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Operations - Special Invasion/infestation-Based Missions


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These mission modes are invasion-special missions. However each will have 2 fronts from it. Defensive front and the Offensive front. Whether it is Offensive or Defense is based off the faction. Example: 

- Corpus = Defense

- Grineer = Offense

Vesper, Venus 

- Support Corpus = Defense

- Support Grineer = Offense

Now lets get to the actual mission modes, this map will help with the explanations: 


So here is how the new map works. Instead of random invasion missions just popping up they are in order of a "conquest"-like game mode on the node map. In this map the orange is Grineer and blue is Corpus. Notice how they are in a territory lay out order? Also notice how nodes under V Prime aren't labeled? That is cause Corpus is the defending team and those territories don't need to be defended. Now is Grineer captured V Prime then Cytherean will be blinking blue to indicate it needs defense. Let me get something clear, Grineer can be at the defensive if the Corpus attacks Ishtar. I did not mean the faction for the entire invasion operation. Notice Vesper is blinking orange although there is no way for Corpus to invade it? It needs to flashing orange to indicate it was conquered by the offensive faction, the Grineer. Last but not least the orange square icon and the blue triangle icon. Those are to resemble Strongholds which will be the last standing point to any invader or resistance. You will find out more about them below.


This mission mode will be for "space" missions. Or missions that take place in a ship or asteroid in space. They will mostly be a assassination/sabotage hybrid mission.


At the start of the mission you are blasted on the opposing ship by raiding methods based on factions. For Example:

- Grineer: Raid Pods

- Corpus: Warp Portal 

You soon are in an area with already heavy fighting with Corpus and Grineer. You then must go to the core of the ship and destroy it. Then you must go kill the "Captain" of the ship. They will be like a mini-boss stronger than a Eximus but weaker than a actual boss. When they reach below 25% HP they will starting running and you will need to catch them like in Capture Missions, however you don't capture them you kill them. Then you exit to extraction. 


You start off with the "Captain" at the deck of the ship. Then he tells you to go either two ways. You may only chose one.

- One way will lead to the hangar where either raiding pods or warp portals are bringing in hostile raiding parties.

- Other way will lead to the Core of the ship to where a secret raiding group has already went aboard the ship and is headed to destroy the Core.

Choosing one will affect the other and change the course of the mission. Its a dilemma that will affect your mission's results. Choosing to go to the hangar and kill of the raiders for 5 waves, however this will cause the Core to be destroyed after you successfully killed the raiders. The ship will start to explode and you must escape through the escape pods or portals. however you are not extracting instead you invade the opposite ship. Now you must kill their "Captain" and everyone aboard to take over the ship. 

Choosing to go defend the Core will need you to defend it for 10 waves. However the hangar was over-ran by hostiles and the command deck is now under attack. You must now get to the deck and save the "Captain" by killing everyone who attacked the deck. After sucessfully saving the captain he will tell you to go ahead and extract he has the situation under control.


This will be inner planet-based missions in Corpus Snow Outpost, Grineer shipyard-, Jupiter facilities, Earth Jungles, Grineer Settlement. Being on defensive or offensive does not matter. A mini-interception, there will be a point in the middle of the map you must or the enemy must capture to win. In the beginning of the mission each faction has 100 units. One faction will have Tenno on their side of course. Whoever captures the point, it belongs their's for the rest of the mission and cannot be taken. However the opposing team must now destroy the point and they have infinite spawns of enemies until you defend it, thus killing the first 100 doesn't do much. However if the enemy gets the point, the Tenno's allies will become weaker even if they infinite spawn, and the enemies defending the point will become Eximus, all of them. If you successfully capture and defending the point for 10 minutes. You must kill the remaining enemies and extract from the mission.


This game mode will be for the Strongholds. Giant fortresses that are the last stand against invading forces if they make it that far. The map will consist of 3 sections. First is No Man's Land, second is the Fort, third is the Command. All will play in this "D-Day"-like mission.



The Tenno will start with the first raid on the No Man's Land, then they will advance forward to the Fort. However the fort will not be accessible from the ground, you will need to free run your way up. There will be gun fire from the top that will try to stop you and your allies assault the fort at all cost. Once you get inside the Fort you must reach the Roof and set a target signal that will take 5 minutes to set up, after 5 minutes a ship will drop a bomb. You must carry the bomb to the basement now. While carrying the bomb it will be placed on your back like a backpack and you cannot fight or use weapons with it on. A cell will provide cover while solo it can be proved difficult, unless maybe the allies are doing something. In the basement you must plant the bomb and defend it for 4/5 minutes. Once defended for 4 minutes you will need to get to run out of the basement in 1 minute before it blows. How you got in is blocked so you go through a tunnel that was in the basement. Once you exit you will find yourself at the Command. A boss will be there. In this case on Venus it will be the Jackal. You must defeat the Jackal at command and extract.


