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An Idea For A Trade System


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This was something I was thinking over one day with one of my friends and we both thought it was a good idea. I on the other hand would like some community feedback. GO!

Where is the idea?

Yes and no. Sure it would feel great sometimes but on other it would reduce grinding to nothing and I suppose a degree of grinding is necessary in all games.

It's already on it's way, there would be a trading system for clans in the next update.

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Well, like I said, I think it will reduce the grinding to nothing although I suppose some people will stop crying about that lil mod that never drops.

I don't see how it would reduce grinding to nothing, because SOMEONE has to find the mods first before they can trade them.

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because imagine clan A has 30 people, now all this people do like, 20 missions and get a bunch of mods, most of them don't get what they want but guess what, there was 30 people doing misison, they all trade the mods between them and they have all the mods they need now. Grinding for them nearly disapeared. Even more, join a firend's clan, have a bunch of people drop a ton of mods on you, yay, no work and have all you need.

Like I said, I don't fully disagree with a trade system, sometimes it really helps with that horribly hard to get mod that someone by luck got a few and has to spare and as far as that goes, that's alright, however I know the missuse of it will happen and grinding will be nearly unnecessary for getting most of the mods. Not that grinding is a great thing but to a certain amount is necesasry and it's part of the fun... To a certain amount being the operative word.

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