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Focus System Suggestions Megathread


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Focus is still kinda far away, so when better to suggest things to DE than while their making it happen? This way we will have less disagreements and rage with em once we have the actual focus system :D

To Start with, we know that focus is roughly your mastery rank giving you access to extra abilities with cooldowns, a sort of Demon mode if you will


Personally, i would like to suggest a few things that may seem silly, but why not :3


1 That Focus not draw energy from our usual ability pool - meaning focus should cost either a negligible amount of energy, unlike channeling with the melee .2.0 mods, or use a seperate way  (shields maybe?) to charge up

2 That there should be a focus mod that increases gameplay flexibility - Rhino is slow but strong, for example, so why not have a focus mod for allowing him to make up for his speed while using focus, allowing for a momentary playstyle switch for any frame

3 That there should be a focus mod that benefits sentinels -  Sentinel death is an "emotionally harrowing" experiece, but to be honest, its handy to have a sentinel around, especially at high waves on solo. Although having one die is acceptable, it would be much more fun to still be able to run around using wyrm at 90 mins of t3 surv than not

4 That focus should work like an aura- Benefiting the whole team throughout its duration, one player using focus should be able to directly help his teammates, or to a lesser extent, indirectly allow hsi teammates to gain the upper hand on enemies, although i think this is already being implemented

5 That maybe, just maybe focus draws xp from our exisiting additional xp - Only a certain amount of xp is required to level a weapon, and any additional xp shall go into focus is what i think theyre trying to say, and in that regard, there should be a way for players to easily convert all the xp we have earnt on items before to xp for focus, so thta our additional xp from before doesnt go to waste

6 That if focus uses mods that drop from enemies, RNG isnt as bad as with stances- Faction wide drop tables should make focus mods (if they are mods) drop reasonably often, like an uncommon mod from enemies, so that players need not grind excessively for them

7 That if someone somehow goes down during focus usage, the abilities from focus either turn off, and can be reused once revived, or the player kneels while shooting, - Because a demon mode frame lying on its back looks kinda pathetic, so a Tenno using focus abilities shouldnt be brought down while using it, foreshadowing

"Tenno superiority"

8 That Tenno can kill enemies with their bare hands be made an option using a mod -  Kinda silly, although the idea of being able to manually bash anything pleases me inside :3 

9 That focus xp sharing is equal -  The xp earned from using focus (if any) should be divided equally between all players in a cell at a time, similarly to novas mol prime, perhaps



Thats all i can think of now, but Id like you guys to throw in anything reasonable that you can think of ( Please though, no invincibility / insta-kill etc)


Godspeed :D

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