LIKE MAG!

I would like that too, because if I were a girl I would like to have the option for a female excalibur

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Uhmm... from the official description it is hard to understand the vague nature of tenno`s bind with warframes. At times I also thought that YOU tenno are actually not inside the suit but simply operate it remotely... However it seems kinda unnatural and mechwarrior like which I do not think the devs have in mind while developing the game. Additionally, if You watch the debut trailer for Dark Sector in 2004 the main character IS a guy WEARING a warframe that is quite close to what we have today as Excalibur model. But then, if we are truly inside our warframes that again leaves too many questions:

1. When we change them how the gender swap is explained?

2. When changing from say Volt to Rhino is it the same guy wearing the suit or you have unique characters/personalities that are owners of those warframes (then the gender question is ruled out);

3. Then if the 2nd point is actually the way DE wants it then You are indeed some entity that assembles a team of characters/ collection of warframes; manage the gear and upgrades (mods). Well in this case, it slighlty hints on some RTS elements...

Good points.

But who are these commanders then? Why do they bother? Why can't they control more than one WarFrame? Why do they undisputely complete the missions?

Is it even something that exists or something we created to make sense of WarFrame?

Even if there was just a single line stating "You're a dood in a basement controlling space samurai via a tv-remote and a webcam" it'd add a great layer of immersion.

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The thing I find odd is how do they see out of these things!!!!

Presumably the same way people see out of mirrored sunglasses, or through one-way mirrors, or through gauze/shrouds. Lots of light on one side, not a lot on the other - makes one side virtually transparent and the other opaque.

I would like that too, because if I were a girl I would like to have the option for a female excalibur

I am a girl and I would LOVE the option for a female Excalibur. Every time the Grineer shout "Get him!" part of my brain keeps wanting to turn around and look for the "him" behind me somewhere.

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did nobody notice defense missions? you need to defend (in some cases on wich im refering to) a cryobox with a tenno inside that, when he awaiks he gets a warframe and would be another player. so just go to defence and looks at your "dood"

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