This time you will spawn in the Fort and you must block off waves of incoming enemy raids. There will be special "artillery" units such as the Bombard for Grineer or Fusion MOA for Corpus that cna easily hurt the Fort. The Fort will have turrets lined up infront of them so you can mow down groups of hostiles trying to climb up the Fort. However the Fort will have only 10,000 HP and cannot heal.

Damage Scale as so:

- Bombard: 100 Dmg

- Napalm:150 Dmg + 50 Dmg per second Fort is on Fire

- Grenades: 50 Dmg

- Fusion MOA: 10 Dmg per second 

- Anti-MOA: 75 Dmg per shot

- Arson Eximus: 1- Dmg per second by Fire Spread

- Artic Eximus: Erosion by ice

There will also be units who can climb up easily:

- Scorpion: Grappling Hook

- Rollers: Rolling up

- Ospreys: Can fly

- Flameblade: Teleport

Now you must defend the fort for 10 waves. However when you reach the 10th wave a boss will show up to finish the Job. Since Grineer is invading from the map above there will be a Grineer boss. I would say Hay Vek... but... He was removed from the Earth nodes. However lets just say Hay Vek anyways. He invaded from Earth and now hes at the Corpus stronghold. You can go into No Man's Land and fight him but if you are force to retreat you will need to free run back up. When you beat Hay Vek you will have completed the mission. However if the Fort was destroyed, regardless of weather the boss came on or it was destroyed before Wave 10. You will be force to retreat to the basement where the secret tunnel exit is. From there you will need to team with Jackal at Command and kill waves of enemies coming in for 5 minutes. Once 5 minutes is over you completed the mission and the Jackal will tell you, he can handle the situation form there and you go to extraction.


Now these missions will primarily be based off of infested operations. The map below will prove helpful for my explanations.


Green are nodes that fell to the Infestation, light green indicates is falling, dark green indicates fallen. Blue or orange obviously indicates the faction going against the infested. However blue and orange nodes only make territory not missions. In this case it will be the Corpus. Now lets get started.


These are defensive missions against the Infested. They will be marked light green, a example would be Aphrodite. The objective for these missions is to stop the infestation. Extermination and Sabotage. There is a "hive" or source of the infestation somewhere on the ship. You must reach that "hive" which is a room covered in fungus, so it will be easy to notice. They already have these actually. In the tile-set where once you reach the Corpus Hagar you go through the portal in space and you end up there. In this place there will either be a giant fungus flower creating infested, and eating ally units and turning them into infested. Or a giant Ancient with more arms to attack you with and is called "Origin Ancient". Either one you come upon you must destroy it. Then you must kill the remaining Infested aboard the ship.


This inst new but that is what the dark green missions are.


This is when you reach the Infested's "Stronghold" marked with a gem-like symbol, colored in green. Here you will encounter a mysterious boss. Which varies between J3 Golem (I heard hes coming back re-worked) or Phorid. You must not only kill the boss but also reach a panel to activate the facilities self destruct. Where the node will explode to ensure the extinction of the Infested on that Planet/Moon. You may choose not to fight the boss and go for the panel. However the panel is after the boss area and he will chase you if you leave. After setting the self destruct, you have 1 minute to reach the extraction. At the 30 second point, events like explosions will start occurring around the facility. 


When the Infested reaches the defending faction's Stronghold. you must go to the Fort and escort the Boss at the Command out so he does not fall victim to the Infested. Like Hjack, but you aren't stealing and doesn't require energy, and the target can die, which causes mission failure.

You start off on No Man's Land and need to make your way up, free running, to the Fort, avoiding or killing Infested you see in the way. Once you are inside the fort you must reach the basement where you find the boss and some surviving units still protecting the boss. I am tired of calling him boss lets say Jackal since it son Venus.

Now the Jackal will insist you head to the roof and turn on the power by hacking a reactor up there.

Once you do that the gates to the underground tunnel will open. You do what he says and head back to the basement. Where you will need to escort the Jackal as he walks through the tunnel and to Command where he is picked up by a ship and saved. However unlike Hjack the Jackal will still assist you in combat, even if he is walking to his extraction point.

However some bosses like the Jackal, since its too large, cannot turn around so you must defend it's back. Other bosses appear small or humanoid so this won't be a problem.

Once the Jackal reaches extraction then you have to extract also and mission was success.


Renovate only appears if you have done Escort and Infested has a lot of the nodes in the Planet. You head to the stronghold and renovate it for the faction. You have 3 main objectives:

- Activate the Power. There will be reactor cores that need hacking on the command outpost and on the fort.

- Exterminate the Infested: Kill all Infested in the stronghold.

- Set up a beacon in command section so the Faction knows you're successful.

you start off in the No Man's Land.

Edited by JohnMarkLee
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So is feedback or a feature request? D:


Well Im giving feedback on how they can make the current operations "better". It is not completely asking for a new feature, because operations are already in the game.

I'd say this would be a good addition to the current invasion system.



And sorry guys I wasnt done making this forum cuz the computer shut off.... Ugh...

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