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Excalibur Users, What Skills Do You Use?



I'm finding all these skill mods and I am having a hard time deciding what to keep. I always have slash dash on, but then I can't pick between passives and actual skills. I upgraded my warframe with the orokin catalyst too. Is radiant javelin worth keeping? What about +20 thiefs wit?

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I am relying on just the blind and slash/dash right now at level 10 and am pretty sucessful. Got a shield and health mod and the sprint speed mod which are working out well so far. I do not know how well it will do for higher levels or if upgrading the Slash dash is worth it, but the blind skill is very decent for distracting gernier.

Hope that helps a bit.


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Everything except Super Jump. I've played the game for long enough I can usually parkour my way to anywhere I might need Super Jump to get to.

I know some people use Super Jump to get out of Infected cluster-f***s, but Radial Blind + regular jump, or a few Slash Dashes work just as well.

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The skill mod slots on your excalibur cannot be used for any mods except your skills

Yes they can. You can put any mod you like into them. It just costs a little more mod capacity than usual to do so. Go try it.

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Thief's Wit is usually not worth having if you have a good enough eye in my opinion.

My Excalibur is supercharged. Slash Dash is the only skill I have equipped, and I've become accustomed to using it solely as a last-ditch effort to escape impending death. Shield and health mods give me extra time to use my melee weapons to full potential and then break away at the last moment. All else is either speed or stamina mods, although I do have a Steel Fiber that I'm going to switch out for Radial Blind... Could come in handy when crowds of enemies block my escape route. Radial Javelin works really well with crowds & bosses, especially alongside Bullet Attractor, but I haven't found a need for it recently.

Edited by Tohsaka
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I use Slash Dash, Radial Blind, and Radial Javelin. Super Jump is almost useless as your parkour skills can get you to the areas in more style. As for upgrading, all those skills I use are good to upgrade, the damage and distance boost for Slash Dash is more than worth it, and Radial Javelin has saved my life sometimes.

As for normal mods, I use Redirection, Vitality (both very leveled up, using the Redirection mod in the slot with the Triangle shape in the top right, as its expensive and halves the cost), and then I either use Fast Deflection or Marathon.

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I have my excalibaur at rank 30 uncharged so every point counts for me. I only use dash and jump (it's fun). I don't use the other 2 because they are costly and for the same energy multiple dashes give me better results. Not to mention they are close range skills and I rather have a good distance from enemies on higher diff.

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I would stick with just slash dash, then any good general mods you have (I don't have any flow mods still but I am quite enamored of reach and power efficiency), and then jump/blind if you have the space for them. I never use blind personally, I find it's too expensive for anything but maybe a really hard bossfight.

When you've got yourself levelled quite a bit more up, I would definitely try and get the radial javelin on. I put it on before I charged my frame and it was worth it - with flow/power efficiency (and remember, I don't have any flow yet!), the passive increases, and my energy siphon, I can slash dash almost nonstop, or get off 2 radial javelins in very short time. If I pick up a single power ball in the process (which is quite likely) I can slash dash followed by two radial javelins - it's absolutely glorious on defense missions, and I love rescuing friends who walked into a clusterf*** with this.

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My Excal is lv 30 uncharged, I have 2 in vit, lv 1 in slash dash, radial blind/javelin, lv 1 marathon, lv 2 shield and stam regen and that's pretty much it.

I think weapons are more important on a frame like Excal. I've got a lv 30 charged sturn with decent mods (still 14-16 mod slots left to play with) including 2 elements, ap and 120% multishot. I only use my abilities to excape from situations where I know my sturn can't handle.

I'm prioritizing my credits in BPs and buying weapons for leveling my mastery so my mods are pretty lacklustre. It's still more than enough to get me though missions though and I see other more heavily modded players get downed before I do.

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Slash'n'dash is the must have, i rather like Radial Javelins too, its quite useful vs Ancients, though i suppose using Slash'n'dash 4 times would likely do more damage. I dont use Radial Blind very much, not that it isnt good, just usually dont need it. Super Jump is a fun ability, as you can use Super Jump to get you high, then Slash'n'dash to get you across something. Not a MUST have, but a nice way to clear a space.

Besides the core stuff, i use most all def stuff, Redirection, Fast Deflection, Vitality, Steel Fiber. Then i have Flow for more Energy and in the offensive slot i currently have a 20m Loot Radar, untell i find Focus for +damage to powers.. which i think will make Slash'n'dash and Radial Javelins even more sexy.

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I have been using the Excalibur for a really long time(cause i cant find any BP) since the close beta till untill recently T.T

(My excalibur has 2mil+ exp at the time of writing)

But I know that the Excalibur is one of the most overpowered frames in the game. All of his skills is useful.

Your slash dash is the best skill in the frame where you can escape with ease(esp when fighting with the infected, with 4 or 5 toxic/disruptors around) you can slash kill them without the dangers of them hitting you.

I dont use the radial blind much, only in boss fights when someone is down so that we can revive them.

I use the super jump to hunt with not run away, like in some high places where ninja-ing around wont get you there, you can use super jump(then when you land) slash dash them.

The radial javalin to me, is not that useful against bosses(No percing damage) and only 1 or 2 javalins will hit it.(Unless you have a mag in your team where she uses the Bullet Attractor and you use the Radial Javalin). But its useful if you are getting swarmed by the enemy. ^^

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You've already got your answers, but I'll put mine anyway:

My Priority.

1:Slash Dash - this thing...is wonderful. It gets you places, fast, deals damage, gets you to and from battles. It is just great all around. I use it all the time, even when it is completely unnecessary (hey stupid grineer roller, laser door...SLASH DASH).

2: Radial Blind - not used as often, but good for sticky situations, as others have said if someone goes down in front of a boss, you can use this to buy yourself some time to help them get back up. But not only revives, it can help in teamplay, perhaps you need to buy time for yourself or a teammate to reload and the boss enemy is eating away your shields, if cover is too far away, you don't have to struggle to get there since you can simply blind the boss for a bit.

3: Super Jump - this skill is just for fun or travel, but I still use it often enough. And again, it can get you out of a sticky situation, it can easily be used in combination with the above two skills. In fact, I use super jump + slash dash when I want to engage a boss across a chasm.

4: Radial Javelin...it's strong and all, but for 100 energy it just usually isn't worth it. If I'm surrounded and it doesn't kill the enemy, then I'm still screwed. Worse still, it is taking away energy from the above skills which could help me a lot more. I use radial javelin the most...when exiting a stage, just so I can see the animation before extraction. If I needed the points, I'd unequip this.

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