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Join Elysium Noire! 5 Years Running Strong! Looking For A Clan With A Fun, Helpful And Hilarious Player Base? We Got You Covered, Join Today!


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Hey there, just looking for a clan with active players and has most research completed.


IGN:Bloodanddread(cousins.. and probably getting a name change)

MR: 7


Hello there,

Can you add me to your clan please? I am a fairly active player with MR 9. Im looking for a new clan and this clan looks awesome.

IGN: jenerson08




I m MR15 and looking for cooperative clan (no whining, no screaming, just fun and great moments to share together).

IGN : OupsReflex


Invites are sent! Welcome to the Noire =)

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Hey, getting back into the game looking for a clan to join. Would appreciate an invite


IGN: iggyami


I would like to join plz :D

I'd love to join!


IGN ComradeDomovoi

MR 15



Invite sent! Welcome to the Noire =)

Edited by Sava-EN-
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Hey, if you folks are still recruiting, I'd love to join. The name is Tosterz, and as of right now, I've logged roughly 50 hours. I've gotten the hang of things, but I could definitely use some company, and you guys seem like my kind of people.

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I would like to join


IGN: moomooqueen



Would like to join your clan.

IG: Oldblader


IGN : Frlwish


I'd like to join you guys and your clan. Thanks in advance -  IGN: Pettit


Hey, if you folks are still recruiting, I'd love to join. The name is Tosterz, and as of right now, I've logged roughly 50 hours. I've gotten the hang of things, but I could definitely use some company, and you guys seem like my kind of people.


Invites sent! Welcome to the Noire =)

Hey i want to join your clan it look realy nice 

IG : Icebolt9900 


IG : FransB


inv me pls ign:chopperthesanji115


ING TrashnBash


MR 18


looking forward to joining.


You guys are still in a clan, just post here again once you have left your current clan. We will be waiting! =)

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can i join? ign:ilnix MR16..thanks


Hello good sir! Is it still possible to apply for your clan? if so my ign is NoxBlood, lookig forward to your reply :D


Hi! i would like to join 



Invites sent! Welcome to EN =)


IGN: bornasm

Your clan looks pretty cool and I'd like to join.


Seems like you're still in a clan, just post here again once you have left your current clan. We will be waiting!


Can I Get A Invite I Dint Get it in my inbox


IGN : Icebolt9900


And My Friend Too

IGN : FransB


I have sent you an invite! Welcome to the family =) Your friend has to leave his current clan before I can invite him.

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